• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • So, you’ve got option. You can just roll your own, or go to jellyfin.

    I’m one of the first people to complain about the incessant need to grow 20% a year to appease shareholders and how unsustainable that is. But I also realize as I said, stuff cost money and “just breaking even” will also grow in cost every year with everything else, so… Even in that perfect world you were describing, there would be an increase in cost applied to that project.

    Much like I am sure you expect at the very least a cost of living raise each year. I’m also guessing you’re glad your paycheck to bills ratio isn’t what it was 20y ago. (or I can say, that for me that is true). I’m pretty happy my discretionary money is more now than it was then. I bet those developers also want that same thing.

  • I’m in the same boat. I’d say that my current setup is still not back to ‘normal’ since the issue with the certificates on the second gen devices.

    I was able to cast to a CCA yesterday for a few hours after rebooting it again.

    I have, over the years gone all in with the CCAs which is great when it works but sucks being tied to google. I have 11 active running CCAs connected to two separate 12 channel amps that have wired speakers throughout my house.

    I use Google Mini’s in those locations with their default speaker set to the CCA feeding that room’s speakers. I also have groups “Basement” “Upstairs” “outside” etc that allow me to group them into larger zones. This is all very awesome when it works, but like we found out last week falls apart when there’s a problem on that house of cards.

    We can via apps directly manually ‘cast’ from YTM or Spotify or whatever (podcast app) or just ask the mini in the room to play music or play music on ‘group speaker name’.

    I got here from ‘Casatunes’ which when I was using it, was a PCIE card you installed in a windows machine and then installed their software (that ran on IIS) and it created a web service where the PCIE card (a soundblaster) had 6 3.5mm jacks (6 zones) as output, and then the software allowed you to assign 4 different inputs. Biggest issue I had with it, is as I moved from Sirius XM to streaming the service I opted to go with wasn’t supported. Eventually I migrated to the CCA approach.

    I’d love a way to setup 11 Pi’s (although not at today’s prices) with some open source protocol that replaced googles casting. The problem then would be getting some local speaker (google mini) to interact with it, or even your phone (spotify/ytm to ‘cast’ to that open protocol). Whatever the long term solution it would need to be easy to use or nobody but me will use it.

  • I actually don’t mind paying for stuff I use or get value from.

    I do have smartyoutubetv Installed on both an Nvidia Shield and a Google TV, I originally did it when my kid was on a child account but couldn’t sign into the Google yt app. I kinda wish Futo would make a TV version of Grayjay I’d probably use it.

    I use premium for both YouTube and yt music and it’s our primary music streaming service too. I even have 11 CCA (Chromcast audios) powering rooms all over the house where we listen to ytm from.

  • The only problem I have with the premium subscription is the lack of ad control from the content creator. They should have to put them into some kind of wrapper that I, as a premium member can decide to enable or not. As a paying subscriber I should be able to watch it 100% ad free without going through sponsorblock, which is a big pita to do on set-top boxes.

    I will sit through ads of the people I watch that are small and trying to make a buck above YT’s pittance. OR, maybe YT could share a little of that sweet sweet profit with them and then not allow them to do their own ads (hahahahaha)

  • Their damage was already done with that CEO statement (for me), since after those remarks I cancelled my VPN plan with them. I’m not someone who’s going to then follow them around and post negative comments on their Mastodon, X, reddit account whenever they post. I’m just going to walk away.

    So, they will move to where their base is, just like trump did and they can sell there stuff to a smaller percentage of the market if they want. I will never understand why a company would actively try to cut their sales base in half or whatever.