I will try to hold back too many profanities, but it’s seriously FUCKED UP that anyone but this woman and her doctor know that she’s pregnant, with a doomed fetus, and needs an abortion, and it’s FUCKED UP that anyone gets to overrule her decision, and it’s FUCKED UP that she has to flee the state during an obviously traumatic time, and it’s FUCKED UP that the FUCKERS will vilify her now, hell maybe even prosecute her, and it’s FUCKED UP that making a difficult time much more difficult is “good politics” in the state of Texas, which, by the way, is an utterly FUCKED UP place.
I should not know her name. I should not know her intimate personal details.
She should have been able to mourn her loss in private with her loved ones. Not on the national stage as an example. She should not be at risk of prosecution because of this unfortunate situation.
“Risk” is hopeful.
I should not know her name. I should not know her intimate personal details.
Good news! You don’t know the names of the thousands upon thousands of other women and girls in similar positions who don’t have the resources or skin pigmentation to be able to bring a case against the state or make headlines like this.
Oh wait, that’s maybe not such good news…
What is worse is that, as she at least has means/options (to hire a lawyer, to leave the state, etc), many woman do not.
Can I repeat that it’s FUCKED UP!
It’s also pretty FUCKED UP that she was cleared for the procedure by one judge, giving her a glimmer of relief, only to have that snatched back by the Texas Supreme Court like 2 days later.
This whole situation & every lawmaker involved is proper fucked.
I’m curious how her doctor didn’t just go for it in the window
The window was short & I think over a weekend, but I may be mistaken about that.
These extreme right wing fanatic religious nuts, are the ones that make me doubt humanity will make it past a few generations more.
It will if we don’t let them get away with this.
Protests do work. There are more of us than them, and we don’t have to passively let them do this to us.
This anti abortion thing is a symptom of a larger problem IMO.
Trump actually has a chance of winning! Think about it! The narcissist psycho Donald Trump, a proven criminal and traitor, actually has a chance of winning the next presidential election!
Russia has gone completely fascist and anti humanitarian, invading a peaceful democracy for seeking closer ties to EU and NATO.
Slovakia recently elected a Russia friendly government.
Netherlands elected a fascist government. Who helps Putin, and wants Netherlands out of EU and NATO.
Italia elected a fascist leader last election.
Hungary and Bulgaria are actively undermining EU and try to block aid to Ukraine, and want “better” relations with Russia.
Argentina together with much of south America is turning extreme right again. Almost as iof they want their old military dictators back.
China under Xi is trying to dominate Asia including militarily in the China sea now, their rhetoric regarding Taiwan is becoming ever more aggressive. and Xi has gained powers in China comparable to what Putin has done in Russia.The optimism after the Berlin wall fell, has turned into a nightmare, where instead of freedom spreading east, fascism is now spreading west.
At least Poland took a minor step back towards normalcy, and prevented the “Law and Justice” party from forming government again.Of course this could begin to turn around, especially if Putin and Xi loses power somehow. That could end a huge catalyst towards fascism in the world.
This reply not only utilized the word fuck effectively, but also really had no other choice as it is, just so utterly Fucked up. No wonder there is a brain drain going on right now in Texas. I would want to leave too.
I mean good vent but you can do swears here
… Duckers…
Been saying this for days. Her whole life, her children, friends, family; exposed to these crazies. Every bit of spite will be directed at them. It may not even be safe for them to live there. Her husband. His job? All fucked. Who knows how long it will take for this shit to blow over and still be left with the tragedy of needing healthcare, losing a wanted child, and being punished for it.
please stop with the “Just Leave.” we can’t all just leave and i tire of hearing it. what limitations and obligations keep you where you are?
and if you genuinely can Just Leave wherever you are, reflect for awhile on your privilege, then try to recognize how many people do not have that option for any number of reasons.
sometimes i think this sentiment is only a little less tone-deaf than “just have a baby.”
Well, hopefully you can get enough people to get over the hurdles you have to vote for actual change.
Have you seen the state of gerrymandering in Texas? They know their positions are unpopular abominations against democracy, so they’ve worked furtively to dismantle democracy so they can get away with this shit.
Yes, for the love of humanity, VOTE. But never believe that’s all you can or must do. We outnumber them, and they need to be reminded of that in more ways than one.
Gerrymandering doesn’t explain why we reelected Greg “It could’ve been worse” Abbott.
In Texas, “leaving” can be a 10-hour drive and we still border with plenty of states that highly restrict abortion.
