Inspired by a comment on my last post.

I feel like I never have a solution that allows me to control it while also being automated to such a degree that I don’t have a huge confusing backup if I don’t do finances for days or weeks.

    364 months ago

    This won’t help you, but I want to brag. I started using Quicken to track my finances at the turn of the century, back when it was all local storage. Quicken 2012 was the last iteration that used http (not https) to update stock prices. When they discontinued support, I captured the interaction and deciphered the formats. Wrote a proxy to intercept the request, look up the security info, and send back the data.

    So, I self-host It’s saved me having to update Quicken or submit to their subscription model.

        84 months ago

        He mentioned it used http, so the traffic is not encrypted. You can easily monitor http traffic with wireshark.

          • borari
            4 months ago

            It is pretty easy. There’s tons of tutorials and walkthroughs for doing it, but anyone familiar with UIs will be able to work it out pretty quickly I think. Maybe a friction point in using the filter query, but again there’s tons of walkthroughs and guides for using it online.

            If you can’t conceptualize a packet, or sockets, or network flows, even with the help of online guides/manuals, I guess it wouldn’t be easy. In that case I’d be wondering why someone would want to use those tools in the first place though, as then they probably wouldn’t have the skills necessary to leverage the information gleaned from the tool in any useful way.

            Edit - As we’re in the self-hosted community, I’d argue that anyone who is self-hosting anything would probably be able to easily install wireshark and view http requests, both individual packets and the stream as a whole.

        84 months ago

        Super easy, as it turns out. I run my own DNS and web servers, so I pointed at my web server to capture the request, then used curl to capture the response. Both turned out to be plain ASCII, request like


        as POST data, and responses like

        qwin.quotes.ASTM.symbol 4 ASTM
        .last 7 18.7400
        .time 10 1573074000
        .time.str 5 16:00
        .change 6 0.4000

        plus a whole slew of other optional fields for fundamentals, dividends, etc. It was a simpler time on the internet, when no one cared about leaking data and companies didn’t care if a handful of geeks reversed engineered their data structures.

    264 months ago

    I use Actual. How it works is very similar to YNAB (you budget the money you currently have) but it’s open source and privacy focused. I started using it a few months ago and I really like it so far!

      14 months ago

      I love Actual. So, so good. I cancelled YNAB in favor and can’t ever think of going back. Aside from not having to pay $100 a year you’re also not supporting the Mormon Church (YNAB is a Mormon-run company).

        14 months ago

        Do you just use a limit set of YNAB features? It seems like Actual only has a tiny fraction of the features YNAB has. For example, it’s currently missing category targets.

      54 months ago

      I switched over to Actual last month, and am not looking back. I will miss the native android app, but it is an otherwise direct replacement. I was using YNAB4, and had forever.

      14 months ago

      Is there some tutorial you’d recommend to get started? I didn’t find the docs or demo helpful and a lot of videos seem to be focused on background or setup. I can install the app fine, but like how does one actually use this?

      I’ve never used budgeting apps. I’d like to learn more about them and why they’re useful. My current budgeting is: positive balance=good; negative balance=bad

        14 months ago

        As a note for people new to budgeting apps, YNAB has a toooonnn of tutorials and videos about how to create a budget and what the end-to-end workflow looks like in their apps.

          14 months ago

          That link kinda showcases exactly my point… It’s pretty useless to me. I know how to install the app. I don’t know what the daily workflow looks like.

          Compare that to the tutorials YNAB has on YouTube. Those talk more about how to use the app to budget.

          Anyway, it’s fine. I understand I’m not the target audience for Actual. It seems like it’s for people who already have prior experience with finance apps.

            4 months ago

            Hehehe hold on. Just try it and fins your own way to use it. You never know what you can find out. I can give you my experience, my only past experience was with Excel files to control my spending. It was pretty enough to be honest , at first when tried this app I was like ok why I need to do all this job of put every spending … Then after two month I realized that mechanical doing so made more aware of my day by day spending and my month budget became better. It’s just that, helps to be aware of what you are doing every months and it feels good filling it every 2 or 3 days. And also having all visualized and granular of were are doing it wrong or what can be adjusted is excellent .

    • Bakkoda
      34 months ago

      I’ve never seen this recommended before and I’ve looked for years for self hosted alternatives to YNAB.

        • borari
          44 months ago

          Damn. You’ve given me a vision of a future where people call applications that are installed locally and don’t leverage any cloud/server backend for any functionality “self-hosted” programs and I hate it.

    134 months ago

    I have Firefly III and am really quiet happy with it. I might write a companion program to scan bill though, since doing everything by hand is rather time consuming.

        4 months ago

        Yes, but it’s incompatible with the way I handle access control. I think I did it with Remote User authentication, which breaks all the login mechanisms of diverse apps, even though it’s officially supported by the projects. That’s why I only choose projects where the frontend is a PWA or they support oidc.

        So I just installed the PWA, which works great.

    4 months ago

    Actual Budget, because it supports SimpleFIN to import my transactions.

    It’s still not “automated,” but I have a lot of rules now so it’s getting there.

    I’m not super happy w/ how it works, but I’m too lazy to do anything about it. Maybe I’ll end up adding SimpleFIN to something else, idk.

