Hi! :)


Nazis, tankies and terrorist justifiers can kindly fuck off.

Also on Sopuli


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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2024


  • Even during the World Wars the defence industry wasn’t wholly nationalised.

    37% of Rheinmetall’s shares are owned by NA investors, none individually control more than 6%. And no, Rheinmetall wasn’t founded by Nazis. It predates the Nazis by decades, the company was founded in the same year Hitler was born in. And even if it was, why would that matter today? The company is not owned by the people who founded it. It’s not even owned by their descendants (who still would not be the same people).

    They are also NOT selling to both sides. I’m not even disputing that they wouldn’t, they might well want to, but they literally can’t. They’re not allowed to and that is enforced.

  • Hair ties, hair clips, hair pins, those spiral thingies you twist in (no idea what they’re called in English) and hairspray to keep it from fluttering about. Lots of ways to keep your hair up and in shape, depends on what exactly you want to achieve.

    That said, I don’t know anyone, like literally anyone, who thinks that keeping your hair up is more comfortable.

  • Das Fairphone als Alternative zu Apple anzubieten ist auch ziemlich optimistisch. Komplett andere Zielgruppe. Wenn das Ziel ist nicht amerikanisch zu kaufen, dann sollte man sich nicht komplett ideologisch auf “buy European” verbohren. Samsungs Galaxy S-Serie versucht zumindest die gleiche Zielgruppe anzusprechen wie das iPhone. Wie erfolgreich ist jetzt ne andere Frage aber auf jeden Fall deutlich näher dran was zb Design und Kameras angeht.

  • Wenn’s nicht reicht werden sie sich, unabhängig von bisherigen Äußerungen, die Grünen mit ins Boot holen. Was für uns alle deutlich besser wäre als Schwarz-Rot, zusammen könnten SPD und Grüne deutlich mehr asoziale und rassistische Scheiße von der Union verhindern. Ich hoffe, da bewegt sich noch was.

  • You said that dual citizenship shouldn’t be allowed. Do you think that someone applying for German citizenship should be forced to renounce any other citizenship in order to receive a German one? Because that’s what the law used to be. And many people had and have reasons for not wanting to give up their original citizenship that went beyond the sentimental (not that pure sentimentality is not a valid reason).

  • What is Borderline Racist about my comments?

    The old citizenship laws left millions of people who were born and raised in Germany, who went to school here and who pay their taxes here, and who have never had a home other than Germany without equal rights. So saying you oppose the reforms that finally allow these people to fully participate in our society isn’t a great look.