I’m pretty sure Doom will be the most popular (and my pick too), but I’ll throw a shout-out to Epic Pinball; that Android table was the best one in the game anyway.
Hail to the King Baby (Duke Nukem 3d)
I’m getting flashbacks
Save 5 rounds of cash for a death’s head nuke
Shriek “Now tremble before Thor’s Hammer mortals!” to your friends seated around you
Press fire
Accidentally blow yourself up when the wind pushes it back in your direction 🤡
Great game.
Did this exist before or after worms?
Long before
before or after gorilla.bas? i remember there being even old types of this gameplay.
Def after gorilla
Spending every lunch hour on the library computer with three friends in 1994 playing this is probably why I didn’t have a girlfriend.
My first internet game was a Scorched Earth-inspired game where you’re in space, on planets, with gravity and stuff. I wish I remembered the name of it, it was amazing.
deleted by creator
One Must Fall 2097
You just heard the lightning strike
The theme song is the shit
Man. I love that game. Still fire it up every so often. That sequel was also an early example of just how terrible a sequel can be. So disappointing.
What a banger
Kenny Chou! He also composed Zone 66 which is another awesome DOS game soundtrack.
The .mtm master himself.
Cool, I’ll check it out, thanks for the recommendation! I don’t think I ever played Zone 66.
So good. I wish OpenOMF matures soon.
We got mario kart at home
I loved Whacky Wheels so much but recently put it on my Steamdeck and eh, it did not age well. Very choppy gameplay. But it still has a place in my heart.
What is the name of this game, I played it so much as a kid but I always forget the name
Edit: Wacky Wheels, got it though reverse image search
Oh, I just remembered Castle of the Winds, too. What a great era for games!
I got my ass handed to me by Castle of the Winds when I was a kid. And that doofy-ass default barbarian sprite…
We always called that one Castle Of The Windows, since the entire game engine is constructed of 32x32 pixel Windows icons.
Native Windows UI controls for a game. Classic.
it’s like that Indiana Jones Adventure game.
Wow what a throwback. I feel like i was always getting cursed and poisoned. Now i feel the need to find this game and finish it.
Castle of the Winds 1 and 2 were incredible!
came here to post this. my buddy had it and i still play it every couple of years.
Duke Nukem 3D probably. That or Rise of The Triad.
I eventually bought DN in the 90s and played the shit out of it.
RoTT WAS SO FUN! How about heretic, another Doom clone? The chicken weapon was a favorite of mine.
Heretic 1 and 2 were great fun
Commander Keen is probably the one that I liked the most that is also well known.
My personal favorite was Bass Class, which is weird because I’ve zero interest in real-life fishing, then or now.
Sky Roads, Test Drive 2, Jill of the Jungle, Halloween Harry, Jetpack, so many great games that I played the hell out of their shareware versions.
We used to play Sky Roads on the school computers all the time. Great game.
Oh boy I loved Jetpack and Skyroads!
Raptor: Call of the Shadows
Avoid the Noid, Raptor, Commander Keen, Epic Pinball, Nibbles
Was that a Dominos pizza sponsored game? I seem to remember “Avoid the noid” was a slogan of theirs.
Yup! There was also “Yo! Noid” on NES
Indeed it was. Despite being mediocre, I played that game extensively. This was before Domino’s Pizza existed in our region - they wouldn’t expand here until a decade later.
Might be pushing the limits of shareware, but the demo of Quake 1 on cd for a buck. A simple console command unlocked the full version.
Commander Keen!
Jumping around with the pogo stick in Keen 6 was so much fun. I recently found the full game. Was surprised how hard that factory level was. But the music was still how I remembered it.
Probably Rise of the Triad.
Pretty sure I even bought the full game and never ended up getting very far. I also remember spending a little chunk of time on Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom, but could never figure it out enough to progress very far.
Edit: Another one I was trying to recall, the name was H.U.R.L.
Loved the Hugo games. The jungle one was probably my favorite up to the point where I needed to find out some trivia question about the name of some person’s dog before the time of Internet.
I spent more time with Police Quest, which was similar. I remember trying the Hugo Jungle Shareware multiple times and getting frustrated going back-and-forth, stuck.
ZZT, the game that launched Epic. Say, there’s gotta be a ZZT community somewhere on lemmy, right?
I didn’t realize anybody else had ever played that game. I downloaded that from AOL back when I was signing up for a free month trial every month from those CDs in the mail.
There’s a whole community around self-made games using the editor that came with it, including a website full of games and a forum. A few years back one of us published a book about the community (and how we all turned out trans).
I’m so happy to learn there’s still an active community going, and that book is an instant purchase. Thank you for the info!
I was so addicted to ZZT back then! The player-made worlds were such a delight, and my slow-ass computer which choked on so many then-current games ran them without trouble.
Now I want to try it out again.
People are still making games using it! When I get a bit more free time I want to polish up and republish the ones I made.
I always wanted to play with the editor and make a game with it back then, but never got around to it. Perhaps it’s still not too late!
ZZT is officially freeware these days, too! The last original floppy was purchased about five years ago, and afterwards Sweeney declared the program officially free to use, though sadly not open-source. I believe it has been successfully decompiled for over a decade, though.