According to the alternative data platform Quiver Quantitative, replicating Nancy Pelosi’s stock trades would have yielded returns exceeding 720% since May 2014.

    68 months ago

    It’s statistically improbable that she would have a 700% return over 10 years. 700% and it’s all on the up and up? Come on …

      18 months ago

      That’s why I said she is definitely using her position to make money.

      What i’ve said many times now is she does it through policy, not through robin hood. If everyone would just wake up and stop asking for laws to keep them off robin hood, and start asking for laws to keep them out of the money entirely so they have no incentives to help corporations for personal gain (through their portfolio managers).

        18 months ago

        So, like every other political system since ancient times. So what you are proposing is the common sense that every single other country and system ever existed had. Bold