As for me:
Due to Christmas rapidly approaching my place earns increasing amounts of money.
It would be so easy to just snag a whole day of store income and forever vanish into another country.
Petting ducks at the park
Someone likes to live on the edge
They’re free. You can just take one. No one will stop you.
The ducks might.
Only if you have no skill…git güd foo
Definitely don’t rob the store Mandy. Disappearing is much harder than it seems before you try it. It is getting hard to find and claim a birth certificate of someone plausible and reinvent yourself.
I’m one step away from concluding that if I can’t survive and am facing homelessness with my physical disability, I should consider that what it is, an act of war.
Dont worry, i wont
But as intrusive thoughts sometime do? getting kinda loud ya knowEdit: thank you for the consolation
Honestly? The forever nap; I already tried once this year and shit hasn’t been looking up since then.
23 years ago I met a guy at work that was really cool. We became friends of a sort, in the way that a shy introvert considers friends. Every once in a while he’d invite me to hang out with his friends, which was always a good time. I’m not sure if he considered me a friend. I always felt like an outsider in those groups. But he was kind to me, and I love him. Eventually we both moved away from that area. I’m not good at keeping in touch, especially over long distances. For instance, my brother lives a couple of states away, I love him to death, and we talk maybe once a year.
So I’d call my friend every once in a while, and we’d catch up.
Eighteen years ago I lost my friend to depression. The details aren’t important. How he did it. Who found him. The 3 am phone call. But it was 18 years ago. It still hurts. You think you’ll always have someone, that they’re just a phone call away. That you’ll get to hear their weird take on that thing we’d always argue about. That you’ll get to hear his latest poem…
And you’ll always wonder if you could’ve done something to help them stay.
People don’t realize that they bring light to the world. That they’ll be missed. That there will be a hole in the world where they were. That they are loved more deeply and profoundly than they can know. The memory of them is a poor substitute for their presence.
Don’t go too soon. You will be missed.
Is it fair to latch the world onto people thinking like this? To chain them to suffering for years and years because any random person they interact with might be sad later?
It sucks that you feel pain from losing a friend, but does that pain outweigh the pain they were trying to escape from?
Anyone planning on doing this, please think of the CEO’s…
I’m with you. This year has been incredibly difficult
I’ve been struggling with the opinion for many years now that blowing up oil infrastructure is not only morally sound, but not doing it is a moral failure.
I’m not the right kind of person to get out there and do it myself, but you aren’t going to catch me condemning someone who does.
buy a drone, it’s a fun hobby
I understand the dangers of climate change and pollution and I fully support moving away from oil as an energy source. But I’m genuinely curious about how you see destroying oil infrastructure playing out.
There have been groups doing this for quite a while in many detrimental industries. There was a documentary a while back about one of them (earth liberation front) that eventually got caught. They did extensive work to ensure workers at those facilities weren’t injured and it was just property destruction.
I have to think if enough property was destroyed the owners would run out of money and investors to build more
Sure, but we are a long way from not being dependent on oil even by the most aggressive timelines. Destroying a significant amount of oil infrastructure while we still use it would cripple supply chains, transportation, etc and we wouldn’t be able to move to renewable sources as quickly because there would be significantly fewer resources available.
Like I said, I’m fully supportive of moving away from oil because I know how damaging it is. But I just don’t see a realistic way to get rid of oil that quickly.
Yeah I mean you are right. I guess I am getting impatient waiting for society to decide this is a big enough problem to need to address it, and crippling the oil industry, while having a LOT of other negative ramifications, would essentially force people to use less oil and find alternatives/do without immediately. Ideally that wouldn’t be a necessary intermediate step to progress but it feels like no progress for so long it starts sounding appealing to force the issue
Don’t say that on social media. If you’re gonna do that, just do it. Climate activists have done it before and it’s most certainly more effective than the majority of climate activism I see.
There is one on everybody’s mind in light of recent events lol
There’s was nothing off the cuff about that dude’s actions, though. He was very smart, and if he’s caught because he could only afford a hostel it’ll feel unfair.
Touche, online keyboard warrior aint cut out for whatever this man did.
Best we can do is press X to pay respects
The great thing about America is any keyboard warrior can obtain the freedom implements that they need to be the change they want to see.
Involuntary demotion
Main reason not to do it, is to see if this AI revolution leads to something better.
They have no moat, but boats are expensive
Leaving without a trace.
I’ve heard the trick is never looking back. The moment you get in touch with your old life they can find you.
Take note OP. If you’re gonna do an exit scam you get everything in cash (somehow, it can be deliberately hard for this reason) and shed old technology and connections like a snake skin.
That, or joining some hardcore cult because the weight of responsibility is tiring and it’s so easy to delegate your will to some bullshit explanation of how everything is and what everyone should be doing. Many flies can’t lie how eating shit is calming.
Buy every delicious treat you see in the store. Full the cart with donuts and pie.
Have some more chicken
Have some more pie
It doesn’t matter if it’s boiled or fried
Haha. I love Weird Al.
All the ones that are bad ideas. My impulse filter is thin and the harmless but weird ones just happen.
Anyway, thanks for being my only friends, Lemmy.
We are many ✊
“Eat an entire loaf of raisin bread.”
raisins do be fire tho
Crack all the glow sticks.
I bought a bunch of equipment for a bugout bag. I bought a dozen glow sticks. I now have eleven glow sticks.
I didn’t realize how badly I want to do this until you said (wrote) it.
Most recently it was what if I drop my favorite glass on the tile floor. It seemed almost like I had already done it in a dream.
Killing myself 😇
I’d never do it, but… break all the stuff.
It only ever happens in these tiny stores with a bunch of ornaments and shit.
Shelves and shelves packed with knickknacks and other fragile whatnots where you risk toppling half the store if you turned around too fast…I’ve been advised by my legal team to remain silent on this subject.
Shoutouts my boy Robin Hoodie, though.
None. Intrusive thoughts are unwanted images/ideas that may be hard to clear from the mind. They are distressing and possibly come with a fear of “what if I did that”, not something you’d ever want to do.
Exactly this. They never guide or try to cause anything, it’s just distressing. The way OP frames it makes it sound like the devil or something is talking to you. It’s more like “hey, do you remember that super embarrassing thing you said/did? Well lets play it on repeat for the next however many minutes”. It’s not something you’d ever want to do.
Well, I’m glad you don’t have any than
I guess some people have trouble with impulse control so intrusive thoughts sometimes become actions.