Europe will be consulted – but ultimately excluded – from the planned peace talks between Russia, the US and Ukraine, Donald Trump’s special envoy for Ukraine has revealed.

Asked if Europe would be present at the planned talks, Keith Kellogg said he was from “the school of realism, and that is not going to happen”.

    • @IndustryStandard@lemmy.worldOP
      530 days ago

      I did not think I linked a live article. The content of the article changed quite a lot. Very strange.

      Unrelated side note: what is “The Observer”? I have not noticed it before. some new think tank?

        930 days ago

        The Observer is one of the oldest news papers in the world. Generally quality journalism I think, though I’m not a regular reader. Since a few decades under the same ownership as the guardian, but apparently sold 2 months ago.

        And articles changing after first publishing happens quite a lot. It beats putting out a separate article for every small development in an ongoing story. For example: entity A said x about B, and later there’s an update wherein B denies x happened. In quality journalism it used to be done in clear updates at the bottom and/or top of the article. But now with Trump, A is claiming x and then later A realizes how dumb that was, so A claims they never said x and that they’ve always been saying y. Good luck reporting on that in a clear and concise manner.

        330 days ago

        Yeah I’m not blaming you. Just following the topic elsewhere and noticed links posted to lemmy being behind

    2230 days ago

    When the “peace talks” consist of Trump getting orders from his owner Putin, neither Ukraine nor Europe will be involved.

      430 days ago

      They also won’t result in anything other than US disengagement. Ukraine won’t surrender just because Trump says so. And neither will Poland and the Baltic states, and because of that the EU as a whole won’t.

      It won’t even end the war. It’ll just make America look weak.

      030 days ago

      Trump used to be Putin’s apprentice, now he has enough assumed-power that he can boss Putin around, even with whatever it is that Putin’s got on him.

      The relationship is reversing, if not already-reversed.

      Trump’s spoken admiration of Putin’s openly murdering anyone who gets in his way is still not-yet-tested, in the US, but it is going to be, within 5y.

      ( there won’t be any 2028 election, which would be to remove Trump, so US Civil War Part2 begins -/+ 1y of 2028, roughly.

      as Catholics say: “dog in the manger-ism”: if he can’t possess the US of A, exclusively, then NOBODY can, & he’ll make-certain that, like Assad, there’s simply nothing-left of it, when he can’t )

      Voters had their chance, & they decided they weren’t responsible, so, … they won’t have the right-to-vote in the future.

      Trump did promise his followers that they wouldn’t have to vote, anymore…

      Trump’s rising, Putin’s becoming helpless, as Trump & China own/control more & more & more in-spite-of Putin’s dwindling power, it seems…

      China wants Russia to be just a decorative cloth glove on CCP’s fist, or a vassal-state.

      Modi, in India, bet the farm on Russia’s protecting India from China…

      both got played, & lost.

      Exactly as Russia spending money on North Korean troops who haven’t even got the competence to avoid being out in the open ( & therefore they keep just getting shot ) was another surprise for Russia…

      I think it was China who put Putin up to the televised/advertised teleconference-between-China-&-Russia when Trump’s inaugeration was going-on: that was a slap-in-the-face to Trump, putting Putin down… which was to China’s advantage…

      Russia may be only a puppet-nation, now, for Trump & China, with a few more months of work…

      ( think of how it would be to China’s advantage to have “Russia” butchering-up Eastern Europe, taking the blame, weakening NATO, etc, so that when the real push-comes-to-shove, all that has been settled in BRICS’s favor, with Russia bearing the blame, NOT China… disposable puppet-nations are useful, in the game of geopolitics )

      _ /\ _

        430 days ago

        Trump and Putin their relationship isn’t going to reverse. Trump is a gullible idiot and Putin is not, if they meet and negotiate face to face, then Putin is going to get what he wants. Especially because Trump has said before negotiations even started, that he wanted to give the occupied lands to Russia. Trump is such a “master negotiator” that he sells out his own side before the talks even start. This is why Putin wants to negotiate alone with the usa, without the eu countries or NATO present.

      230 days ago

      Trump apparently doesn’t let Ukraina have any say in the negotiations, only a take-it-or-leave-it between Trump’s determined “settlement” or continued-war, possibly with Trump backing Russia, as the alternative…

      EU cannot make Trump play by “the rules”.

      As some have, through the years, pointed-out: when some guy with a gun, who seems to be spazzing on drugs, accosts you & demands you cooperate with him…

      the rules are quite different from the normal-social-rules…

      Trump’s going to be in power until the US is completely-destroyed, in Civil War Part2 ( which should begin -/+ 1y of the won’t-be-allowed-to-remove-Trump 2028 election, so there should be nothing-left of usable US of A by … 2032? ).

      Same as with Assad: either he is king/lord, XOR there’s nothing-left-for-anybody.

      & he’s got the whole machinery, CIA, NSA, military, everything, backing him,

      & with all the civil-rights-loyal people quitting as quickly as they can, in protest, so that his authority becomes as unfettered as can be, as quickly as possible…

      ( anti-strategy, but natural, of course )

      What he actually-can-do, isn’t what the “rule books” allow…

      _ /\ _

    30 days ago

    And Trump’s ______ of anything tend not to be super credible and reliable, think I’ll wait to hear Zelensky’s take

      30 days ago

      USA will be on the failed “project ukraine-the-proxy”-Russia talks. About the land and resources-grab.

      030 days ago

      Not anymore, since 3 years ago. Moreover, the asian part of Russia is way larger than the european one.

    41 month ago

    “the school of realism,…”

    If Americans had gone to school or even let the message in a super hero movie reach them they’d see that they are Nazis. 400 million Nazis.

      030 days ago

      Sorry, but the ideological-split in the US is such that no-more-than 2/3 of the US could be siding with Nazis.

      No matter how convenient, it isn’t wise karma to be oversimplifying & labeling everybody-in-a-country as being on 1 ideological side.

      Same with Israel, where the good people are finding they cannot speak truth openly, & live in fear…

      Same with the US…

      Same with all countries which go that route.

      In WW2 there were Germans, in Germany, who worked to dismantle/end Nazi rule, for Germany, & they were loyal to their values. 1 book on that is named, iirc, “An Honorable Defeat”.

      Ignoring actual-diversity, for ideological oversimplification, makes one into part-of-the-same-problem, objectively…

      non-thinking, only reacting, just like Nazis…

      Whatever: I don’t expect more than 100 million or 150 million to survive US Civil War Part2’s completion, maybe that’s waaay too optimistic, but given that about 2/3 of the US’s voters are good with male-supremacism & white-supremacism, it’s going to be the most huge & vicious civil war this planet’s seen in awhile, with more guns in it than any previous one ( nearly-all owned by the Trump-side of it, too )…

      maybe I shouldn’t expect more than 50 million to survive it…

      going to be a very-bad next-decade, on this continent…

      … sigh …

      _ /\ _

    230 days ago

    That implies how relevant the voice of Europe in any decision making is. How it’s treated by the US.