The people who are saying leave, are the ones seeing you as the frog slowly boiling, but not realizing it until it’s too late.
Of course it sucks. Of course you might have to build life anew, but a real life beats a kettle that’s heating up.
All I’m saying it’s not black and white, and many probably already left or are in the process.
Okay, and? That doesn’t change a thing braxy said. What if you’ve been aware for years of the pot getting hotter and hotter and have had every desire to leave but don’t have the ability to? Those that have left were in a position in which they had the means to do so. Those that want to but can’t for any number of reasons (finances, family, health, etc. etc.) don’t have much choice.
My take is that there’s nothing wrong in saying leave, or people leaving. But I also agreed that it’s not possible for everyone, or not all want to - until perhaps something is too late.
I don’t understand why the people who can’t/won’t/don’t want to take offense from it, when it’s a viable option for many.
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Are most people honestly living from paycheck to another? I find that quite difficult to believe. Then again I’m Finnish and not American, so that’s probably why I can’t see the big picture from a local pov. Just seems… baffling.
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If you make 5k and spend 4k a month, while having 5k savings, that’s not pay check to pay check. Close though, but what the term implies is 0 surplus, all that you make goes before next pay.
Some of us also want to cool down the pot instead. I’d rather swim in my pot than someone else’s.
What about the child rape victims who have zero agency? What about the disabled who are completely reliant on others? What about people who have court orders barring them from leaving for whatever reason? What about those for whom leaving would mean abandoning their children to an abusive spouse who has custody?
I could name reasons that’s not feasible for many, many people, but the bottom line is that may work for privileged people, but our responsibility is to care for all of us, and saying ‘sucks to be you’ is not a solution any of us should accept.
If the reason you’re staying is family, then maybe you need to rethink your priorities. Never let blood keep you from doing what you want to do or being who you want to be. You can serve your family better when you succeed at reaching your goals.
Translation. “I ate, world hunger solved”.
This is akin to saying that you should abandon a dog or child when they’re bleeding immensely. If I can take care of myself, I can take care of people who need me, family or not.
Leave, though. If enough people leave, only then will they realize how stupid they are. Your ancestors left the old countries on ships to the New World with only the clothes on their backs. Time for you Americans to emigrate elsewhere.
Fund their moves or shut the fuck up
Thank you.
People are funding it. But it’s not enough
I searched quickly, but I couldn’t find anything. If there was like a Patreon or something where I could give $50/mo to help people get the fuck out of shitty states or situations, I’d do it. Know any?
I don’t know any. If you want to help, ask them where to send the money. Alls I’m saying is, don’t just advise someone to “just leave” without offering any resources to help them leave
There are plenty of organizations helping refugees all over the world. UNHCR is probably the most established, being affiliated with the UN. They would probably help out if you need to flee from your government. https://www.unrefugees.org/
“It is impossible for me to leave”
“ThEn YoU ShOuLd LeAvE!”
Are you illiterate?
It’s never impossible, you could literally sell everything you own and go anywhere.
But most people won’t because that’s terrifying.
It’s not. It never is. This is self defeatist rationalizing.
If it was easy enough for a significant amount of people to leave, the Republicans would love it because they could force out almost everyone that wouldn’t vote for them
I have zero faith in republicans realizing any facts.
we’re fairly well off but my wifes job is at a university, how do I move several campuses, the student body and the rest of the staff with us?
No, the Puritans were well-funded twats. Also, Texas isn’t America, I suppose everyone refers to France as Europe?
What will happen is the few that can’t afford to leave Texas will remain in an oppressive state run by psychopaths with no chance to free themselves. Those that can stay and fight, probably should, but it’s also a huge ask to have people just trying to survive day-to-day also have to fight their shitty government back into the hell-hole from whence it came. They also have to deal with their own Texas neighbors who are too dumb to understand how repressed they are and actually like the direction that state is heading, as their own rights and freedoms are stripped away from underneath them.
It turns out that moving costs money, the cost of living varies greatly in surrounding states, Texas is huge, and with more than 60% of Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck, the incidental expenses that pop up from a move would be too great for more than 60% of Americans. That’s even if they could find a job on the receiving end.
