Wow turns out there already is one: c/discordianism
Wow turns out there already is one: c/discordianism
Wait guys there is already a community and I even was a member already: c/discordianism (sorry don’t know how to find a community link on voyager mobile, just use search)
I have sent my telekinetic powers across the noösphere, now we wait until a brave soul actually starts doing it because I have no idea how to create and maintain instances either but maybe I’ll look into it
It’s like descartian but with a twist
I remember facebook had a really nice Discordian group, but people there were mostly older and I don’t think they would consider moving to an alternative platform or if they are moslty even aware of fediverse, but by my papal decree I shall announce a new instance devoted to our Lady
If you’re jawa and you know it say Utini!
Jars are perfect for lacto fermentating anything
Hi I have a small piece of aloe vera that’s been cut off a bigger plant and it’s spent about a year or two in a pot with some soil and it looked fine until recently I realized that it started to rot and it has no roots but there are new bright green leaves growing from the center. Would it be a good idea to wash the rot off and keep it in a jar like this to wait for the roots to start to growing and then replant it into new succulent soil? Sorry for a random question but you seem to have expertise in this
'Tis a rare sight to behold a lonesome goblin in an inn, they usually visit those fashionable watering holes with their party to indulge in bacchanal and generally will not be interested in a drunken orb ponderer
I wish a goblin would spontaneously appear near me. I even keep cheese for such an occasion
Now please make a guide on how to find gf irl (goblin familiar)
Lucky you guys! Tell the elf creatures and the time crystals I said hi! Hope all goes well
So tor is compromised?
We also venerate the ancient oral traditions
Jitter bean soup is tasty tho
All of them should be
Fuck for peace, wage war for virginity! No wait…
Duck cars