I think some guy did a HackaDay or Instructables about this a few years ago using Arduino. He got it to recognize his cat’s face to keep out other neighborhood cats. But to give the software enough time to recognize the face, the cat had to go through a 3-ft tunnel. Our cat door is built into the real door, so I can’t attach a tunnel to the outside. But our problem isn’t the wrong cats coming in. What I need is to detect if the cat has something in its mouth like a rat, which they love to bring in alive to play with and immediately lose so I have to root them out. Our cats are dumbasses.
A few years ago I saw someone just simply checking for a cat head silhouette. Was enough to deter other animals and also worked to recognise if the cat had caught something.
We have a cat flap that detects the RFID chip in her shoulder. It seems to be broken since a few weeks. But our cat (and not the stupid neighbour’s cat) can open it anyways with a little prying with her claw. But luckily that doesn’t work as well when she has an animal in her mouth. So we will probably leave it broken.
Silhouette sounds like an interesting method, although I’ve never tried to figure out how to test with and without rat in mouth. Probably would just have to try it in practice.
If this could also prevent your cat from bringing in prey to your house, it would sell even better.
Bird in mouth -> door keeps shut
Let me in Summer
Where are my testicles Summer?
Tell me, Summer, if a human was born with stumpy legs, would they breed it withanother deformed human and put their children on display like the Dachshund?
A tag with proximity around the neck has to be the simpler and more cost effective solution. Thats just dumb tech bloat bs.
Was just gonna say, I’m pretty sure that’s existed for a while.
90% of modern tech is just money laundering and insider trading.
My pet door just reads their microchips. You can get a collar tag if they’re not chipped.
Can you share your pet door link?
I’m not the person you asked, but I use microchip-based feeders for my cats and the company also sells microchip doors. I’ve been pretty happy with the feeders, but haven’t had any reason to try the doors.
I have two cats - one is allowed outside and eats all the food in sight, and another that’s indoor only and likes to graze, I have their smart feeder and smart cat flap, which allows me to control which cat is allowed to access what and at what time, setting curfews, and seeing if they’re in or out. Would recommend.
I have one of these too for my cat, and it works really well. Hasn’t run out of batteries yet since I bought it several months ago. And it stopped the catfood thieves of the neighbourhoud entering my kitchen uninvited.
Don’t hesitate to contact their customer service if you ever have problems with it. They’ve helped with things no other company would. For example, one of my cats figured out how to open the door when it was locked (they’re not allowed back outside at night). I sent them a video of the cat escaping and they sent me a new, modified door that fixed the problem. I couldn’t believe they did that.
Thank you!
But what if the neighbors cat reverse engineers the RFID signal and breaks into your house to steal all the cat food. What then?
Then humanity is over and the new master race of the technocats will rule the earth.
If it can pull it off, it deserves the treats
If it can do that, it can also wear a mask
It’ll find a bowl the is effectively empty and starve.
Until a burglar steals the collar to gain easy access.
It’s another biometrics argument, with Fluffy’s face this time.
Because reading a radio signal from the chip was too easy?
We chose to put AI on a doggie door. Not because it is easy, but because it is hard.
Do those exist? Does seem like an obvious option.
Yes, they are really cheap and the law (here in Sweden at least) requires all outdoor cats to be chipped. So the cat is probably already chipped anyway.
Even if for some reason you didn’t want to chip your cat (you should absolutely chip your cats and dogs) it would be trivial to just put a tiny receiver in something that dangles off their collar for the door to communicate with.
Why should you? As a non-cat owner, I am curious about the privacy implecations of it. Also the benefits.
You store your contact information on the chip. Then, if your pet gets out and someone finds it they can take it to the vet to have the chip read. Then they can contact you and give you your pet back.
You could, of course, have your contact details on their collar. But collars can come off or break. And if you’re worried about privacy, literally anyone can just read the tag on your pet’s collar. Most people aren’t going to have the equipment on hand to read a chip.
Are they RFID?
They have existed about as long as RFID has been available.
I had one about 10 years ago
Personally don’t want to leave collars on my cats, I also don’t let them outside much though beyond our patio.
Microchip bro, it’s under their skin all pets should have them. Even if they are an indoor pet
Chips are implants that go under the skin. Most civilized places require pets to have them in urban places.
Ah gotcha, they are chipped in that way, I didn’t realize you could just use that though for this type of situation. I definitely thought of the chips in the collars lol.
There’s not a chance in hell this is going to work to be able to differentiate between two black cats.
We had two black cats and Google and Apple photos both get them mixed up despite them being easy to differentiate for us.
To be fair, cell phone facial recognition was designed for human faces. I imagine that facial recognition designed for pets works a lot better.
