The genie is pretty ancient, my head canon is that it’s just the genie’s personal rules over the millennia
In that case one wonders what would happen if Aladdin just wished for the means to kill Jafar himself.
He wished to be a prince, his royal entourage hypothetically included several people capable of assassinating Jafar on the order, it was just down to Aladdin being a stickler for being an active participant in proceedings that hindered him taking that less direct route.
In they case genie, I wish for a glock!
I read this in Timmy’s voice, to the point I had to double-check this wasn’t a quote.
That was good, what an angst for a djinn though
Or something that would indirectly kill Jafar, like teleporting him to the moon.
100 meters up is enough.
Or down.
The (admittedly kind of terrible) sequel disagrees with that, because Jafar as a genie can’t kill anyone either.
Though he can use his powers to make people’s life hell, wish or no wish, and abuses that quite a bit.
You don’t even need to watch the sequel to see that, as genies being bound by specific rules is the whole point of tricking him into becoming a genie.
Though after Aladdin wishes for the Genie’s freedom, it really opens a can of worms as to what that means. Sure, I guess he’s free to roam the earth, and no longer bound to grant wishes. But at the same time, has he now lost that power?
Because Disney ending aside, you would think an unbound genie with his full powers would be something that only ends badly.
Again, if we’re only talking about Disney canon, according to the sequel and series (because really that movie was just the pilot for the animated series), the genie is supposed to have lost a lot of his power after being freed. It’s not obvious how much of it really.
It’s also not obvious how “bound” the genies are to begin with.
Genie is tricked into getting Aladdin out of the cave of wonders without using a wish, and he looks a bit annoyed but not that much (and it worked). He also basically forces a wish on an unconscious Aladdin to save his life, saying he can’t do it without a wish.
Whatever magic contract is used there looks quite open to interpretation…
Plot twist: Genie is just impersonating a djinn, but in fact he’s an eldritch god 🌚
He’s an eldritch shapeshifter, subconsciously transforming into what people believe he should be. Sort of like the Norse gods in Marvel Comics. Until Alladin rubs the lamp, he didn’t exist as a conscious being because nobody was there to think him into being.
Always thought that was such a gyp, Jafar getting turned into a bound genie, as if that were the default state for djinn.
It does not make a lot of sense, but it was sort of established earlier in that particular universe (the “phenomenal cosmic powers, itty bitty living space” thing).
My main problem with this always was Aladdin suggesting to Jafar “Hey, you know, the genie’s still more powerful”, and Jafar reacts exactly how Aladdin had planned, by wishing specifically to be the most powerful genie.
Why was that the only option he could think of? Where was it written that a sorcerer could not be more powerful than a genie?
Aladdin tricks him by saying if a genie gave him his power, the genie could take them back too… But in the end it’s still the genie who makes him a genie too, so why would that be any different?
Yeah, the fact that all genies are bound to lamps there is dumb - one even gets created for Jafar. How does that make any sense, even in that fantastical setting? And it’s not like they all have to be bound, since they can be wished free.
Jafar wished to be “the world’s most powerful sorcerer.” so you’re right, he could have wished to be still more powerful. Or to be a free genie. Maybe there are universes where the Disney villain didn’t hold the idiot ball at the end and succeeded in their plans. Now that would be an interesting “What If” series!
It’s even worse than the villain being an idiot in this case IMO. It’s being an idiot exactly in the right way, despite it seeming quite far-fetched.
It somehow requires that Jafar believes only a genie can be ultra-powerful, but ignores that a powerful genie is supposed to be bound.
They wanted Aladdin to win by being cunning, because it’s supposed to be his main thing, and that’s okay, even if they need Jafar to be an ass for a few seconds. But for this to work, Aladdin didn’t just need to be cunning, he had to be a freaking psychic.
I guess Jafar thought the idea of all genies being bound by default was ridiculous, too.
To be fair, Jafar’s power hungry nature and one-track mind is a real obvious character flaw.
Needs a movie or show to be done by the same guys that did Invincible. All other tv shows/movies can get stuffed.
Different wish granting entities different rules
A Djinn’s wishes are meant to serve as a lesson about understanding what you actually want while Shenron’s limitations are more about keeping any mortal who can summon him from stepping beyond their bounds, especially since we now have the super dragonballs implying significant limitations on what regular dragonballs are capable of in comparison.
Honestly it’d be interesting to see a comparison of wish granting powers to understand what their limitations imply about their roll in the story.
imply about their roll in the story.
