Putin is celebrating
Putin’s long plan is coming together magnificently. He started with just one useful idiot, expanded to the whole Republican party and a third of the U.S. population.
Until EU gets Central and South America as strong allies, and probably eventually Japan, this making the much closer rival stronger.
Would be hilarious if it happened.
Take us in. We have maple syrup.
Come join us! We have wine and baguettes, I’m sure we can make it work.
No joke, if you take a piece of baguette and soak it maple syrup, you will get an amazing little desert. There is probably some teachable moment there, I don’t know
It was great to be so close to USA on the map, until it wasn’t.
Doesn’t Mexico have a saying like “So far from God and so close to the United States”?
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Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.
- Pierre Trudeau
Now the elephant isn’t friendly anymore.
From where I live I can look across the water, sighting distant shores, and declare “A mad man rules there.”
He’s gonna come for Europe next, just watch abd see
Alienate all your allies speedrun
Jokes aside, why? There literally is no good reason to piss of people that like you and are willing to work with you
Destroy the economy, collapse any remaining faith in democracy, sell the nation to the highest bidder.
It’s going to be the biggest and most destructive form of disaster capitalism we’ve ever seen, mainly because they are the very people who are engineering the disaster in the first place.
Again, that is the thing I don’t understand. They are already filthy rich. Why crash and burn everything? Wouldn’t it be better to just continue making boatloads of money?
I see you don’t understand. They always need MORE.
They are already getting more. They want more more.
“They want more!”
“But, they’re already making more money…what’s the point?”
“Who said anything about money…”
They have first boatloads of money, yes, but what about second boatloads of money?
Instant gratification. More money and power for me now, don’t care otherwise
Because Putin has tapes.
It’s nothing to do with putin. It’s just greedy sociopaths are prepared to exploit the state the world finds itself in. They’ve always done it and always will it’s just the modern world is unique in that almost the entire population of the western world is the target of the exploitation this time around and the world will almost certainly never recover from the environmental damage that will continue to be done and accelerated while people are too busy fighting over DEI and trans rights.
The culture wars are a distraction to the great heist.
It furthers Putins goals.
Trusting your question isn’t rhetorical.
Jokes aside, the Christian Dominionists running the show want the world to burn. It’s their best case scenario, endgame or whatever. But before THAT happens, they’re meant to make God’s laws in heaven Man’s laws down here, carve their faces into a few mountains, take the last grain of profit from the earth. He with the most stuff wins because God thinks like Santa (if you have more stuff, you’re a very good boy). Don’t overthink these Good Folk. Hitler and his nazis were exactly the same flavour of Imperialist Expansionist genocidal nutbars.
Hence our current speedrun towards armegeddon. It’s why they’re all about endless expansion for the O&G and military industries. It’s why they have such a violent hate-on for that environmentalist kid, Thunberg. Hope and international co-operation for the common good are absolutely their enemy. Their World To Come requires war.
If you think like they do, of course you want to piss off anyone willing to work with their neighbour. People getting along is bad for business.
Destruction. That’s why.
That’s what he’s already done.
He’s an idiot. He only thinks in terms of strong man projecting. He’s entirely incapable of real thought and reflection. He knows it’s right because the idea is in his head. Thinking was never a part of this.
He’s had this weird thing about tariffs since even before he was in government. I think someone influential to him once said that tariff wars were the way to go. He tried them last term and they went poorly but that hasn’t deterred him what-so-ever.
He’s just parroting someone else’s bad idea, like most of the rest of project 2025
It’s part of reshoring industry to the US. Additionally, China has built factories in Mexico in order to avoid high US tariffs. The US is decoupling its economy from China. That’s a necessary first step for war against China.
i’m honestly terrified. the last thing the entire planet wanted was a puppet orange for a fascist billionaire having all the nuke launch codes
And we’ll spank him like a little bitch!
Please do. I’ll be more than happy to rejoin at this point.
He already is basically. Fucker shouted down the phone at the Danish PM.
molotov-ribbentroptrump-putin pactHe’s already threatened the EU will be tariffed too.
How do you not see that you’ve mistyped…?
Beep boop, I am not a bot.
