List could be released as soon as Tuesday after deadline for objections to unsealing of names passes midnight Monday

Nearly 200 names connected to the Jeffrey Epstein-Ghislaine Maxwell sex trafficking conspiracy could be released by a New York judge as soon as Tuesday, exposing or confirming the identities of dozens of associates of the disgraced financier that until now have only been known as John and Jane Does in court papers.

A deadline for objections to the unsealing of the names passes at midnight on Monday, nearly nine years after victim Virginia Giuffre filed a single defamation claim against Maxwell, daughter of the late British press baron Robert Maxwell, in 2015, that in turn produced the names in legal depositions.

A year later, in 2016, US district court judge Robert Sweet rejected Maxwell’s motion to dismiss the case, finding that “the veracity of a contextual world of facts more broad than the allegedly defamatory statements” and that Guiffre “was a victim of sustained underage sexual abuse between 1999 and 2002”. The parties settled out of court in 2017.

      111 year ago

      Didn’t we already see the list in the form of the black book that was released years ago? I felt like it came out, and people were like “yep, that makes sense” and then nothing changed.

        11 year ago

        Law enforcement doesn’t need the names to be public, literally the only thing this changes is that the public will know the names. Don’t expect anything to happen.

    • assa123
      1 year ago

      from :

      • Ghislaine Maxwell
      • Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre
      • Kathy Alexander
      • Miles Alexander
      • James Michael Austrich
      • Philip Barden
      • REDACTED
      • Cate Blanchett
      • David Boies
      • Laura Boothe
      • Evelyn Boulet
      • Rebecca Boylan
      • Joshua Bunner
      • Naomi Campbell
      • Carolyn Casey
      • Paul Cassell
      • Sharon Churcher
      • Bill Clinton
      • David Copperfield
      • Alexandra Cousteau
      • Cameron Diaz
      • Leonardo DiCaprio
      • Alan Dershowitz
      • Dr. Mona Devanesan
      • REDACTED
      • Bradley Edwards
      • Amanda Ellison
      • Cimberly Espinosa
      • Jeffrey Epstein
      • Annie Farmer
      • Marie Farmer
      • Alexandra Fekkai
      • Crystal Figueroa
      • Anthony Figueroa
      • Louis Freeh
      • Eric Gany
      • Meg Garvin
      • Sheridan Gibson-Butte
      • Robert Giuffre
      • Al Gore
      • Ross Gow
      • Fred Graff
      • Philip Guderyon
      • REDACTED
      • Shannon Harrison
      • Stephen Hawking
      • Victoria Hazel
      • Brittany Henderson
      • Brett Jaffe
      • Michael Jackson
      • Carol Roberts Kess
      • Dr. Karen Kutikoff
      • Peter Listerman
      • George Lucas
      • Tony Lyons
      • Bob Meister
      • Jamie A. Melanson
      • Lynn Miller
      • Marvin Minsky
      • REDACTED
      • David Mullen
      • Joe Pagano
      • Mary Paluga
      • J. Stanley Pottinger
      • Joseph Recarey
      • Michael Reiter
      • Jason Richards
      • Bill Richardson
      • Sky Roberts
      • Scott Rothstein
      • Forest Sawyer
      • Doug Schoetlle
      • Kevin Spacey
      • Cecilia Stein
      • Mark Tafoya
      • Brent Tindall
      • Kevin Thompson
      • Donald Trump
      • Ed Tuttle
      • Emma Vaghan
      • Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
      • Cresenda Valdes
      • Anthony Valladares
      • Maritza Vazquez
      • Vicky Ward
      • Jarred Weisfeld
      • Courtney Wild
      • Bruce Willis
      • Daniel Wilson
      • Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York
      1 year ago

      They led to over 150 cases of severe consequences in Germany. Beginning with very high tax “recalculations”, company closures, heads rolling (firings in some of the affected companies or the end of some political careers, like Bert Meestadt or Nawaz Sharif’s dismissal from office) to actual imprisonments. 71 Million Euros of “additional” Taxes have already been payed, Mossack is wanted by Europol, and many many more.

      Many cases are still open - justice takes time.

      To say nothing happend due to the Panama Papers is just blatantly misleading and utterly untrue.

      • littleblue✨
        1 year ago

        in Germany

        … How myopic.

        To say nothing happened

        And hyperbolic. Cute.

        1. That’s a couple quiet drips into the pissbucket, and

        2. No one even implied that “nothing” was done, FFS.

        The entirety of the Panama Papers’ consequences worldwide is so abysmally, shamefully miniscule by comparison to the crimes inherent that your “um akshually” comes off as pedantic AF.

      51 year ago

      Nawaz Sharif walking back into Pakistan after taking a 4 year vacation in Europe to escape imprisonment

  • Alien Nathan Edward
    491 year ago

    the names will come out, people will make a big deal for a couple days, the authorities in charge will go “now now, you’ve got to understand”, then people will move on to the next thing and the people in charge will go back to very publicly fucking children.

      81 year ago

      I think you’re right. We’re going to see some expected names, some unexpected names, and some randoms.

      The unexpected names are already working on how they’ll publicly say they weren’t involved like that and without any further evidence it’ll all just fade.

