According to the alternative data platform Quiver Quantitative, replicating Nancy Pelosi’s stock trades would have yielded returns exceeding 720% since May 2014.

      08 months ago

      We can all do insider trading. They have to publish their maneuvers publicly, just copy them. The Pelosi index is a winner.

      -388 months ago

      A person like that doesn’t handle her own portfolio, and their trades are public. Nothing prevented you from trading the exact same stonks they did.

      Politicians shouldn’t trade because they can still manipulate the bigger picture, favor corporations and move the economy a certain way. Not because they are sitting on Robin Hood at night making money.

        538 months ago

        their trades are public

        Up to 45 days after the trade is made.

        While not technically insider trading because they don’t work for the companies they’re trading, they definitely have access to privileged macro economic knowledge

          -138 months ago

          That they can’t really use because they don’tanage their portfolios. What they can do is make policy that benefits them instead of the other way around, that’s why they shouldn’t be allowed to trade stocks.

          Now what happens is you say they are inside trading, they say “impossible we don’t manage our stocks” and everyone goes in circle. Stop attacking the part where they are gaming it by managing stocks, and instead focus on them not being allowed to trade in general, for a multitude of reasons.

            88 months ago

            They a billion percent are doing their own trades if they want. Do you remember Covid? Do you remember how many of our politicians made a mint because they had the inside track?

            • Because Paul Pelosi is a trader.

              And Pelosi’s trades are all tech which makes perfect sense because she’s the rep from San Fran. Most of them are long big tech which would have crushed over the past decade or two.

        68 months ago

        It’s statistically improbable that she would have a 700% return over 10 years. 700% and it’s all on the up and up? Come on …

          18 months ago

          That’s why I said she is definitely using her position to make money.

          What i’ve said many times now is she does it through policy, not through robin hood. If everyone would just wake up and stop asking for laws to keep them off robin hood, and start asking for laws to keep them out of the money entirely so they have no incentives to help corporations for personal gain (through their portfolio managers).

            18 months ago

            So, like every other political system since ancient times. So what you are proposing is the common sense that every single other country and system ever existed had. Bold

    958 months ago

    Quick math says that’s about a 19-20% return annually for the 10yrs since 2014.

    The average APY of the S&P 500 over the same time period was about 11-12%.

    So definitely way outperforming the market, though maybe achievable with one or two good picks on individual stock?

    Definitely not a good look regardless.

      268 months ago

      It’s no real secret. Her husband has been buying tech stock LEAPS this whole time. Her portfolio took a huge hit during the tech sector downturn a few years back. Paul doubled down on the tech stocks which have all shot way back up. He put a bunch of money on Nvidia during the GPU shortage well before all this bullshit AI run. Nvidia is up something stupid like 800% since then.

      If anything I’d bet it’s because she’s connected in Silicon Valley. Nancy has the same info everyone in Congress would. But since her district is in the bay area she gets to rub elbows with the right people.

      108 months ago

      I actually think a 20% return is modest. She literally has her finger on the pulse of the economy. She should have done better.

      Not saying I condone it but if you’re going to crime and get away with it, as least go big.

        118 months ago

        Professional portfolio managers, who do this for a living, with teams of intelligent and educated people working for them, struggle to consistently outperform the market in any meaningful sense.

        20% is not modest in any way.

        18 months ago

        if you’re willing it risk it and use leverage (borrow money to multiply your return, but also multiplies the down sides) sure she could’ve aimed for the moon. but theres no need to be risky when you’re her age and already rich and have a crystal ball.

    638 months ago

    Fuck Pelosi. She’s a piece of shit. Just another symptom of this collapsing empire. FYI I am a democratic socialist.

    588 months ago

    I know people who have worked in corporate acquisitions and there are a ton of controls in place to limit information access and prevent the mere appearance of privelged information being used for personal gain. Likewise in other industries like utilities there are pretty complex regulations to prevent companies from getting even a few cents per kilowatt hour advantage, etc. and all this shit has multimillion dollar fines attached.

    Congress could definitely adopt a rule that bans trading stocks for anyone who receives classified or nonpublic industry-specific information as part of security briefings or their committee assignments. Or hell, just limit congresspeople to index funds or generic portfolios managed by external fiduciaries, while in office.

    It seems that if both Gaetz/Cruz types and AOC agree on this, they could get it done, but the establishment politicians don’t want to because they view it as a perk of the job.