Not to mention just how bad facial recognition is on two non-white people, let alone cats.
And even then, I found a cat in my last neighborhood that was a dead ringer for one of our black cats. Which was very confusing the first time he appeared into different places at the same time.
I wonder how long it will take the local racoons to figure out holding up a picture or video of the owner’s pet to the camera should suffice. Imagine that – racoons lying-in-wait, with stolen cellphone, trying to get something good.
Cats from the same race tend to look very similar dont they?
Anyway, this is more interesting than more chat robots.
Cats have races now? Do they have classes too?
Race is a common word used for breed in other languages (at least in French for sure but I think other languages too).
They’re classless, so they got that over us.
Myeh sounds gimicky. I doubt it’ll be accurate at all.
These magnet collars exist for like 30 years or so
Letting your cats outside unsupervised is a death sentence
For all the birds and mice sure for the cat, nah.
Disease and cars say otherwise
Let’s not fight, it’s bad for everyone to have a world class predator unleashed into a toxic and hostile ecosystem.
Yeah, people don’t realize their cute derpy fur ball is a murder machine. Being a mouse must be terrifying. Imagine something the size of a T Rex that can sneak up on you with out much effort.
Cats only started living in homes in the late 19th century in some countries like the UK. In most countries they still live outside. Living inside the house is extremely unnatural for cats.
Health and Safety Risks
Disease Transmission: Outdoor cats are at higher risk of contracting and spreading diseases such as Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), which is often transmitted through cat fights[1][2]. They are also more susceptible to parasites like roundworms[2].
Physical Injuries: Cats with outdoor access face increased risks of trauma from road traffic accidents, fights with other animals, and predation[1][3]. These incidents can result in severe injuries, long-term health issues, or death.
Poisoning: Outdoor cats may be exposed to toxic substances like antifreeze or garden chemicals[5].
Environmental Impact
Wildlife Predation: Domestic cats in Australia alone are responsible for killing at least 1.5 billion native animals per year[2]. This predation can potentially lead to the extinction of some native species.
Owner Benefits
Reduced Veterinary Costs: Keeping cats indoors can lower the risk of injuries and illnesses, potentially reducing veterinary expenses[2].
Stronger Bond: Indoor cats may form stronger bonds with their owners due to increased interaction and observation[3].
Addressing the “Unnatural” Argument
While it’s true that cats naturally enjoy outdoor activities, the argument that keeping them indoors is “unnatural” is not a sufficient reason to let them out:
Adaptability: Cats can adapt well to indoor environments, especially when raised as indoor cats from kittenhood[5].
Enriched Indoor Environments: Owners can create stimulating indoor spaces that allow cats to exhibit natural behaviors like climbing, scratching, and exploring[4][5].
Supervised Outdoor Time: Alternatives such as cat enclosures or leash walks can provide outdoor experiences while minimizing risks[2][5].
Modern Hazards: The outdoor environment in many areas has become increasingly dangerous for cats due to traffic, toxins, and other risks not present in their natural habitats[5].
Longevity vs. Quality of Life: While outdoor access may provide some enrichment, the significant risks to a cat’s health and safety often outweigh the benefits[1][3].
By providing a stimulating indoor environment and considering safe outdoor alternatives, cat owners can ensure their pets lead fulfilling lives without compromising their well-being or impacting local ecosystems.