No, I mean, it happens; I do not always take the time to re-read my comments is all. As long as people are able to understand what I say, it’s okay :)
Last thing he will do
Maybe this time, they will save us from the Nazis.
The EU and Canada see more doors opening up to counter the idiots running the USA into the ground. The Canadians stopped purchasing US alcoholic beverages.
BC just stopped purchasing alcohol from Red states which is hilarious
Ontario alone purchases $1B in American liquor per year. While in the big scheme of things it’s peanuts, it is $1B less in American distiller’s pockets.
And Ontario isn’t just targeting red states in the ban.
Can’t wait for the glorious clusterfuck of a CA-EU-UK-CN-JP trade aliance. Even Russia would be neutered, possibly NK too because both ultimately depend on China. If SK follows Japan, there won’t be an NK anymore. Putin’s regime will collapse as his wartime economy implodes, while EU gets it’s cheap gas back plus cheap Chinese EVs too smoothly transition.
EU could ensure it’s own security through independence from the very nation it needed to protect it (US). This would also basically completely contain Trump too.
Rip up the US copyright/patent laws and stimulate the economy, cut off support for US vassals like Israel, cut the US off from Five Eyes, and if they do so much as peep, no more cheap shit and we put nukes in Canada.
Polish cavalrymen riding alongside English royal guards rattling sabers of glorious Chinese steel.
Daily Military exercises off the coast of Taiwan, but to the south-east of Taiwan :)))
Probably hopium though. EU itself will splinter before long.
This is pretty optimistic.
Even Russia would be neutered, possibly NK too because both ultimately depend on China.
Have you noticed that since Trump declared he’ll invade the EU, China’s foreign policy has turned a lot against Russia?
Not likely that CA-CN relations are ready for that. JP-CN neither, nor UK-EU.
Polish cavalrymen riding alongside English royal guards rattling sabers of glorious Chinese steel.
Stationed in the rocky mountains. This is a pretty good prompt for a short story about the balkanization of the former United States
I love my home a lot but the EU feels more like home right now. Even before anything you said comes to fruition and I hope it does. Sadly for us were here stuck with this fascist orange turd till my countryman figure out that its too late to negotiate.
Just a heads up, start building up your militaries fast as I have a feeling this will get a lot worse before it gets better.
I accept your offer of an egg. Thank you for your sympathies. Also for the egg.
Egg is life. Egg is love.
Don’t fucking give them eggs, the ones left who care will be satiated because they got cheaper, promise fulfilled, and the fascism will accelerate.
They offering eggs to Canada.
What? Did you think anybody bothers to talk with the US right now?
I dunno with US egg prices so high, I thought it was a good way for the EU troll the US.
US citizens just now learning how quickly decades of mutual trust and diplomacy can evaporate if you unleash a sociopathic narcissist on your allies for no reason.
Look at this lottery winner out here passing out eggs.
That’s OK, Canada has enough eggs on its own I think.
If not, I guess it’s finally time to get a few chickens! We’ve been meaning to anyhow.
I send weekly complaints to the town council about how we can’t keep chickens. If people can have chickens in freaking downtown Vancouver, everyone should be able to have chickens.
Highly recommend it! They are entertaining in addition to providing a steady stream of eggs for most of the year.
…a few years ago two hens from our neighbour across the road decided to visit us daily for about a month… one of them even decided our garden beside the kitchen window was a great place to lay her eggs. They both loved eating the slugs in the yard too. Double-win :)
How much for the egg? Askin’ for a friend.
UK has equivalent of $3.35 for 12 medium free-range. What’s it like over there?
I recently saw $9/dozen in New Jersey.
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For clarity, that UK price also includes tax.
They’re almost double that here for the jumbo egg. And that’s for the ones with all the nutritious steroids, antibiotics, and added chicken suffering.
Hey, whatever happens at least we’ll have eggs.
Eggs are for closers.
How long before the US pulls out of Five Eyes and we stop sharing intelligence with our closest allies?
Would you trust any US itelligence atm?
