Wow, you’ve tried nothing and are all out of ideas!
My namesake is a human librarian that was turned into an orangutan. All he says is “Ook” and can traverse the library stacks with great ease. He is happy.
I have a pretty strange knowledge set. I’m not super friendly, but I like to get high and link people to stuff. Just pretend I said only “ook”
Wow, you’ve tried nothing and are all out of ideas!
I’ll happily supply the hacksaw to keep you occupied.
I actually love that we have resourses like this.
My gripe is that they miss the mark by targeting new dads. The reason dad jokes are great is they are the first jokes your kid understands. So I would think dads of 4 to 9 year-olds would be a better target.
The high you feel when your kid cracks up at some offhand dumb joke can’t be bottled.
But the reason I love this as a resourse is that explaining jokes to a curious child develops connections in their head in a way that only a parenting rolemodel can really do. So even if it’s not laugh-out-loud funny to explain a joke, if your child tells you that they do not get a joke, first and foremost realize that is a vunerable admission. Buddies will rag on you for not getting it. Parents see a gap in their kids’ world experience that they can fill.
Is this seriously your takeaway from a well-thought out post? This the smugness of reddit that I really don’t miss.
edit: I am refering to the root comment, as that isn’t clear.
Fun fact: 200-foot radio towers are free. You can take them home. I have 257 200-foot radio towers.
As someone with protanomaly (colorblindness due to sucky red cones), this guy is a hero.
But which consumes more energy? Like really. I’m betting AI does, but some tasks might be close.
How can you enjoy your tea without a window?
You, laz.y ba’stard;
“Daddy, why do people have to eat?”
[long pull from cig] “Plants… They came here. Now we are enslaved to eat them. It is their way.”
Some stores sell a little shelf for your shower crunchwraps. They have a little suction cup on them. It’s a really clever design.
That’s fucked.
“We need some one to play Rosa Parks.”
“Well this two-year-old has the only notable characteristic.”
They do shit like this and say wokeness makes them feel bad.
You go your whole life thinking Beavis isn’t real. Then I see this.
Crunchwrap supreme. Next question.
So I’ve live a few places around the US (all east of the Missisip. So it’s not like a good survey), but the place that is worst for this has been southern Louisiana (north shore). Everywhere kinda sucks, but it’s anarchy there.
Why are you the judge of what conditions make it acceptable?
This is just more propaganda from the People’s Front of Judea.
One is allowed to call a joke gross regardless of the definition of a joke.
I live in the second one. On purpose. I’ll never wear my debian tshirt.