    104 months ago

    My bank does this for me, but I do like self hosting things. Where’s the benefit in this apart from a fun project?

    • Christian
      74 months ago

      If you only have one Bank (Account) it is maybe fine.

      But if you have multiple accounts (I have 4 Bank accounts for savings and another one for my shares), you would like to have one software/application to handle it. Like the one email client for your different email accounts.

        14 months ago

        Ah that makes sense. Right now I have one account, but it has multiple cards and pools of money under it (for lack of a better word).

        So for me this is still easily managed, even with four bank accounts and about nine sub-pools under them collectively.

        I guess I just got very lucky with the bank I’ve kinda stuck with just because it’s what my mom got me over a decade ago.

        04 months ago

        Yup, I have a ridiculous amount (like 8? bank accounts and 15? credit cards), so having something that automatically pulls in transactions is nice.

        That said, my main “bank” is a Fidelity brokerage, so I don’t really need those other bank accounts to sync since they mostly exist for temporary transactions, such as Zelle and cash transactions (Fidelity doesn’t support those) and transfers for bank account bonuses (I net a >$2k/year on that). And for credit cards, I mostly use 1-2 credit cards these days, the rest are mostly for signup bonuses.

        So for me, the $1.50/month is totally worth it to keep track of all that nonsense. If I only had 3-4 accounts, I’d probably use something like GNUCash instead, but I have >20, and I will for the foreseeable future.

            24 months ago

            I mentioned it, but mostly signups bonuses.

            For example, here are a few checking accounts I did recently:

            • US Bank - $450
            • Citi - $325
            • Wells Fargo - $325

            I’ve closed Citi, but I’m keeping the others open for a bit before closing (branches are convenient for depositing checks around the holidays).

            Likewise for credit cards, here are some I’ve done recently:

            • Bank of America Premium Rewards - ~$500 net after the annual fee - this is straight cash
            • US Bank Altitude Reserve - ~$650 net after annual fee; a little more complicated because i need to redeem for travel
            • Wells Fargo Active Cash - $200 straight cash

            I actually use 2 banks (Fidelity brokerage for main, and US Bank for cash and zelle) and usually two credit cards (US Bank Altitude Reserve and some 2% card; was my Costco card and Citi double cash before I got the US Bank card). However, I have some category bonus cards I rotate in every so often, such as my Discover card, which is 5% at Amazon and Target through the end of the year.

            Anyway, since I have so many accounts, I need something to keep track of them so I don’t pay maintenance fees or miss a payment or something.

            It sounds complicated, but I’ve automated pretty much everything, so I just check in every couple months or so. And I think it’s worth the hassle because I make thousands every year on it.

    • Engywook
      24 months ago

      Indeed. My bank surely does this better than I could ever do. But if it’s “for fun”, then it’s fine.

    84 months ago

    I use hledger mostly because of the plain text format. I came from YNAB as well but I just hated how you couldn’t easily undo changes or see when you made a change, etc. This is so easily to track changes and you can add comments explaining your reasoning around things and you can keep everything in source control so you have all the power of that as well. Not for everyone but if you’re a programmer or just comfortable on the command line it’s great.

    74 months ago

    Id love to find a #creditunion that supported #openbanking and offered API access to my data so I could easily download it and use it with Actual or FireflyIII. I think working with a credit union to build this feature would be a great open source project.

    64 months ago

    Gnucash books split for personal, joint, and business with a mysql backend. I wrote a read-only web frontend for wife and OTG access. Sadly no automation so I just stay on top of it.

    54 months ago

    I use GnuCash. I typically update every couple weeks up to a month. Beyond that it can be hard to remember what specific transactions were.

    It’s double ledger and I really like that it forces strict accounting. That sounds cumbersome but once you’re set up (it may take some trial and error), for me my workflow is essentially:

    • Copy prior paycheck splits & update them to reflect new paychecks.
    • export QFX files from credit cards
    • import QFX, check / set transaction accounts
    • any small manual updates (interest payments in accounts, etc)

    It’s not automated but my data always remains local, and I can use the Linux or android application. I don’t bother daily tracking on my phone, else it might be cumbersome. I’ve never used any of the budget features, just tracking where my money comes and goes.

    • Cyclohexane
      44 months ago

      Weird question, but what does GnuCash do that you wouldn’t get easily from excel? I haven’t used any of these apps and wondering what I’m missing out on.

        24 months ago

        Under the hood its mostly tables and reports, so ultimately not much, if you were dedicated enough to using Excel to rebuild GnuCash’s views. It’s more streamlined than excel would be because you won’t have to worry about implementation, overhead of adding a new account, etc. Some things like auto-recommending accounts during import (and import itself) could be arduous in excel if not supported natively. Split transactions could be a headache (think your paycheck, which might be split into 401k contributions, several taxes, money into your bank, etc).

        But fully recreating it in excel when it already exists would be a headache. More than likely you will have a more limited view in Excel if you’re just creating a handful of tables to represent all of your many accounts.

    54 months ago

    Actual budget with simple fin for bank links. Currently hosted on pikapods, will move to self hosting on prem at some point.

    44 months ago

    Firefly III

    Amazing, really hit’s the spot of fully featured but a tool and not a new system you need to learn