You clearly don’t know the challenges of leaving a country and moving to e.g. the EU or Australia or something, or any other country for that matter. Countries are extremely selective of who they want in, they likely won’t accept someone unless they work in a specialization that the country is in a shortage of and is in demand. Most of the world has laws that you can’t accept someone for work in a country unless you can prove that they can’t find a citizen of the country to fill the position first, and afterwards they have to sponsor a work visa for you which is a lot of time, money, and paperwork for the company, so they often avoid it. It’s also a lot of time, money, and paperwork for you.
You can also work as a digital nomad provided you have enough money saved up and can sustain yourself on self-employment (you’re not allowed to work under an employer on these visas), but generally this requires moving between different countries a lot because this is not a path to permanent residency. Some countries have treaties with the US that have a similar, but more lenient, process, for example the DAFT for the Netherlands which basically allows self-employed entrepeneurs to reside in the Netherlands as long as you can sustain yourself the entire time without government aid, and have a spare ~€4500 in a Dutch bank account that you can’t withdraw from at all times.
The other option is trying to get residence or citizenship by descent if you have a parent within 1-4 generations and meet certain criteria depending on what the citizenship laws of the country are – I’m in the process of trying to do this with an adoptive Slovak/Hungarian great-grandparent and adoptive German great-grandparent right now, and I can verify myself that this is also an extremely expensive and time-consuming process that I’m not sure if I can even afford to continue in the future, and the worst part is I don’t even know if it will pay off because my situation is a little fuzzy and possibly doesn’t count. If that doesn’t work, I’m absolutely out of luck for moving out of the US; I’ve tracked down a majority of my biological ancestors in the past 3 centuries and none of them in the past 200 years are from outside of the US. My ancestry for basically until you get to around the 1500s or 1600s is entirely American, English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, German, Dutch, Belgian, and French, which I’m pretty sure qualifies me for the most white Anglo-Saxon American here.
There’s one other viable choice too – attending university at another country. The problem is there are a lot of criteria you have to meet to be elligible for this in the first place (for one you have to be very young, they usually won’t accept people who are past their 20s), often times American diplomas and 2-year degrees aren’t seen as qualifying you for college outside of the US (in Germany they have the “Abitur” as a requirement for university instead of a diploma, which is somewhat more rigorous than an Associate’s degree, and the only way they accept your high school education as enough is if you gained specific credits and pass a few AP tests while in high school, and they don’t count doing those credits in college it HAS to be while you’re in high school), it’s highly competitive, universities are required to only accept foreigners after they’ve accepted all applicants who are citizens; and it can be incredibly expensive unless you’re going to a country which has no tuition costs and cheap student housing, which less and less countries are doing (Norway recently closed off free tuition for new non-European applicants).
The last options available aren’t viable for a majority of people, but I’ll list them out anyway. For one, you can spend hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars on property in some countries in exchange for a residence visa, a la Spain, Portugal, Cyprus’ Golden Visa programs.
Otherwise, if you can’t afford that (most people trying to escape the US or poorer countries can’t), you can go through literal hell and join the French Foreign Legion at a chance to ask for citizenship of France after a few years – but this is a TERRIBLE decision for anyone to make, the FFL isn’t just a group of soldiers, their entire training is basically abusing you with the worst conditions they can in order to weed out those who aren’t extremely tough, and the soldiers are put in the most intense, mind-and-body breaking deployments imaginable. It is scary and most people aren’t built for it psychologically nor physically. Plus you’re not even guaranteed citizenship, even after serving the 3-year period a lot of people are denied it.
TL;DR, the ability to move out of a country/free-travel-area is relatively exclusive and inaccessible to most people, and only gets less realistic as time goes on due to both age and growing anti-immigrant sentiment in many countries. If you’re part of a group subject to a country’s systematic social & economic issues (i.e. not already in a privileged/well-off position where you can already afford to fund your education or have got the education to work in a highly wanted specialization), it’s practically impossible to migrate to one of the countries that you’ll have more opportunities in, even if you are part of the potential third of Americans who might qualify for citizenship by descent. It’s the reason so many people risk their lives and freedom to illegally cross the border into the US and Europe every year, in a place where the system is against you it’s unlikely most people have access to the means to legally move away.
Bus ticket is so fucking cheap, if you can’t leave, it’s not time to whine about others’ privilege, its time to look in the mirror. Or some water in a puddle, whatever.
Come on, don’t be disingenuous, you need more than a bus ticket if you don’t live close to the border of a state that allows abortions.
Your whole trip will most likely take three days or more (getting there, getting the procedure, coming back), so you need at least two days in a hotel/Airbnb. You will have to get off work for those days as well, that is cost as well.
