According to the alternative data platform Quiver Quantitative, replicating Nancy Pelosi’s stock trades would have yielded returns exceeding 720% since May 2014.

      78 months ago

      everyone’s absolute top priority for the next three and a half months should be keeping trump out of the white house. complaining about dems doesn’t help to achieve that objective, it hinders it. when trump loses, by all means–criticize all the dems all the time. but at this point, bOtHsIdEs-ing anything is accomplishing nothing but strengthening an R win and weakening D

        8 months ago

        Please note that my original comment was me pointing out that people complain about a democrat while ignoring all the Republicans that do better than her, so please don’t tell me I’m complaining about the elected Democrats, my only criticism of Democrats was against electors hating on Pelosi instead of their true enemy.