Citations: [1] Uncontrolled Outdoor Access for Cats: An Assessment of Risks and … https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7070728/ [2] The benefits of keeping your cat indoors - Vet Voice https://www.vetvoice.com.au/ec/pet-ownership/the-benefits-of-keeping-your-cat-indoors/ [3] Pros and cons: Indoor vs. outdoor cats - Banfield Pet Hospital https://www.banfield.com/Wellness-at-banfield/kitten-hub/indoor-vs-outdoor-cats [4] Indoor vs outdoor cats: Health, safety, and behavioural considerations https://www.24petwatch.com/ca/blog/indoor-vs-outdoor-cats [5] The Indoor Outdoor Debate - THE MESSYBEAST http://messybeast.com/indooroutdoor.htm [6] New Research Reveals Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Cat Outside https://www.reddit.com/r/biology/comments/10fqjf9/new_research_reveals_why_you_shouldnt_let_your/ [7] The Difference Between Indoor Vs. Outdoor Cats https://parkvet.net/blog/difference-between-indoor-vs-outdoor-cats/ [8] Indoors or Outdoors? An International Exploration of Owner … https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7909512/ [9] Why Is it So Hard to Keep Cats Indoors? - National Audubon Society https://www.audubon.org/news/why-it-so-hard-keep-cats-indoors [10] Indoor Cats vs. Outdoor Cats - American Humane Society https://www.americanhumane.org/public-education/indoor-cats-vs-outdoor-cats/ [11] Why Keeping Cats Inside Is Better For Them—And The Environment https://chatelaine.com/living/indoor-cats-canada-faq/ [12] Letting Your Cat Go Outside | Outdoor Cat Dangers https://catbehavioralliance.com/outdoor-vs-indoor-cats/letting-your-cat-go-outside/ [13] The Dangers of Outdoor Cats - Ethos Veterinary Health https://www.ethosvet.com/blog-post/the-dangers-of-outdoor-cats/ [14] Cats and the Perils of Outdoor Living | VCA Canada Animal Hospitals https://vcacanada.com/know-your-pet/cats-and-the-perils-of-outdoor-living [15] 8 Outdoor Dangers for Cats and How To Keep Your Feline Safe https://www.petmd.com/cat/general-health/outdoor-dangers-cats [16] Outdoor cat terminology and risks - Stewardship Centre for BC https://stewardshipcentrebc.ca/outdoor-cat-terminology-and-risks/ [17] Outdoor cats are NOT okay and it’s actually bad pet ownership. You … https://www.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/j5drn7/outdoor_cats_are_not_okay_and_its_actually_bad/ [18] Top 20 Reasons to Keep Cats Indoors Plus the Purrfect Catio How To https://www.globalstewards.org/cats-indoors.htm [19] Outdoor cats a threat to more than just birds - One Health Institute https://onehealth.uoguelph.ca/2022/02/28/outdoor-cats-a-threat-to-more-than-just-birds/ [20] The Case for Indoor Cats | Wildlife Center of Virginia https://wildlifecenter.org/help-advice/wildlife-issues/case-indoor-cats [21] New Research Reveals Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Cat Outside https://scitechdaily.com/new-research-reveals-why-you-shouldnt-let-your-cat-outside/ [22] [PDF] 6 Reasons You Might Let Your Cat Out, And Why Not To https://burlingtonhumane.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Reasons-to-Keep-your-Cats-Indoors.pdf [23] Is Having an ‘Outdoor Cat’ Cruel? The Short Answer: YES - PETA https://www.peta.org/about-peta/why-peta/outdoor-cats/ [24] Indoor vs. Outdoor Cats - San Francisco - SF SPCA https://www.sfspca.org/resource/indoor-vs-outdoor/ [25] The Unnatural World of Killer House Cats - strange behaviors https://strangebehaviors.wordpress.com/2014/03/28/the-unnatural-world-of-killer-house-cats/ [26] Indoor versus outdoor cats - Cabbagetown Pet Clinic https://www.cabbagetownpetclinic.com/blog/may-2023/indoor-versus-outdoor-cats [27] The case against pet ownership - Vox https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2023/4/11/23673393/pets-dogs-cats-animal-welfare-boredom [28] The Dirty Truth About Indoor Cats https://catspajamasgrooming.ca/the-dirty-truth-about-indoor-cats/ [29] What’s your philosophy on Inside vs. Outside cats? - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/snny31/whats_your_philosophy_on_inside_vs_outside_cats/ [30] How do we know indoor cats have an ok quality of life? https://ask.metafilter.com/373594/How-do-we-know-indoor-cats-have-an-ok-quality-of-life [31] Indoor vs. Outdoor Cats: Should You Let Your Kitty Outside? https://www.dailypaws.com/cats-kittens/cat-safety-tips/indoor-vs-outdoor-cats [32] Why All Cats Should Be Indoor Cats - PETA https://www.peta.org/living/animal-companions/caring-animal-companions/caring-cats/indoor-cats/ [33] Keeping Your Cat Happy Indoors - PAWS https://www.paws.org/resources/keeping-your-cat-happy-indoors/ [34] It is INSANE to keep cats indoors for all their lives - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/10yvyx4/it_is_insane_to_keep_cats_indoors_for_all_their/
Oh fuck off with your American bullshit!
Ideally all cats would be allowed access to the outdoors to express their natural behaviour.
UK shelters require outdoor access or you won’t be able to adopt.
Around 70% of cats in Europe have access outdoors and EU believes that cat access to outdoors should not be restricted https://apnews.com/article/2ea2d3edea304defa0375a7dbedc35ae
UK law requires cat owners to provide a suitable environment for cats and some breeds or individuals might require going outdoors. Failure to provide outdoor access in such cases will be treated as an animal abuse.
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How come my funny comment gets removed but the guy saying fuck off doesn’t?
Cats are not dogs no matter how much mine thinks he is