(Assuming the shower is running. Any temperature.)
The best I could come up with was a hot soup, but eventually you’ll get more water then broth. There has to be a better food out there for those hungry showers!
I can’t believe that no one has mentioned the famous shower orange yet. On Reddit there is a whole subreddit dedicated to it.
A cold orange in the shower is perfect – it’s refreshing, it smells great and you don’t have to deal with the usual mess of eating an orange.
??? The peel is what I’d consider the messy part. Are people just stomping it down the drain?
The visual of someone waffle stomping an orange is top tier. Thank you.
Waffle stomp gets me laughing every time in any context.
Peel before shower?
Oh, yeah, of course. that makes a lot more sense than what I was imagining.
You take care of that part later, I guess. The whole point of the shower orange IMO is to go primal on it and tear it open and chow down without concern for mess or eating it efficiently. Leaving the peel to pick up afterwards probably just gives the rest of your shower a nice citrus aroma.
going primal on an orange, so unpeel, and eat it like an apple?
More like… take the orange, with the peel still on it, into the shower. Dig your fingers straight through the peel deep into the center of the orange, and then rip it open. Smash your whole face into the middle of the orange, shoving the sweet insides into your mouth and not caring that much of it is smearing on your face. Then shower normally… no sticky residue because you’re already in the shower and it washes right off.
So how do we give awards on here?
Ew, why would I want poopy oranges
deleted by creator
Where else are you supposed to poop?
You make a persuasive argument
Perfect indeed 🤔
Something hot in an open bowl sounds like the worst food to eat in a shower TBH.
I’d go with something cold in a tube, like an ice pop. Or maybe a beer in one of those fancy insulated tumblers with a closeable lid.
I drink beers out of cans/bottles while showering regularly. The amount of water that gets into the can/bottle is neglible.
No glass bottles please. We don’t want you to star in any internet videos of horribly disfiguring home accidents, if you slip.
For fast eating challenge try cotton candy
Do this if you have ever wanted to identify with a raccoon.
Cured sausage. It doesn’t dissolve or absorb water.
A summer sausage in the shower is one of life’s guilty pleasures.
Perfect pairing with a shower beer
A nice spicy chorizo
What the hell is wrong with people…
My question stands.
The ninja has sexy eyes
In fairness, the place isn’t called “sensible questions”.
But for safety’s sake, please make sure it’s into a can. :)
If anyone has not had a shower beer you should try it!
Serious question: what’s up with the whole shower beer thing? I have definitely had a beer in the shower a few times in my life, which could be described as rock bottom or a really fun crazy night…
Is it essentially glass-of-wine-in-the-bathtub selfcare?
For me it was part of pre-gaming. I didn’t feel buzzed but for some reason getting out and being clean and 1 or 2 beers in set up the night. Now I have IBS so no more shower beers
Or just stay in the shower with your shower beer and it ends up being a self cleaning problem.
Back when I smoked I would have a beer and a cig.
Is there a shower veer community somewhere on the fediverse?
I hated that the reddit one went from enjoying a beer in the shower to just another place for people to show tits.
But we can certainly make one
Tits are tough to argue with
I like tits, but there was a specific gone wild version for those that wanted to be more explicit. I know I’m probably in the minority, but I didn’t want just another thirst trap.
I enjoy eating peaches in the shower Any messy fruit, really, but stone fruits in general.
You can just shamelessly get in there, get that nectar all over your face, and enjoy it. Probably more enjoyable if you have a beard and need to eat carefully.
I no longer drink, so this is like my shower beer now.
What about shower oranges?
Well obviously
I prefer to run a hot bath with a bunch of bouillon cubes. I bring salad and breadsticks in with me for the unlimited experience Olive Garden promises, but refuses to actually provide paying customers.
When I was in the military, there was a dude that was disgusting. He rarely showered to the point that he had to be ordered to shower. One time, his roommates got so frustrated with him, they took the shower head off, shoved a few bullion cubes in there, and forced him to shower. The dude couldn’t figure out why he smelled like chicken soup.
I’ve always wanted to try this. It’s exactly what I was thinking of.
slaps top of bathtub this bad boy can fit so much spaghetti in it
Mangoes because you can go primal without a care
Oh this is a great idea. You could like slice it with your eye teeth and then rip it open like a mad monke out for revenge. I feel like squatting would also give you more control as things get slippery…
Yeah this one feels right
My next door neighbor makes meals in his shower after getting a garbage disposal installed.
…how do you know that?
It’s a Seinfeld reference.
Crunchwrap supreme. Next question.
At the worst point of my life I indeed had a shower crunch wrap after a brutal graveyard shift. This is the answer.
Some stores sell a little shelf for your shower crunchwraps. They have a little suction cup on them. It’s a really clever design.
Mango. Otherwise you just end up with a mess
You wanna get graped in the mouth in the shower?
People like grapes.
Frozen grapes
Thawed frozen grapes.
Does beer qualify as a food?
Guinness is food, light beers are drinks.
Eh, Guinness is about the lightest stout I’ve ever had
“Beer has food value. Food has no beer value.” -some t-shirt I saw once
Most fruit seems to be a good choice IMO. Even veggies may be a decent option. Grapes maybe?
Fruit is generally waterproof, so it’s not like it will taste different in the shower.
I think anything with flour is probably a bad choice. Nobody likes soggy bread/cake/whatever.
I’d also consider any kind of cheeses or cured meat. Maybe a nice meat/cheese/fruit assortment?
Someone once said oranges are perfect for showers. Nice citrus aroma, no sticky mess from juice spray. I could see it …
Nobody likes soggy bread/cake/whatever.
I’d love to introduce you to the best cake: Berry Chantilly Cake.