Gut so, Tempolimit ist genauso sinnlose Symbolpolitik wie efuels. Die Menge an politischen Kapital das man damit verspielt ist es einfach nicht wert.
Gut so, Tempolimit ist genauso sinnlose Symbolpolitik wie efuels. Die Menge an politischen Kapital das man damit verspielt ist es einfach nicht wert.
Yeah, it’s just that you couldn’t officially preorder this game, you had to buy it the day it became available. Sure it was a shit game but people literally scamed themselves when they didn’t even try to look up if the game they are buying is any good.
Hamas leadership is worth billions, surely they will step up to provide for their people
“Send in special forces, don’t bomb them” “No not like that”
Thats literally the opposite of reality, there will never be one state as the jews wont risk a state in which they are a minority and most of the populus want them eradicated.
If it wasnt King Piccolo it was vegeta that they asked to be killed, still the same outcome in the end
Yes but Kami recreated the Dragon so thats when they tried to have hin kill King Piccolo
No he couldn’t kill King Piccolo because he cant kill those that are more powerful then his creator. Location doesn’t matter. And i think Goku once refused to be wished back to earth because he was training somewhere in space, meaning shenron couldn’t overpower him
Yeah, storage costs also don’t scale well so why would they? Also since this is Lemmy: Host your own “cloud” storage
Weil es bei der AFD auch heißt: wer in einer Partei mit Nazis ist, ist Nazi
Ist es das? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSAI_HUZDI0
Unfälle passieren, sogar mit Waffen und sogar bei der Polizei.
Das lustige ist dass ich mein Netflix wegen dem teilen gekündigt habe und mir stattdessen Disney+ geholt habe. Naja habe ja noch Prime danach
Also knallgrün anmalen könnte man schon fordern damit die Abgrenzung besser zu erkennen ist
Was? Die Daten werden zwischen den Zertifikatsinhabern verschlüsselt
I think people would Care less If they did these changes to their new games, but going back and changing stuff wont do any actual good for anybody. Most likely an attempt to whitewash the companies history and make them seem more pc.
What a weird thing to get hung up on. Soviet cotton farming literally killed the Aral sea.