Tomorrow at 3pm

        215 months ago

        Hundreds of thousands of people.

        The fact of the matter is that casual gamers and console owners overlap with Facebook and all generic social media.

        We know that we only Lemmy are small, so we should try to keep in mind that our understandings and opinions of generic things in the world are the uncommon ones. Madden sells. FIFA sells. Call of Duty sells. Grand Theft Auto sells. Trying to criticize these outside of Lemmy will only result in losing even more faith in the general public, if that was even possible.

      • bbbbbbbbbbb
        95 months ago

        My friend groups are. And the new NCAA game. Video Games and Football, there is truely no greater combination of american values

            35 months ago

            I haven’t played the most recent one, or madden for that matter, so this based on experience from about 15-20 years ago but I’m sure it’ll be mostly the same. First and foremost, there are some rule differences. Second, there are different strategies, formations, and plays. Third, you have different players with greater diversity in talent level. Fourth, the teams are different, which might mean more to some than others. And finally, the commentators are different, the last time, they had the cat known for whistling, which was funny. I can’t remember his name.

              35 months ago

              I bought the most recent CFB, I was both excited for the season and intrigued since it had been 15ish years. It is really polished and cool for what it is, but I forgot I hated it back in day and still hate it now. But it was really well done

      • peopleproblems
        85 months ago

        People who lead boring normal lives.

        Most people who own consoles I guess the

          25 months ago

          No, because we’re not in the year 2056 (sports gsmes tend to have the next year in the title, like cars).

      45 months ago

      It’s just outreach. May be corny, but they’re intentionally getting outside their comfort zone to reach more people.

  • peopleproblems
    1215 months ago

    Can we have a real talk?

    I want them see how well they work together in extremely stressful situations… Get Kamala, Walz, AoC, and maybe uh, Sanders playing HELLDIVERS II!

        5 months ago

        Geez man I’d rather be tasked with deciding whether to retaliate a possible nuclear strike. That sounds way less stressful.

        55 months ago

        Could you imagine if the presidential candidates and their VP pick had to play Overcooked together for a few hours?

        It wouldn’t even have to be a competition on score. You could learn so much about them so fast - their communication, ability to adapt, and how they handle frustrations.

        5 months ago

        God no. That game is horrible. Me and my friend started getting angry at each other after trying to climb that starting tower

        I do not recommend . We don’t want one of them to quit their job

      • Skua
        135 months ago

        Sanders turns out to have no idea how to play a shooter game and the next day every news outlet reports that he defected to the communist automatons

    • GladiusB
      205 months ago

      Trying to catch a crowd with the biggest net. Should have done super smash bros

        • GladiusB
          15 months ago

          Too sticky. I hear you. Could have hit them. But I think it would bring up way too many political arguments on Twitch.

    • BlanketsWithSmallpox
      165 months ago

      Next thing you know she’ll be playing Elden Ring like a fucking poser while using a cheese build like some communist normie.

      Nah, I need that real gamer shit. If she doesn’t have a Steam account with 60 games completed, 120 played and 400 unplayed with 1000 hours on Terraria and Stardew Valley each, then is she really a gamer, or is she just some fucking millennial just like I am wait…

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 🇮 🏆
    5 months ago

    Are there any crazy glitches/exploits one can do in a modern Madden game that would be akin to taking shots from that one specific spot in Double Dribble where it’s 100% guaranteed to go in?

    I wanna see one of them just gobsmack the other with that kinda play. lol

    295 months ago

    I want Walz under a real stress test. Set this man up on a ranked league of legends match and in a discord group with his team of randos.

      45 months ago

      I’m fall 2020, I think I was in a game of LoL with AOC. She famously played Support, but I was paired up as a newbie support paired with an account AOC-ADC. I was not really good and died early. I asked the account if they really were AOC, and they told me to go vote!

      She also accused me of intentionally dying, and I told her I wasn’t. I told her I was sorry that I was just bad. We ended up losing, mostly because of me.

      So that’s my dumb AOC gaming story.

      • Queen HawlSera
        15 months ago

        Fuck, play some Clock Tower, tis Halloween afterall.

        Or hell, play Resident Evil and do commentary talking about how it’s not only based on the works of George Romero, but also pretty dang based considering the moral of the story is “American Pharmaceutical Companies are literally evil and responsible for mass death”

      • Queen HawlSera
        15 months ago

        A bunch of horribly aged sex comedies full of misogynistic “jokes”, blatant homohpboia, and various pop-culture references that you’d have to have been born in the 70’s to have a chance of getting?

        Sounds like his kinda game being a washed-up divorced dad living in the past who’s children and ex-wife want nothing to do with him.

        Seriously, I own the series, bought it in a bundle for Steam and I’ve tried playing them. I love old adventure games, especially comedies like Monkey Island and I heard so many good things about it from my dad and the laughs he had from LSL when he was a dumb kid fresh out of high school.

        …and I nearly died of anti-lulz trying to play these things.

        I love a good raunchy comedy, for fuck’s sake, my favorite Boomer Shooter is Duke Nukem 3D… but LSL has aged about as well as Larry himself has been implied to.

        I’m too young to even know what a leisure suit is, and I’m in my god damn 30’s.

    5 months ago

    This is refreshingly wholesome for political news. No bullshit or partisan politics here, just people being human and enjoying some entertainment.