I feel like Desert Sessions - Letters to Mommy was made for this.
I’m a pledged founder for the past 1-2 years. Game has a long way to go but as other comments mentioned is about as close to the classic EverQuest experience as you can find these days (even compared to EQ live today).
Keep in mind you’d still be testing. Lots of things come and go, things change all the time, character wipes (while uncommon) happen. Bugs resurface and hit at the worst times. I took most of the summer off to vacation but in the spring of 2024 there was barely enough content to cover up to level 35. Seems to have grown quite a bit but I wouldn’t expect there to be any end game content or raiding or anything like that yet. Jewelry crafting profession was present in some form in PA back in the spring but it is lacking from EA so far. Things like that.
That all being said, as someone who’s followed Pantheon for nearly 10 years, they’ve probably made more progress in the past 1 year than the prior 9 combined. Casual gamers will find more than enough but hardcore not so much.
I just drooled a little at the thought of integration with Paperless.
To the average tune of about 15-65 cents per month if running 24/7
Upgrading? Regularly? stares at 25x2TB ancient array
There is at least a WorkDay integration, likely others: https://business.linkedin.com/talent-solutions/linkedin-hiring-integrations/workday
I feel this so hard. I managed to get Bottles to run most things but the few I struggled with I’m always told others got it to run with Lutris. Okay but how? Because everything I’ve tried with Lutris failed.
After spending quite some time troubleshooting years ago, I chopped up the odd NFS disconnection once every month or two to random network errors. Autofs looks like it’ll work but my bandaid solution was just to add a mount command to the NFS share in cron every 5 minutes. Took me 15 seconds and haven’t had to look at it since.
Quite the contrary, I’d redo the tests for RED or OPS in a heartbeat. The fact that require potential invitees to put forth a bit of effort to join generally weeds out the people who aren’t going to put in the effort to maintain their account or ratio.
Spent maybe 1 hour reading the training material for both sites. Passed OPS first time, RED second. Maintaining a good standing on either will generally be enough to get you into anything else.
I was a denier for a few years too until I just sucked it up and made an attempt. Couldn’t pay me enough to switch back now.
Ya dingus