The DragonBalls probably roll infinitely better than the lamp.
The lamp is a classic D2
No wonder those balls end up in the deepest holes
Aladdin should have wished for the Star Rod from Paper Mario. Instant story breakage achieved.
Why is this comic being presented on an original game boy?
Check the source
I imagine that’s their thing
lol literally didn’t notice that
Could get more work done if he requested a Death Note.
Pretty sure he’s illiterate, being an orphan in medieval times and whatnot
Aladdin could just wish to be the most powerful sorcerer of the world, turn into a giant snake and fight Jaffar. No way that would backfire
“I wish for what I should wish for.”
There you go. Now your wish contains all of your morality and cannot be turned against you.
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Unlimited cosmic power!
¿No downsides?
The other Rule 34.
Oh my!
Takei, George
I’m pretty sure fanfics have that territory covered. 🐍🐍🧶
Wishing for Dragon Balls is just wishing for more wishes with extra steps. Wish denied!
I don’t get it.
In Dragon Ball Z, collecting all 7 dragon balls allows you to summon an all powerful dragon that will grant you one wish, for anything you desire. Wishing for someone’s death or resurrection are not limitations
I don’t know that anyone’s ever wished to have anyone else croaked with the dragon balls. But people have definitely been resurrected. A lot.
Also, Oolong got a pair of panties with them.
It sure would speed up the plot if they just wished for Frieza to die
The dragon (at least Earth’s dragon, Shenron) has been asked for feats that were too great for him to perform, though, and had to refuse the wish stating they were “beyond his power.”
We don’t know the limits of his power re: ass kicking. But it’s probably unlikely that Shenron could delete Frieza. Possibly Porunga (Namek’s dragon) could have. Who knows.
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No he couldn’t kill King Piccolo because he cant kill those that are more powerful then his creator. Location doesn’t matter. And i think Goku once refused to be wished back to earth because he was training somewhere in space, meaning shenron couldn’t overpower him
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Didn’t King Piccolo kill Shenron?
I think I remember the human chaff (Krilin, Yamcha) asking if Shenron could destroy Vegeta and Nappa’s ships while they were still en route to Earth.
I also remember that, after beating up Cell, Krilin wanted 18 to become human, but that was “beyond” what Shenron could do.
Second wish was granted I think? That’s why they have a kid, no?
No idea, I’d have to check a wiki or something
How does Marron exist then?
The English translation is wrong, Gero, 17 and 18 are cyborgs, not androids.
They’re originally humans, who were turned into robots, while 16 and 19 were fully robotic androids (and use a different word in Japanese, I believe?)
So 18 must’ve had her babymaker intact, maybe that’s where Gero put the bomb that Krillin wished away.
Oh. I never watched dragon balls.
Watch DragonBall Z abridged if you’re interested. It’s short relative to the series, is hilarious, and keeps the story more or less intact.
Does that version get rid of all the:
“What’s he gonna do‽”
I probably could have watched the show if it wasn’t for the 15 episode powerup sequences
It’s a redub with humor. It gets rid of that except when it wants to make fun of the endless haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-ing
TeamFourStars is screaming in a corner from reading that.
DragonBall anime reference.
The balls call a dragon that can grant whatever single wish and then they scatter again as I recall. Used to resurrect the dead a lot.
Much of the original anime revolves around collecting them.
Dragon balls are magical. Got it.
Much like Yu-Gi-Oh! And Cartoon Network Batman, “Can’t Kill Anybody” just invites much worse possibilities
They’re smiling. How bad can it be if they are smiling?
transport jafar to the center of the sun.
Probably considered “killing”, though one may wonder where the limit is.
If someone is alone in a row boat in the middle of the ocean and I wish away their boat, did I wish for their death?
Who gets to decide that? Is there a court of genie law? In that case is it the genie or the master who’s being sued?
for insurance purposes it was the sun that killed him.
If only Jafar had trained a bit more. He may have been to strong for the dragon to kill him.
Also, depending on the era. Shen-long will grant 1, 2 or 3 wishes.
And then Jafar would have stood a chance against Ryu.
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I stand by what Game Theory said and say Aladdin should have wished for Jasmine to become Sultan.
Only 7 dragon balls, eh?
One of those dragons was unlucky.
Or 3 were unlucky, and the 4th is lucky to have only lost 1 ball.
I like the color scheme. :ر
I wanted to blurt out that it reminds me of the original Gameboy, but the url pretty much said it already. XطGameboy is an Aesthetic.