I’m sorry if it’s a dumb question but It’s honest, Isn’t canada somewhat under UK still? Wouldn’t tbe US have problems with UK too if they keep pushing? Have no horse on this race, just asking coz I’m dumb
Not really. They’re part of the Commonwealth, an association of former British colonial possessions, and “recognize” the British monarch as their own monarch. The monarch (King Charles, currently) has a representative in Canada known as the Governor General. They do a ton of stuff like appoint Prime Minister, heads of the Provinces, dissolving parliament, etc.
However they almost exclusively can only act when asked to by Parliament or the Prime Minister. They also do ceremonial stuff. They do have some emergency power however it’s never been used in the post-independence era.
Basically no, not really. King Charles (King of Canada) could technically try and like dissolve the parliament or something but it would cause a constitutional crisis that would probably just end up removing the whole Canadian Monarchy thing.
But they are strong allies.
Am Canadian, I have wondered this as well – could we ask the UK and rest of Commonwealth to help us out if things get too bad? I hope so… but I don’t think there is any obligation to come to our defense ala NATO if things get shooty.
We can send more Eggs.
wow calm down there bill gates, don’t come rubbing your wealth in our faces.
If the UK hadn’t done Brexshit, there probably could have been a way to add Canada to the EU as an associated member, like Norway, Switzerland, etc…
could we ask the UK and rest of Commonwealth to help us out if things get too bad?
The UK need not have entered the last conflict against aggressive fascists when and how she did, but did so as much out of a sense of obligation to one’s friends and the moral right as anything. When conflict loomed, the UK made a defensive pact with Poland, when she could have easily just sat back and watched.
The same is true of Canada. We are no longer an empire, no longer a large and powerful nation, but if and when the US eventually takes direct aggressive military action, the UK, backed by the Allies of the new Millennium in Europe and beyond, will come to Canada’s aid.
To do any less would be to side with the fascists.
Thinking of the USA’s current lying, deceitful leader, and their increasingly aggressive moves, I’m once again reminded of Chamberlain’s address to the nation…
We have a clear conscience. We have done all that any country could do to establish peace, but a situation in which no word given by Germany’s ruler could be trusted and no people or country could feel themselves safe had become intolerable. And now that we have resolved to finish it, I know that you will all play your part with calmness and courage.
As such a moment as this the assurances of support that we have received from the Empire are a source of profound encouragement to us.
…Now may God bless you all and may He defend the right. For it is evil things that we shall be fighting against, brute force, bad faith, injustice, oppression and persecution. And against them I am certain that the right will prevail.
And if you’ll forgive me a little more quoting of particularly famous speeches, this line about the new world comes to mind also…
we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.
Even if one of us falls, the others will step forth to their rescue and liberation. Freedom from fascism is a universal right, and we will enforce it until we no longer can ♥️
The Governor General actually has veto power over legislation and basically everything, with the catch being if they’re too annoying about it Canada will just get rid of the monarchy.
Yeah like I said. Plus it doesn’t look like they’ve ever used it without being asked.
Not quite.
You said they can’t do it unless asked.
They can, they choose not to. And, of course, soft power being what it is, sometimes people get told to ask.
humm got it. At least you guys do have many allies if the crazies invade
Be careful about convention, with no explicit rules. We also haven’t usually acted this way either but now that someone challenged every moral precept we’re finding nothing enforced it
They’re supposed to. I have no idea aside from logistics why we still have the monarchy. King Charles ain’t doing shit.
Ceremony and tradition, probably.
As a Brit, fuck the monarchy.
Unrelated but I always call myself dumb which “isn’t that deep” but I recently realized I do feel dumb when asking questions when in fact we are the opposite of dumb since we want to expand our knowledge and we know that we don’t know. Most people just stay ignorant and don’t want to see themselves as not knowing everything and thus they stay dumb.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted talk and you’re not dumb!
It’s the other side of Dunning-Kruger… You have to be smart enough to know that you’re not smart enough to know everything.
It’s only a ceremonial association. It’s similar to AUS.
It’s not that ceremonial, like AUS, Canada has a Governor General appointed by the crown.
In 1975, the Governor General unilaterally removed Labor from power and put the Liberals in power. Canada’s Governor General has the same power.
It’s ceremonial in that if the GG ever vetoed a bill with any coercion from England there would be a riot.