As for me:
Due to Christmas rapidly approaching my place earns increasing amounts of money.
It would be so easy to just snag a whole day of store income and forever vanish into another country.

    23 months ago

    Sure, but we are a long way from not being dependent on oil even by the most aggressive timelines. Destroying a significant amount of oil infrastructure while we still use it would cripple supply chains, transportation, etc and we wouldn’t be able to move to renewable sources as quickly because there would be significantly fewer resources available.

    Like I said, I’m fully supportive of moving away from oil because I know how damaging it is. But I just don’t see a realistic way to get rid of oil that quickly.

      23 months ago

      Yeah I mean you are right. I guess I am getting impatient waiting for society to decide this is a big enough problem to need to address it, and crippling the oil industry, while having a LOT of other negative ramifications, would essentially force people to use less oil and find alternatives/do without immediately. Ideally that wouldn’t be a necessary intermediate step to progress but it feels like no progress for so long it starts sounding appealing to force the issue