Hello guys, I’ve noticed a lot of people here are hungry for more games like the Stanley Parable. After playing the O.G. game and the Deluxe edition I’ve found myself wanting more of this. More of these meta, narrator led, weird humour games! I started work on my called Do Not Press The Button (To Delete The Multiverse). You can check it on Steam and give a wishlist if you want to encourage the development.
Anyway the other day I’m randomly checking Steam Most Wishlisted games and DNPTB is on there! How wild is that?
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.
Thank you! Legend of the game :)
Merry Christmas
What, no this is not acceptable. It’s flaming October, we haven’t even had Halloween yet, you can’t be wishing people merry Christmas yet.
Merry Xmas
Currently enjoying the demo. I’ve definitely wanted more nonsense like this in gaming.
One simple thing to fix is widescreen FOV, which is fortunately trivial. Simply add the following lines to Engine.ini in the config files and it should handle any screen width just fine:
[/script/engine.localplayer] AspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainYFOV
it won’t let me wishlist it, I clicked the link and it was already in my wishlist! haha I can’t wait :)
Love me straightforward films like that. Just good old fashioned bug killing, no fancy satire or any kinda of stuff like that
Certainly no underlying political message.
Definitely not, I’ve seen some liberal suggestions that Buenos Aires was an inside job, but it’s all bull
Bug rocks don’t melt steel beams
no fancy satire
Upward and onward!
I can’t wait to not press that button.
Or maybe I’ll press it, not sure yet.
You know damn well the very first thing you’ll do is press it.
I have been following it for a long time. Congrats
That’s insane to read that someone is interested in something I’m making, thank you so much :)
First time seeing this but you got me, now I really want to press that button. Why am I so easily manipulated?
Hm, if you want try the demo, it’s not the full game but a standalone level meant to mess with the player in ways they maybe don’t expect.
The lemmings united!
YES! Heroes of the modern age!
I guess I’ll be the one to ask. Since we are on Lemmy…
Linux support?
The Steam page just says Windows. ProtonDB has no reports.
However, there is a demo, so maybe someone can try it.
It’ll most likely work through proton.
Congrats, just added another wishlisting! Maybe this was answered somewhere else already, but do you have any details yet on how well it will be playable on Steam Deck?
Completely playable.
As long as you don’t push any buttons.
Unless they’re doing something on a proprietary engine (which I highly doubt) , I imagine it’s playable. I guess it also needs controller support to be “Steam Deck Compatible” but that’s likely not an issue either.
Doesn’t need direct controller support, just a suitable steam deck controller layout that works well I think.
I don’t a Steam Deck but maybe I will get one at some point and optimize for it
That’s awesome man! I’m super happy for you. I’ll go ahead and add it to another wishlist. Unfortunately it will probably be a long time before I will be able to actually play it, but it is great to see you succeeding
Thank you nontheless :)
What’s the original picture there? I want to see the little guy’s face!
Michael Scott from “The Office”.
Good advertising on your side
So does the Steam backend tell you how many people have wishlisted a game?
Yes it does
guilty as charged. I played the demo a while back and I’ve been waiting patiently for the full version ever since
I just wishlisted the fuck outta this bitch
Loving the vibe of this comment :D