He sleeps with My New Order by Hitler next to his bed. Wants to be a dictator on day 1. Sees good people at a Nazi march. Wants generals like Hitler’s. By George he just may be a Nazi. - Edited
Didn’t Hitler’s generals try to assassinate Hitler?
Per the book, [former chief of staff] Kelly explained to Trump that German generals “tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off.” “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” the president is said to have responded.
…I’m not used to hearing the word “totally” in an unironic and non-sarcastic context.
I can only read this guy’s name in Chris Barrie’s voice. God damn it Red Dwarf
Even Hitler tried to assassinate Hitler
His success is his greatest achievement
Hitler wasn’t all bad, he did kill Hitler.
Shame he waited until the end, instead of doing it at the start though.
I really wish Fascists would just follow their leader in a “We all know where this is going, let’s just skip to the end.” sense
After they started losing I believe they did.
The only good thing they did, well tried to do.
Yes, pretty sure it may have been multiple times. Rommel was implicated in one of the plots and was why he was forced to commit suicide.
Yes, but you have to remember Trump’s a “Very Stable Genius”
He sleeps with Mein Kampf next to his bed.
Not Mein Kampf, but rather My New Order, which is a collection of Hitler’s speeches. Trump is a fan of Hitler’s propaganda and rhetoric specifically.
Does he actually read though? Dude is weird, I guess, maybe its like some kind of security blanket; we gotta love the most racist guy we can find even though he lost his wars and shot himself in the head.
But her emails, I mean but his son’s laptop, I mean…
Never did I suspect this Stephen Lynch song to not feel completely outlandish.
In Hitler’s defense, he did kill Hitler.
Yeah, but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler.
but he also killed the guy who killed the guy who killed Hitler
To be fair, he also killed the guy who killed the guy who killed the guy who killed Hitler.
honestly can’t fault him for it.
I dunno, it took him ages; should’ve been higher up on his todo list.
Yes of course they will. Trumps cultists know exactly what he is and they vote for him because of that.
It’s sad how true that is. I was talking with a conservative about the “enemy within” shit and with a straight face he said that’s how half the country feels. Ok dog, see you on the other side of the civil war I guess.
Sadly, politics are so f***ed up that I have to agree with something Trump has said: He can shoot someone in Times Square and not lose a single vote.
That’s what happens with cults.
As Cady Heron once famously said, “The limit does not exist.” Nothing, absolutely nothing, will cause him to lose support. The people who support him love him more than anything, and they will do whatever it takes to support him. They will break their own moral code, they will bend over backwards to make his rhetoric fit their morals, they will turn their back on everything they’ve ever known or loved if that’s what it takes to continue to support him. Because he is the most important thing in their lives.
Idk how old you are but there used to be discussions about how we can beat terrorists, a group of people who willingly kill themselves to inflict damage. How do you beat an enemy in war who views their own death as a victory?
That’s what we’re up against with trump. There is no inroad, there is no common ground, there is no logic. It’s a cult, plain and simple. How do you stop someone who wants to die for their cause? Maybe trump supporters don’t want to literally die for him, but they damn sure would give up everything else for him.
What if he shot a supporter though?
That supporter was secretly working for the Deep State.
And he will call the family to apologize and check in… after the media calls him out for not doing so, but only after a Democrat tries to do so and is rejected because the family still supports Trump despite all that happened.
The supporter’s family would line up to suck his asshole in appreciation.
Yeah, but the dead guy is still minus one vote.
Cheney did. That friend then went on national television to apologize for being in the way of his shot.
It was self-defense! It was only a matter of time before that supporter realized what Trump was really doing, and they weren’t likely to be happy about it.
No true Scotsman gymnastics then carry on as “normal”
I disagree my good sir. If Trump shoots someone, there might be a possibility he gets an increase in votes.
If Harris shot someone in Times Square right now, would she lose your vote?
Yes, just like if Trump raped someone, he would lose my vote.
Oh my bad, did I just “whataboutism?”
Depends, who did she shoot?
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I understand the concept of appealing to a better nature but, ma’am this is America. We still revere Henry Ford, we imported Nazi scientists because of some self imposed space race. Outside of WW2, (where we didn’t even voluntary join we needed to be attacked first) our history shows were far far more likely to ignore or tacitly support fascism. Be careful asking questions you don’t want the answer to Harris.
We still revere Henry Ford
I wonder how many Americans know about Ford’s quest to reignite antisemitism in Europe by foisting “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” books at every one of his overseas car dealerships.
I wonder if we’ll shove all Elon Musk’s reactionary bullshit down the rabbit hole when his legacy think tank full of right wing psychos is sponsoring the next generation of History Channel and TLC episodes.