That could be around 300$ together if you don’t have any vacation/sick days, on top of the cost of the procedure itself. And it’s not like you can save up that money over several weeks/months either, when you need an abortion every day counts. Contrary to some media, those affected don’t want to wait until the last possible day.
Some people really only have money for the bare necessities. And they are the ones who really should have access to an abortion because a baby wouldn’t improve their situation in the slightest.
Being poor isn’t a choice in most cases. Learned helplessness might play a role, but telling them “just get a bus ticket, lul” won’t change that.
Ain’t a “might” about learned helplessness. The amount of rationalization in this day and age about people failing so hard of their own accord that they don’t have 300 bucks is fucking pathetic. Like just fucking do something, anything, except continue doing the same thing. Sell some fucking drugs, why not, quick financial.boost and go.
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Its surprisingly effective
Exactly, just pop down to the Free Drugs in Bulk For Resale bank and you’re good to go!
I hope you’re being sarcastic.
If not, you should seriously reconsider yourself.
Have you ever tried to get anything?
Too poor? Just crime!
I’ve never defined my morality by what the government says, is why I suggested to something, that something not being theft though.
It doesn’t matter if it’s moral, it’s dangerous. Cash business in a significant volume, that you can’t insure or make meaningful contracts for.
Your suggestion of doing high risk things to make money is the same as a suggestion to gamble to get money.
You fucking people are so risk adverse, it’s no wonder you’d rather be slaves to the state rather than try
Actually I agree, it’s far easier to simply let things continue the way they are than to take a leap of faith.
My dad had been talking about leaving the country since we were kids, he just said he wanted to wait for us to go off to college first. But nobody really believed him - he was an underpaid college professor with little to no life savings.
But when Covid hit he sold his house, sold his car, and grabbed a one way ticket to Ecuador. He went down without ever having been, not knowing where he’d end up living, and is now 2 years later living his best life. I visited him and it’s heaven, I’m honestly jealous.
Edit: For those of you downvoting, his “house” was a shitty condo in Jersey and his car was an old nearly broken Honda Fit. He didn’t get much from either.
Hey, if you’re poor, just sell your house and your car, that you have when you poor. Everyone has at least couple of houses to sell, right?
I think my landlord would be pissed if I sold my apartment. But hey, since I’m going to Ecuador maybe I can find a sucker and be gone before he notices haha.
OK maybe not everybody but you can always wait for your inheritance, right?
Edit: do I really need to add /s? Or why the downvotes?
My dad is more poor than I am, he just signed a 20 year mortgage at 70 and he is much closer to his 5 step kids. I am getting nothing. What next?
Edit: He at least was able to get a mortgage so maybe “more poor than I am” isn’t true.
Your dad had a house and a car to sell
A fucking house is “little to no life savings”? Can you hear yourself?!
It was a shitty condo. You guys are insane lol
So, like, surely you realize people need homes and jobs and stuff right? You can’t just hop on the next bus to freedom town and hope for the best, that’s a child’s view of emigration.
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There’s literally debt that keeps people here lol
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What do you do in the meantime? Have your wages garnished? Get denied housing because your credit score is too low?
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I’ve literally done that in the past, when things weren’t so good. I guess I hadn’t been told adults just stay, whine and rot.
adults just stay, whine and rot.
Actually, we usually kill ourselves. Why do you think America has skyrocketing suicide and overdose rates?
If you literally bought a bus ticket with nothing else to your name and somehow survived, you’re basically just a lottery winner. That’s not a sound financial strategy!
If you literally bought a bus ticket with nothing else to your name and somehow survived, you’re basically just a lottery winner.
Lots of people do this, what’re you talking about? You should honestly try it, it’s freeing.
Lots of people end up homeless or in prison or or shacking up with whoever will take them in or doing the kind of work they never wanted in their life or dead. This is a shithole country, throwing away your life to go to Dreamsville is stupid af and, honestly, I don’t even believe you.
If I wanted that kind of freedom I’d just take out my 9mm retirement plan early, rather than my current plan of waiting until I’m too old to work.
See, this is exactly the mindset leaves people trapped. I love how you throw “doing work” in with prison, dead, etc.
Bus ticket, abortion cost, food and lodging for the duration, lost wages for the time it has taken. Also what if this is a mother already? Childcare costs while you are gone.
I am sure I have missed a lot as well.
You need to drastically work on your empathy my friend.
