if ads were normal and unobtrusive. We wouldn’t need ad blockers. Instead we get an almost unusable internet where ads take up more and more real estate. I had been running an ad blocker for so many years that when a friend (who doesn’t use an ad blocker) showed me a website, the unfiltered experience was horrifying.
I love this movie but honestly it’s getting to the point where I can’t even watch it without getting upset.
deleted by creator
Listen scro, Imm just tryin to keep the people from gettin deaded
What movie is that?
Movie turning into a documentary in real time.
I only made it through like one season of Handmaid’s Tale, it was too real.
some some youtubers that had setup like that, it was so cringey. its from idiocracy
uBO is not just an ad blocker, its almost a firewall against malware and a tracking filter
Im old enough to remember the internet before ads, and with ads became a thing and you had to make sure to keep your speakers low/off all the time less some screaming loud ad popped up somewhere to burst your eardrums at 2am.
There were so many obnoxious, visual cancer ads.
Then they became actual digital cancer by being injection points for viruses and malware, and thus adblockers became a necessity.
And they remain a necessity to this day, for the same reason as they were 20+ years ago.
and yet the ad servers want to blame the end user for adblocking.
not their absolute refusal to moderate or police any of the content they deliver.
and yet the ad servers want to blame the end user for adblocking. not their absolute refusal to moderate or police any of the content they deliver.
This is the American way. You try to shit blame elsewhere so noone puts the onus on you to improve so you can keep a larger portion of the profit. “Fuck you I got mine” should be printed on our money lol
Instead we get an almost unusable internet where ads take up more and more real estate.
Its even worse than just hurting usability. Lots of ad networks are not policing their advertising customers and malicious payloads have been injected from ads. So allowing ads is a security risk because of the lack of security at the various ad networks.
I was about to comment something similar but you said it before I did. Sometimes I’ll mistakenly open YouTube with Chrome and then I realize I messed up because I have to sit through three, sometimes one-minute long ads just to watch a twenty second video. I’ll typically just nope out and switch to Firefox. The worst thing is they’re unskippable and I swear for some of them the ad actually pauses if you switch to another tab or browser. I’m getting ads even on super old videos so I’m pretty sure it isn’t all to do with the channels themselves monetizing their videos.
3 one minute long adds are better than those 2 hour long prageru racist propaganda videos trying to masquerade as “Educational” content
I went to help out a friend, a few years ago, he runs vanilla Edge, I can’t believe anyone actually uses the internet like that.
I’d be okay with sites showing me unintrusive non targeted ads, but since it’s all or nothing I choose nothing.
This is probably the single thing that got me to switch to Firefox. Privacy whatever, I don’t care about my data or the morality of my tech company or whatever, but mess with my adblocker and goodbye.
I am from Germany and it is just sad how many people use these apps from shit companies without thinking, when suitable alternatives exist everywhere. Just use Firefox, it will work for 99,9% without any flaw. I would love to ditch WhatsApp, but could only convinge a few people to change to Signal. It is as easy as downloading a new app to prevent supporting Meta, but that’s too much effort for many :-(
I swapped to Chrome years ago because YouTube stopped working right on Firefox.
I’ve started the process of swapping back to Firefox after 10 years with Chrome over this.
Everyone should ditch chrome
My fucking organization refuses to support anything but Chrome. I hate it so much.
Brave user here. Never looked back.
I think the Brave CEO recently said some Trumpy shit (in case you’re at all curious for the downvoting).
Honestly, hadn’t logged in for a few days, so didn’t even know I was severely downvoted. Leaving Reddit has helped me not scroll through every day for hours on end on Lemmee.
And good to know about the Brave CEO thing. I legit cannot keep up with everything.
I wish more people were like you. Not everyone can keep up with everyone’s beefs (this one not so much) but it really grinds my gears when I see seemingly polite, on topic, engaging or contributing comments with no replies but still geyting down voted. Especially on a forum as thirsty as Lemmy users are for more user involvement.
It makes me think there are too many people in the world conditioned to be preset to hate thst the fact a person doesn’t know they’re supposed to hate something is enough grounds to be shunned and hated on. Lol. It’s cool to see someone jump in and say:Hey homie, we don’t hate you we hate a person who is unrelated to the topic of the thread or the context of your comment but we do hate them enough to hate on you
Edit: the parenthesis comment was meant to imply hating Trump monkeys is glaringly obvious. My comment was about lemmy etiquette and wasn’t about why or why not OP was getting downvoted.
It’s gotta be some kind of sheep brain activation; crowd following behavior. It can be very annoying sometimes.
Sometimes you’re just voicing a neutral opinion and it gets destroyed. And by neutral I mean it’s not controversial or anything, like racism, it could just be something not exactly everyone would agree with.
I wish people would use the down vote as Reddit once intended it to mean: off topic and not contributing to the discussion, or perhaps rude, etc. Not “I don’t agree with this”. You should explain why you don’t agree with something, or up vote a comment that already explains it.
Glad I don’t use chrome anymore. Though unfortunately everyone else I know still does.
I switched to Firefox many years ago, after their announcement I switched to Waterfox and I’m very happy with it.
It’s really annoying to me that Firefox doesn’t seem to work well on my chromebook, so I’m stuck with Chrome until I need a new computer…
Doesn’t cover 100% of what uBO did, but it still works just as good IMO with DNS based ad-blocking on top.
Surprised so few people are aware of this. It seems equivalent to me when you give it the same permissions Ublock Origin had.
Agreed. I haven’t even found anything that it doesn’t block that UbOrigin did.
But then the whack-a-mole game continues, and you’re constantly having to find new extensions to serve the same task. When you could simply switch to firefox, deal with the very minor growing pains, and keep using uBlock with no problems whatsoever.
I was a super early adopter for firefox. I started using it back in 2005-2006. I’m pretty sure it was still in beta when I started using it.
Over the past 20 years I’ve watched while firefox users have formed a goddamn cult around a software. It’s insane to me, especially because I’m seeing exactly the same things from Mozilla that I was seeing from Microsoft (and later Google) at the time I decided to switch from IE to firefox to begin with…
Firefox isn’t special. It’s falling for all the cloud-based privacy invasive enshittification that Chrome has so far. It’s just getting there slower.
So cool your jets. Especially considering uBlock Origin Lite is uBlock Origin. It’s just compatible with the Manifest V3 standard.
Always has been.
Webserial is only reason I see to install Chrome. For everything else Firefox works great.
Not surprising, Google is an ad company at this point.
It never was anything else
Chrome? I’ve heard of that once.
I stayed away from Chrome alternatives, as it had the best Canvas/HTML5 performance (Which oddly enough, was quite important for most of my browsing needs). However, this news means I will have to switch. Installed Firefox for my primary browsing needs, and a few Chromium-based ones to try out for specifically the aforementioned use case.
That’s fine. Google can go fuck themselves