Reagan: “If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism”
The politically literate: “But, Ronny, you’re a (neo)liberal!”
Sadly, yes.
I’m really hoping “It’s a close race…” is code for “Harris is favored to win, but we rigged the polls to show them neck and neck so that there’s still a news cycle.”
I’m worried cause I see the Democrats doing the “smart” thing of finding the exact counties they need to win. And aggressively pushing and trying to play to them alone.
And that doesn’t seem like a smart strategy. In fact it feels like Hillary or Disney’s failings where playing it safe and doing “smart” math doesn’t work to do something productive and barely scrapes them by.
I don’t see this being a landslide. And I’m worried their math will mean nothing in the real world.I love how “playing it too safe” means “That wasn’t safe at all”
It’s kinda like how prevent defense in football sometimes (or perhaps even often) prevents teams from winning.
Playing aggressive versus conservative is how you shepherd limited resources.
Do you stretch for extra seats in the House/Senate by spreading your money/people thin? Or do you concentrate your effort in highly contested battlegrounds to boost your odds locally, while sacrificing possibly winnable races elsewhere?
There’s arguments for all sorts of strategies, but a lot of it comes down to where the gettable extra votes are. Some races come down to strategy. Otherwise simply aren’t changeable at that stage of the fight.
there is a 100% chance of Harris winning the popular vote. Unfortunately billions of dollars spent on like 100,000 people in 7 states will be what decides the election and there’s a 1% chance of a tie which will throw it to the house of reps for some reason.
The need to reform the electoral college and ban gerrymandering has never been greater
“The constitution is meant to be a living breathing document to be updated and amended as per the country’s need, not some holy scripture that must be taken at its word.” - The Founding Fathers
Conservatives: And I ignored that completely.
Yeah its less a “constitution” and more a “treasured dead artifact” these days, like the foreskin of some 11th century pope entombed in a glass jar in a catholic church.
Hopefully it’s that and not “we rigged the polls to give some credibility to whatever bs Trump is planning”.
Oh God!
“It’s a close race…” is code for
Nothing so auspicious. It’s more “we never actually have a clue, because our job is to sell ads not tell you useful information”.
News media had Obama in a tight race when it was a blowout. They had Hilary in a blowout when it was a nail biter. They called Florida for Al Gore early on election night. They aren’t honest or useful or knowledgeable in any way that makes them a valuable source of information.
Calling Trump a fascist just makes his supports love him even more.
It also reinforces who he is to less hard core supporters which may have a positive effect over time.
Americans only hate Hitler because he’s a loser. If he’d won in Europe, we’d lionize him the same way we celebrate reactionaries like Churchill, Reagan, and Shinzo Abe or despots like MBS, Duterte, and Modi.
trump literally compared himself to Victor Orban
The brown shirts loved Adolph.
this kind of rhetoric will never work against somebody who was already president. Her campaign has made a mistake, which honestly shouldn’t be big enough to crash the election but its the US and the electoral college who the fuck knows how 5000 psychopaths in swing states are going to vote after being bombarded with record breaking levels of insane propaganda…
It should be clear that the easy way to campaign on trump is to hit him hard in the economy: He had to bailout farmers because of his first round of tariffs. US steel still hasn’t recovered. Trump tariffs will not only raise prices but the resulting bailouts will drastically increase inflation and eventually he will run out of scapegoats to blame his failures on so however loyal to trump you seem to be, eventually he will blame you and send the military on you for criticizing him
edit: Just to clarify what she’s saying is correct, its just that voters swayable to this argument have already picked sides.
I really don’t understand why neither the Harris or Biden campaign just roiled out footage of the Covid-19 lockdown in a short film titled “Literally the last time this motherfucker was in charge”
Cause ya know, that would work…
They’re holding pat with, “Hey, we’re not the other guy. And that should be enough.”
And anyone who says, well maybe that’s not enough, gets lambasted.
Yeah, but you could say “We’re not the other guy… who did THIS, and that should be enough.”, point out WHY the other guy is bad…
It’s “Oh yeah, we never actually asked him what he believed would make America great again… whoops.” from 2016 all over again.
In my heart of hearts, I still feel like we’re heading to a Kamela victory, but then we look at the polls…
the neonazis and white supremicists and basically all the butthurt bumpkins will
Yes because there’s a lot of Nazis and Nazi sympathizers in America currently.
Some of them will.
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He wasn’t even a good artist.
Didn’t they already do that at least once?
The direct Hitler praise hadn’t come out before 2016. There were certainly many other serious red flags though.
I don’t like to judge people black on white.
Hitler did kill Hitler, so there’s something good to say about him
Does she really wants the answer to that or is that a joke question?