Like, the whole fucking thing more or less.
Might take me the rest of my life and I still won’t see it all, but if money is no object…
Amtrak does the train equivalent of a cruise liner, where you spend about half a month on a sleeper car travelling all over America. It’s cheaper than an actual cruise line, and more importantly I think trains are cool.
Edit: forgot about the unlimited money. I guess I would pay to replace all the rails in north america first so I have a smooth ride the whole time.
If money is no object you can buy your own custom-built private car and pay Amtrak to pull it on their lines.
two cars, one for
I’m assuming you’re talking about the All American, as that’s the main one I could find. About fifteen days, and $2400. Which is about as much as a three to five day cruise, depending on cruiseline.
That sounds awesome, and isn’t that terribly expensive, honestly. My wife and I went on a similar route road trip for our honeymoon a few years ago and it was in that same ballpark of cost, between car rental, hotels, and other expenses.
It looks like you’ll still be needing to pay for hotels for the nights you aren’t traveling. Still, not bad especially since you don’t have to deal with the hassle of driving. You just get on the train, sleep, and just appear at the next location.
They say in the What’s Included section that they cover 8 nights of hotels!
Oh, damn. OK. That’s a really good price then!
Yep. That one.
Looks like you’re staying at pretty nice hotels in places like SF, NYC and LA. It looks like it’s all included, which isn’t bad at all.
Switzerland. Having grown up in the coastal plains, I just have this fascination with mountains. I don’t t have the physical condition to climb one, but just seeing them up close already makes me feel things. Being on top of one, even more so.
Maybe I can do even better and do a train journey from France, and then Switzerland, then across Austria, all the way to Hungary and Romania, making sure that I cross as many mountains as I possibly can.
I saw the Alps from Germany. That would be such a fun trip!
I bet the views of the Alps are majestic from there!
And yeah! I imagine the trip would be so much fun (though a bit exhausting). It’d be combining two of the things that fascinate me: mountains and trains.
I sometimes fantasize going from the northern tip of Scotland all the way to Singapore on a train. Not non-stop, of course, but maybe going from one city to another, spending some time on a city until I get my fill, and then hop on the train to the next one. All the way until I run out of land. Maybe from there (Singapore), I can do island-hopping across Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Then road trip in Australia. But that’s really stretching it, not just in terms of logistics and planning. At the pace I do things, do I really want to spend like five years crawling through Europe, Asia, and Australia? Even if money’s no object, I don’t think I can do that.
Sorry for the ramble. Given the scope of the question, yeah, a cross-Europe mountain train trip is perhaps my limit (that’d be like, two weeks? maybe a month if I take my time to really enjoy each place I visit?)
If you ever get the opportunity, take the train to the top of Mount Rigi. It’s right on the edge of the alps. Turn one way, see the lowlands to the North West, all the way to Bodensee. Fahre the other direction, see a wall of mountains.
I would love to visit New Zealand. I’m a canuk and I hear they are like a better weather version of my country…I’ve also never met a kiwi that wasn’t a stand up person.
If money were no object, I’d book a permanent vacation to New Zealand. But a vacation into the Sun has a certain appeal too.
e: love your username btw
Money is no object?
Alpha Centauri. Build a spacious and comfortable Orion Drive ship for me and a few thousand of my best friends to go on a nice long trip.
I was going to say Mars, just to get there before fElon, but Alpha Centauri sounds nice!
Antarctica. It’s possible, there are regular tours to the South Pole. In reality I can’t afford €60k+ for such a tour, but if money is no object I’d go
I did a tour to Antarctica. Overrated in my opinion. But if you really want to go for yourself, the cheapest way is to head down to Ushuaia and sign up for a standby cruise. It’s easily €5k or less.
Fiji seems pretty cool
It’s not where, if money was no object, I would be on holiday semi-permanent.
If pollution were not an issue, I would visit my sister in New Zealand. I live in the Netherlands.
Since money wouldn’t be an issue, I guess you could charter a sailboat round-trip. Hope you don’t get seasick.
I like that thought.
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I will answer for them. Because flying from the Netherlands to New Zealand in economy class will emit the equivalent of about 4 tons of carbon dioxide. Roughly equivalent to driving a car every day for a year or so.
True, but also that flight is going with or without you so you may as well jump on
Absolutely illogical. The flight is going because you created demand for it by buying the ticket. This is exactly the same as saying, “Why bother voting? Your single vote won’t make any difference”.
This is fair. Even though I didn’t create the demand for this particular flight, I contributed to the demand for the next one.
I’ll find some wildly expensive way to travel that doesn’t cause pollution
Or go slow and make the trip the destination. I once did all of South America by bus. Very cheap! But you’ll need time.
Vienna. The opera season this year couldn’t be better, I’d stay the year and go every night.
Fly to Frankfurt for fairly cheap. Take the train to Munich and the train to Vienna from there and attend at least a few. Get a cheaper “stay” in the outer districts that are still connected via train. Check if there is offers on “Groupon” for it potentially. Could probably make it with 2k/2.5k
My gaming PC, my backlog is epic
Monte Carlo, during the F1 championchip race, at that one Hotel there with the best view.
Been to a couple gran prix, it is not as fun as it seems attending in person. You can only see a small part of the track, so TV coverage is waaaay better to watch. Also noisy (though not as much as it used to be before they introduced noise limits, no earplugs were helpful). For that MC hotel, only the vanity factor is strong, but given that you already have unlimited money by design of the question - there may be better ways to show off.
I mean, if money’s no object I’m sure some travel agent could put together a package deal to go to every race. That way you could experience the glitz of Monaco but also get to see some decent races.
Tokyo. Splurge in Akihabara and eat some authentic ramen.
Probably Amsterdam or Copenhagen for a few weeks,
properly experience a walkable city with good transit and cycling infrastructure
Having visited both and now living in Copenhagen, it could change your life to visit! Great places to be a tourist
It’s amazing. I recommend sitting outside the central train station in Amsterdam and people watching, as thousands of tourists attempt to bicycle or walk somewhere, and they’re just in everybody’s way. It’s hilarious. If you’re going to cycle (which, yes, you should) stay to the right and signal where you want to go. There are bike lanes there for you to take, don’t just be off in the middle of the street. Also, they want you to pay for an extra ticket to bring your bike on the train with you, I found that this can be ignored if you’re not a jerk about it.
lol… it’s what you say but as tourist you not wanna cycle there. You’ll be happy on weekends yo barely have the space to walk. It’s a beautiful city though. Visited it like 3-4 times
I think it’s fine to cycle here as a tourist, as long as you looked up the rules a bit first and were a decent cyclist.
Stay to the right, signal turns and stops, the only weird part is what to do when you’re taking a left at an intersection, where you “park” to wait
Considering the intersection coming from noorddijk near loves tours. Nope (for me) . Even as an avid cycler seemed horrible. But anywhere else , especially Utecht , seemed nice
If money really was no object, I’d build the first lunar inn and live there permanently.
“Oooh TeamAssimilation, that’s the Apollo Lander, it’s a valuable relic, please stop licking it!”