The scanners at airports can certainly detect what kind of junk you have. There are tons of horror stories in trans communities. This one just seems like a hoax though.
I think it would be funny to put these stickers in front of every public restroom to scare the conservatives
I believe what you are saying but really didn’t think the scanners were capable of actually seeing your genital area as if it was an Xray
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Would I be able to fool the scanner if I completely shaved my member and scrotum, and then tucked my member under my thigh?
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So TSA is practically seeing everyone naked? Is that for real?
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Here on wikipedia it says they don’t, because the software is automated and only displays a blurred image.
But the raw data of every single American who had flown does exist. The government has a database of every tattoo, mole, and genital of everyone who has ever used an airplane.
What’s the point of scanning someone at that level of precision if they can’t even see it? Seems pretty pointless to me.
Not everyone, but I’d bet the NSA and CIA keep copies
Shorts covered with quartz sequins would scatter the image enough to blind the scanner. Make sure they’re mounted with glue instead of metal mounts, or they’ll fail the metal detector.
what in the fuck would shaving change? you wanna go buffalo bill at the airport knock yourself out, but you dont need an excuse to shave your junk, wild man
You just had to ruin my fun of having an excuse to shave my balls
my point is you dont need to be trying to tuck your shit to convince the tsa that you’re a chick bro.
just shave that shit bro.
i havent shaved my garbage for a good long while. as ive gotten older, the ball hair has increased in density, it might be refreshing to go cue-ball.
i had a friend (had, as he doesnt talk to me anymore cause he needed to borrow €100 and is always broke so will prolly never pay it back) who was a big evangelist for shaving your shit. he was a bit of a locker room pervert… anyway he said one time he was shearing his nuts and sliced off like a 2mm section of scrotum skin (not all the way to the vas defferens or anything, just deep into the layers of skin), and he said the blood came out like a ruby red fire suppression sprinkler and he couldnt get it to stop
Do it for the ladies.
Yes other poster is correct. Those “full body scanners” where you put your hands up can see the full Monty. Big backlash post 9/11 when they started rolling this stuff out. Guess we decided as a society we ultimately didn’t care.
So what I don’t understand is if it works as you say, which I do believe is true, then why the fuck do they jerk you around with taking this off, or that off. It’s all just bullshit. It’s bad enough that I have to deal with tools on the plane but you just have to fuck with me just to get on the plane
Security Theater.
The underpants bomber is who we have to thank for these being everywhere now.
In the display that TSA agents are given, the image is no longer shown and instead the system shows an outline of a body with the questionable area marked. This was added after the aforementioned outrage from travelers so that every TSA agent didn’t get an x-ray view of your naked body. The scanners are the same, but the agent doesn’t see it anymore.
Officers can still access the debug mode and see everything. For when they need a quick wank
The TSA scanners at airports really can see you completely nude.
The ones at the toilets are simple IR sensors to detect if the toilet is not occupied so it can automatically flush.
Ok so even the article you posted says that those machines that show you naked have not been in use for a long time and when they were in use it was phased out pretty quickly.
It also says the image in there is from 2010 and the veracity can not be guaranteed.
So very much no the airport machines cannot see you naked.
Yes they can see you nude, but those specific machines have been removed from unspecified airports,
The one in Sydney for sure still can image you nude. Ask me how I know.
Would that scare conservatives? They’d probably see it as a justified trade off…
Not if it beeps “penis too small for detection!”
It isn’t real. The number listed is for the office of Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Governor of Texas.
Seems like it is a protest against the dumb-ass anti-trans shit the people in power in this state are pulling.
The text explicitly says the program is for the lieutenant governor’s office.
The question is, would the lieutenant governor of Texas’ office be involved in something like this? I’m certain they want to, but would they have the authority? It’s my understanding that international airports are exclusively under federal control, not state.
It is meant as rage bait to get gullible people to flood Dan Patrick’s office with calls. I respect the idea, but it is still very much fake.
For now. It’s easily doable with the TSA scanners. In fact, the scanners DID do this, before everyone complained and they were censored.
Shall we wait until it’s implemented to complain? I don’t remember the right order of operations.
My father was a penis inspector, like his father before him. He had to work for years at a penis factory to get by, working long, hard hours. All while taking penis inspection classes at night. When he finally graduated, he said it was so satisfying to tell his boss he was quitting, and that from now on he would be inspecting his work. He went on to be the best penis inspector in our county, and oversaw Penis Inspection Day at 4 public schools and 7 private for over three decades.
The fact that they think they can automate this entire proud profession with one scanner in a public bathroom is an insulting joke. It’s a single camera! How will it check the underside of the shaft for melanoma? Can it check the foreskin for proper length and cleanliness?? How does it check erection durometer? Not to mention urethral diameter. For fuck’s sake.
I had a friend that took a college course in Penis Inspection. Any freshman could take that course. But you had to be a Senior for the more challenging course “The Penis and the amazing differences between the cut and uncut”
A lot of people can get a good handle on the cut segment of the course, but when it comes to the uncut they seem to slip right through the cracks.
aaaaaaaaand post
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Wait… dickS?
Remember double dick guy from Reddit? (Guy legit has two penises)
Ah, I do recall that tale from my old life in that place. The beforetimes.
Didn’t he later admit it was shopped?
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Do you wish to see them, PetaQ?!
In this case, PC stands for Penis/Cooter.
Shaving my face to look respectable is enough of a pan in the ass. I refuse to spend more time prettying up my cock for a picture
I don’t understand why we haven’t played the Uno Reverse card on the “TRANS ARE COMING FOR OUR KIDS” Crowd
“You wanna inspect our kid’s genitals to make sure they’re using the right toilet? Sir, I don’t think you need to be anywhere where anyone’s kids are going to be.”
It won’t work on them though. They have no shame
At least in Washington they only use them for research purposes. Found this last year at SeaTac.
LOL, the TinyPenisDatabase
I prefer traditional genital inspection
I’ll stop by later then.
People who realized that we use to live in a society that thrived on manual labor. Truly, we live amongst legends now.
We also venerate the ancient oral traditions
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Don’t mind me
Agreed. Why can’t we have attendants at the door. They just reach down the front of your pants. It’s simple and helps the economy adding jobs. And I’ll bet they would be overwhelmed with applications. Many of the attendants would say, “Sorry we ran out of vinyl gloves so I need to shove my bare hand down your pants”
I’m going to have to numb you.
Num num num num num num.
Even better the picture is of the automatic flushing part of the toilet and most likely this was placed in the restroom based on the silver background. So now people will think it has a camera rather than just a distance sensor.
Some of them even have a red light that comes on to indicate proximity… This is diabolically genius level trolling!
This is PERFECT! People, yes, even liberals, believe every damned thing they see on social media that reinforces their beliefs.
Can you see how this would get conservatives asking questions?! Been saying for years, liberals don’t have the balls to fight dirty. I have zero problem with lying, scamming and cheating the fuck out of fascists. Gods I wish I had a color vinyl printer.
Conservatives would just blame it on DEI and it somehow being funded by USAID
Fantastic that you have a phone number too!
I could share a dick pic or two if needed to get through TSA quicker. Softies, hardies, pre/post horizontal lambada.
Everyday is penis inspections day until morale improves
Opt in. Use random bathroom. Ruin the dataset.
"Hotdog … no hotdog … " That’s the first thing I thought when it said AI. I know it’s not real, but that just makes it funny.
“Traditional genital inspections”
This has to be a joke
Idea: Lead-lined underwear with wires inside that when scanned says “Fuck you” on the front and “Eat shit” on the back