      We’ll say yeah, we kinda expected that guy to be an Epstein island tourist. But hey, there are still-sitting politicians who we know this kind of thing about and their positions are unaffected.

      • Not Donkey Doug! He’s my boy! I don’t think of him as my boy, I think of him as my boy! Yeah, but it’s more like… “That’s my son right there, son.” But not, like, “son-son”, but, like, “my boy”. But not, like…

      • Yes well to be fair he never recovered from his service in every war since WW2 across multiple theaters plus special ops stuff. I would like to see you be perfectly ethical after 9 million man-hours of combat stretched over 7 decades.

  • Nix
    401 year ago

    That took a while… enough to have double/triple/quadruple checked and “removed” most high profile names with any modicum of power and/or financial backing 🤔

    Well I reserve my judgment until the names are published. We already know some of the entourage from previous journalists and reports.

    If most names published are of unknown, foreign or already passed away individuals it would be quite suspicious indeed.

    • irotsoma
      401 year ago

      It will look bad on people who try to look ethical, but it will have no effect on those who don’t. So the Clinton’s would take a hit if Bill was on there, but Trump wouldn’t be affected.

      The right wing easily draws in one-issue voters since their primary issues are usually about taking away something from someone else, and so they don’t require many resources and generally are accomplished more easily using unethical means than ethical ones. “It’s just business,” and all that.

      Leftists tend to be more about building something rather than tearing it down. That’s both more work and requires a lot of shared resources. So ethical practices are required to keep those resources from getting misused.

    • In reality? Nothing, if there’s no further evidence of the individual’s participation in Epstein’s activities. Because of the shitload of people who encountered Epstein in various social settings without participating in his illegal activities (not saying they didn’t have knowledge of his activities which I assume was an open secret among the wealthy) it will be likely be impossible to pin individuals to crimes sufficient to result in a conviction in court. Plus, being rich and powerful is a disincentive for prosecutors to pursue crimes because of all the usual reasons.

      So yeah. Nothing will happen to these people.

        111 year ago

        they didn’t have knowledge of his activities which I assume was an open secret among the wealthy

        I imagine most people thought “Epstein sure likes those barely-legal, young-looking girls!” Some surely knew he was raping minors, but I bet it was a tiny minority. Even if they personally had no problem with pedophiles (unlikely), they must have known how dangerous it would be to be associated with them.

        For Epstein, it was probably a big risk every time he revealed that the girls were actually underage. The person he revealed it to might try to blackmail him. So, I bet he was very selective about who he let know that the girls were minors. Sure, he was seen with young-looking girls, but they were probably plausibly old enough that people could assume they were just barely 18. He probably used them to see who was especially interested, and those people were the ones who he revealed the truth to.

          141 year ago

          Or they let themselves get close to Epstein thinking they everything was barely legal, then Epstein got blackmail material on them from an awkward foot massage. I would pay more attention to the repeats on his flight logs then his address book.

      1 year ago

      I can’t rule out “nothing” completely, with the knowledge I have. It’s absolutely something we should see, though. It will sketch out the whole picture in a way that allows people to exonerate themselves or be further implicated. If it’s specific enough for people to have alibis, then that’s interesting, and if it’s full of plausible allegations, then they could become more damning. Consider that the details of what people are “accused” is likely to vary - are they accused of being on a plane with other witnesses? Who is accused of having extensive opportunities to have committed abuses during their stay on the island? What was the pretense for their involvement with Epstein and Maxwell? It puts people in a position to explain what they did or did not know about Jeffrey Epstein at the time, and for those claims to be cross-checked, where possible. Close contacts of the accused may be prompted to add additional information from their recollections or records, if they learn that they had been lied to. Another possibility is that the allegations are frustratingly vague and don’t actually create a clear picture of any criminal behavior.

      1 year ago

      That they were requested to testify or give testimony about their experiences related to Gislanes activity on Epsteins island.

      They’re asked to testify because of other people’s testimony, flight logs, pictures, etc. that place them on the island at some point.

      What they were doing there is debatable, but there are implications; at best they were hanging with a shady dude.

        131 year ago

        You demonstrate exactly why it’s such a mistake to release this, as most people don’t understand that being on this list doesn’t even necessarily mean there is any suspicion around you at all. It’s just a list of every name that came up in trial, this can include victims even, but a lot of it might be a person was just included on an email or something else completely innocuous.

      351 year ago

      They are from 2015 and…

      U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ruled earlier this month there was no legal justification for continuing to conceal the ex-president’s name and more than 150 names other “John and Jane Does” mentioned in the records.

      Quote taken from here

      • kase
        21 year ago

        Aliens? Are you telling me you think space is real??

    171 year ago

    The fact that any names are redacted at all is proof that the only real solution is the guillotine.

    • Let’s rob the guillotine in the Museum of the Prefecture of Paris, and place it back on the street.

      I personally recommend Epstine’s old street as a warning or a promise.

    151 year ago

    This is going to be interesting for the news cycle! Trump obviously, but who else? So Bill Clinon, Bill Gates, who else!

    More importantly, where did they touch and how long did they touch for?

      51 year ago

      I’m getting big “the reddit safe” vibes with this one. Going to be waiting a long ass time to see absolutely nothing.