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I want any Texan to give me the moral justification for forcing a woman to give birth to a baby that will only live for a few hours in agony before dying. Because this isn’t stopping what they call murder. There’s no murder here even if you consider abortion to be murder in general because there will be no life for this fetus/baby/whatever you want to call it.
I want to know why this woman should be banned from having an abortion in Texas beyond ‘we said no abortions and we mean it.’
“God’s will” is the typical refrain. I usually reply with “Then why are you wearing shoes? If god wanted something on your feet he would have given them to you”. Glasses are similarly blasphemy according to their poor logic.
Or why do you ever go to the doctor for anything? Shouldn’t it be “God’s will” if you break an arm or get pneumonia?
I remember one of the priests at my childhood (Roman Catholic) church had a great sermon about this mentality. He told the story of a woman trapped on the roof of her home after a horrible flood. A man in a rowboat finds her and attempts to lend assistance. “No need! God will save me”. Confused, he moved on. Next, a motor boat passes by, offering to help her from her roof as well. Again, “no thanks, God will save me!” Later on, a coast guard chopper arrives. The rescuer winched down onto the roof is similarly rebuked by the woman. She soon dies from exposure. When she arrives into heaven she angrily asks God why he didn’t save her to which God answers “I sent two boats and a rescue helicopter for you!”
That sermon is a joke that i heard when i was a kid prob 20 years ago or so.
Well it was one of the few I found interesting so I guess good for that guy for getting me to listen. He made it about how god helps people that help themselves after the punchline
Some of them are that crazy. Let me introduce you to the Church of Christ, Scientist (yes that’s actually their name).
Knowing Better made a great video about them and their founder!
I hold the opinion the religious should live much more like the Amish. If you don’t believe in science, don’t. But they shouldn’t be able to cherry pick which science to believe in.
These are literally grown adults that believe in magic. There’s not going to be any reasonable explanation that will make any sense to anyone outside of their cult.
She is a sinner so she must endure her divine punishment. That’s the whole argument.
The folks I know who believe in magic believe in faeries and healing crystals. They don’t have issues with abortions.
These folks believe in religion, which is far worse than magic.
I dunno, Jesus was pretty much a DnD cleric, and they do magic all the time.
Jesus literally had a magic wand in some early Christian imagery.
They believe god may grant the fetus a reprieve at any moment. They believe in magic, ffs. What do you expect?
Couldn’t god just make the abortion not work? Maybe give the doctor a heart attack, or make Jesus appear on the sonogram like he does on toast?
I mean he could make a lot of things not work, but prefers to allow our fuck ups with random miracles mixed in. Apparently free will means letting us do bad shit.
And that’s where the whole tri-omni approach starts to eat its own tail.
I have a whole shtick about free will not being compatible with either a materialistic nor a tri-omni worldview. I simply do not believe it exists, nor is it possible.
The omnis just don’t work sanely, not that believers will listen.
Epicurus tackled it centuries before Christianity existed:
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
I doubt in many cases they even believe in the science that says this is going to be the outcome, because science isn’t real.
They think science is a religion. Manifestation of your will is what makes reality. So if they pray hard enough, it will have an effect. They think people who consider themselves scientists are just making it up and making it real because they believe it so much.
I don’t see why they would doubt that. In my experience they tend to trust medical science but god is a super doc that might miracle someone in a bad spot.
Because god works in mysterious ways or some bullshit like that?
Texas woman seeks refuge from religious persecution
Married Christian woman escapes from risking sterilization for Republicans.
The headline needs to be “Republicans want married Christian woman to be sterile.”
I feel like someone needs to sue her husband under the snitch law just to show how insane it is. She is a white women with means enough to take this to trial, just imagine what a poor brown teenager has to deal with.
Snitch law?
Anyone in Texas is allowed to sue anyone else and accuse them of facilitating a third party of attempting or succeeding in getting an abortion.
All Texas women should leave the state regardless of whether or not they need an abortion
That let’s them win, they keep getting to fuck texas up more.
Maybe this will cause some women to get out and vote against all these assholes that keep winning due to low turnout.
Yeah, but if it’s just men and no bang maids around, they’ll eventually run themselves into the ground.
Why do you think they keep all them long horns around? Moo moo buckaroo 🐮 💋
If we could just find some alternative that’ll keep all the Texans where they are, that’d be great instead.
A neighbor
Nah, I don’t wanna stay in this hellscape that I didn’t vote for.
Never vote Republican.