      358 months ago

      just looking at the website, you can tell the target audience is specifically the 1% who want republicans to win. it’ll be the same shit with pretty much anything with “business” or “financial” or “economy” in the name of the site

      so yea, they will NEVER talk about the insider trading, cheating, fraud, etc. done by republicans

        8 months ago

        But even in social media, people have been so focused on her while ignoring that she’s never #1 (heck, in 2022 she got beat by the S&P500) that I can’t help but wonder if there’s some underlying misogyny that explains it…

          8 months ago

          underlying misogyny

          it’s not underlying, it’s blatant, and misogyny is a core part of the GOP platform. yes, republican women are most definitely misogynists

              78 months ago

              everyone’s absolute top priority for the next three and a half months should be keeping trump out of the white house. complaining about dems doesn’t help to achieve that objective, it hinders it. when trump loses, by all means–criticize all the dems all the time. but at this point, bOtHsIdEs-ing anything is accomplishing nothing but strengthening an R win and weakening D

                8 months ago

                Please note that my original comment was me pointing out that people complain about a democrat while ignoring all the Republicans that do better than her, so please don’t tell me I’m complaining about the elected Democrats, my only criticism of Democrats was against electors hating on Pelosi instead of their true enemy.

        8 months ago

        Why is buying LEAPS of the biggest tech growth stocks in the S&P 500 wrong? That’s literally Paul’s strategy. It isn’t much of a secret.

        He’s even lost money plenty of times on individual trades. He sold out of a 25,000 share Nvidia position. That at the time would have been worth around $600k. Had they held that position it would be worth $31M or so now. That’s a huge miss for someone supposedly getting insider info.

    • Hemingways_Shotgun
      248 months ago

      I presume it’s because she’s seen in somewhat of a “senior leadership” position.

      Johnny Beluga, the esteemed congressman from butt-munch, Iowa might have five times more illicit gains than her, but no one knows who he is, so fewer people would watch the news to hear about him.

      58 months ago

      She’s the most consistently well off Democrat trader, as well as occasional speaker of the house of representatives, so the right shits on her and so does the left.

      TBH I’m not that against her, she helped pass the transparency laws we currently have over traders in congress, and all of “her” trades are due solely to the fact that when she was in college she married a guy who now owns an investment firm. All of his trades belong to her by nature of joint assets. One of her most notorious trades was when VISA attempted to give her husband some amazing stock options before a big vote on regulations on creditors, of which he bought, and then she voted against VISA’s interests for the regulations. Paul still made a profit, though.

    218 months ago

    Semi unrelated question (also only semi serious): is there a program or script that can follow a person’s trades and make similar trades? Or is she one that, by the time the public knows, it’s already too late to jump on the bandwagon?

      188 months ago

      There is a congressional rule that requires individual stock trades of certain amounts to be publicly disclosed within 45 days. However this is apparently not really enforced right now.

      Some bipartisan congresspeople have proposed more restrictive rules and bans on stock trading, but those efforts haven’t gained traction yet.

      58 months ago

      Look up Quiver Quantative. They actually track investment portfolios of members of the House and Senate and send out newsletters.

        98 months ago

        etoro is a broker that allows you to “copy trade” popular investors and portfolios, which mimc trades according to how much capital you have invested, though Nancy ain’t gonna be on there

        There’s also ETFs such as ARK which are easy to get into, are managed by the likes of Cathie Wood and if they’re doing a good job, only go up

        Biggest regret in the last 15 years is not getting into it earlier tbh, if you have even a passing interest in trading, open a mock account (or a real one with some money you don’t mind “losing”) and just have a go - it’s very simple nowadays. Gone are the days where you need to pay $10 to a broker to even make a trade

    198 months ago

    One of biggest crooks but not the biggest by far. Anyone who isn’t in government and gets that kind of return would have all the financial bureaucracies all up their ass.

      38 months ago

      That’s pretty good, and if you can maintain that, you’ll have 400% in 9 years.
      700% in a decade is very unlikely, without either insider trading or tremendous luck.
      I’m personally at 39% also for about 3 years, and AFAIK that’s slightly better than average.

    78 months ago

    I’m surprised everyone focuses on insider trading. To me the much bigger risk is: shouldn’t your decisions affecting the country be unaffected by stocks you own? If you own $10 million of Apple stock for example, how does that affect your vote on an antitrust law? This is a problem even if there’s no inside information.