Republicans are regrssive on human rights.
Republicans are regrssive
on human rights.FTFY
National attention while going through this sounds like a nightmare
Almost like they wanna pin a big letter A on her for abortion. Fuckin weird right?
Can we pin a giant D on them for Dickless Wonders?
She should probably never come back to Texas. She and her family will be a target.
I imagine ole Kenny boy will get on the horn to some civilian lackies to sue Uber, Southwest airlines, the airport that the plane took off from, etc under the original vigilante law that allows such to any person who “assists” in getting an abortion.
My daughter is twenty two years old and loved growing up in Texas. I told her to never live in this shithole state because it’s becoming illegal for her to exist, so she’s living and working in a civilized state at the expense of my rarely getting to see her.
Colleagues think I’m overboard in this. Those colleagues have sons, not daughters, so it’s still if it doesn’t affect me personally, it’s not important.
Fuck this place.
You’re not overboard. I’ve spent a lot of my life in Texas. I never thought it would get worse than it was 10 years ago but here we are.
Can you guys imagine what Molly Ivins would be saying about Texas today?
I’m not a Texan, but I was a big fan of her writings about Texas. And everything else.
I guess if my life hung in the balance and at the whim of people like Ken Paxton, I’d leave too. Too bad that Texans and doctors didn’t show up for her.
The problem I can imagine is that anyone that shows support for her will also be vilified by the state and face harassment and/or legal repercussions, which is exactly the outcome these asshats want for people who stand up to them. I’m sure she has plenty of support, but people have to be willing to face major consequences to stand with her, which is beyond fucked. Fascist assholes.
Used to know people when I was a kid that marched with MLK. The conditions you described applied to them. Yet, everytime a march was called they were on the bus. It was important to them. It’s not important enough for Texans.
I think it’s also easier to track and target people these days, given the proliferation of digital tools and whatnot. Find a person antagonistic of the state government, link them to their vehicle’s license plate, and sheriffs can have a field day.
It really doesn’t matter. At some point you have to stand up for what’s right or sit in the corner forever in fear.
Yeah, like you did when you hopped right on a plane down to Texas to help her out by doing… what, exactly?
You have no idea of what I do or who I am.
Remember: “Don’t mess with Texas.” was an anti-littering campaign. They don’t actually have spines. They are cowards.
Isn’t this literally the Handmaid’s Tale?
Mmerica? Yes.
If I were her I would stay gone by any means necessary. Texas is not going to be here friend after this. Texas is very sad place. There are many people in Texas who hate all of this and they feel pretty helpless. The Republicans have had Texas by the balls for decades.
With something as high-profile and publicly broadcast as her series of events, she would almost certainly have to stay gone. Prosecutors will be itching to make an example out of her and anybody associated with her out-of-state trip.
She is for sure not safe in Texas at this point. I feel terrible for her. Having an unviable pregnancy is hard enough. To be fighting in court on international news is traumatizing.
I’m not 100% on this, but doesn’t Texas have a bounty law paying people to turn in accomplices to abortion?
If it’s true, not only is she not safe in Texas, she will literally be hunted for a paycheck.
They do, but those laws have failed in every situation I’ve read.
Apparently Oklahoma deemed their bounty law unconstitutional.
In Texas, a case got thrown out because the plaintiff must show that they’ve been harmed by the actions of the defendant. Some random jackass can’t sue for an abortion that doesn’t impact them in any way, as much as the Texas legislature would like that to be the case.
It’s not ideal that those laws exist uncontested, but at least they aren’t enforceable
Yeah probably working as intended unfortunately. They’re just there to be a nuisance and deterrent even if they’re unenforceable.
They did, but I’m pretty sure people killed it with automated bogus reports in mass of the state leaders.
That’s fucking great news, honestly
Prove you’re human:
✅️ I am human
Error: You are not human if you support this.
I mean… was Texas her friend before this?
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With the exception of maybe the oil companies, it appears I already do. I don’t go to those brands of gas station, or use any of the products branded by them. However, due to the way the industry works, I am not sure if I could completely boycott a company like Exxon Mobile.
Tito’s Vodka also made in Texas.
and nobody should be drinking that gamey-ass, garbage vodka anyway, tbh
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Non-american question: what is the double entendre in “fuddruckers”?
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Conservatives are a plague of oppression and death. They always have been. There is a cure. It is long overdue.
Just further evidence that the best thing you can do in Texas is leave.
Look at that Democratic Death Panel!