In the end it doesn’t really matter
In the end, it doesn’t even matter
Is this “Um ackchyually” bait? 😅
Oh my bad.
I don’t even like Linkin Park 🤷♂️
Dude, yesterday I heard a radio ad promoting “vintage alternative” music and it was fucking “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers.
I wanted to throw my geriatric elder Millennial ass through my windshield.
That song is 20 years old.
Why would you say that?
Because it is a fact.
Slanders, sir. For the satirical rogue says here that old men have gray beards, that their faces are wrinkled, their eyes purging thick amber and plum-tree gum, and that they have a plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak hams—all which, sir, though I most powerfully and potently believe, yet I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down; for yourself, sir, should be old as I am, if like a crab you could go backward.
Some people just like to watch the world burn
Lies! I can’t here you!!!
I feel you. The local alternative station played a “throwback” of Macklemore’s Thrift Shop.
Don’t worry, you can consol yourself with all the great new rock music being made
Tbf, even as someone around the same age as you, I can’t even make my own. Like, purely as a hobby but it all comes out as like stuff from the late 60s and early 70s. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t make the rock/guitar music i grew up with.
I could always drown it in fuzz or hide the guitars, like everyone else these days I guess.
I’m just having a moan. I think its partly the emergance of rap etc. but also a generation traumatised by covid might not be into the same leary, brash rock sounds others might like. I mean, hearing it live with a huge crown thats full of energy makes such a difference. I’m hoping when there’s a higher percentage who experienced it live during those years instead, it might get better.
Here’s an oldie coming at you fresh out of the Time Machine from 1998…
Hybrid Theory was released 24 years ago.
I was born that year. My friends have kids now.
Wait, so you do or do not remember the excitement of going from 14.4 to 33.6 for dialup?
Not a clue what that even means, although my dad started a phone booth company in 1998 …
That’s a wild time to invest in phone booths!
Real answer is dialup modem speeds. Doubled our download (in my case, from 10 minutes per mb to 5 minutes!)
Oh yes it was, serious financial troubles followed
i jave never used a phone booth and i listebed to hybrid theory in school
I remember a Commodore 64 with a 300 baud modem. 1200 was luxury.
Jesus… You don’t have to throw EmOtInAl DaMaGe around like that!
It crits, dealing double splash/AoE damage. It’s super effective.
Damn. I need a new character. What ancestry/background/class combo is FotM these days?
The last I looked it was white cis het men whinging about being the latest “minority” group, and “alphas”. Extra bonus points for being older but with a new account you will be locked out of that (and due to climate change, possibly forever).
Geez, Two-Face really let himself go…
I believe they call that “distinguished” now - as compared to whatever the fuck is going on with Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, and Elon Musk who we now are aware can jump a whole entire 3 inches off the ground.
Elon Musk’s vertical is horizontal.
Upvote for the screenshot in particular.
And there hasn’t been a better album since
To be fair, Linkin Park had plenty of popularity into the 2010s. Stuff is moving so fast that Gen Z or A are going hear Post Malone or Billy Eilish as a classic in about 4 to 5 years. Hell, they’ll say Billy Eilish is out of gas by the time she’s 30. Get ready for the AI avalanche, here’s a throwback remake of Harry Styles and Bruno Mars singing “Easy Lover” in the exact same style and audio quality that it was originally recorded in.
When someone mentions a weird old man bothering people with his weird-old-man music and I expect it to be 70s prog rock but it’s Radiohead or Aphex Twin or something
“That was All American Rejects. Next up is Death Cab For Cuties and Alien Ant Farm.”
Followed by your grandfather’s favorite Nirvana!
It’s so wild to me that Nirvana is old, that I’m old.
I heard the older folks say that I would wake up and be old one day and it would feel like barely any time has passed. “Young people will treat you like a dinosaur and you’ll still think you’re 25.”
I just can’t believe it.
Time has slipped through my fingers. Everything I put off a week ago was actually thousands of years ago now.
30-40 has been a month or so.
I heard the older folks say that I would wake up and be old one day and it would feel like barely any time has passed.
I’m almost 60 and I feel more like I should be 100 or so. I’ve had many different careers and technology has changed so much that I feel I’ve lived through multiple lifetimes. I think people who do basically the same thing every day (and night) over and over again, with the same people, tend to perceive life as flying by because there’s no real difference between one day and the next.
You’re just lucky. I too feel like I’ve lived through multiple lifetimes. They all went by in a flash.
I’ve been hard on my body and mind though. I’m a dumb hillbilly who started having kids when I was 16. I spent a decade as a functional heroin addict. Functional because I have family that gave a damn about me and I’m so antisocial that I had the discipline to have a week’s supply and not burn through it because the thought of dealing with people was enough to make me pause (mostly). Otherwise I would have been in the gutter with everyone else.
I’ve been through the wringer. Maybe that’s part of it. I don’t know.
Life is funny.
Oh yeah. Last year, a local garden center had a sign up that said, “Thanks for 50 great years! Founded 1973”, and I thought, “Wait, that can’t be right - because then I’d be getting close to 50…ahh fuck.”
We were getting supplies for my sister-in-law’s 50th birthday a few weeks ago, and my wife kept saying, “Well, if we don’t use it, we’ll need it again in a few months!” Thanks, dear.
I’ll give it a shot I guess.
Downside of being an ageless immortal: oldies stations all play that new crap and no one plays your favorite hits from the roaring twenties anymore. NPR’s still good though.
Wait, this isn’t the roaring twenties?
More like the whimpering twenties.
The mewling twenties.
the diarrheaing(?) twenties
John Oldman?
It sucked the first time music from my teen years made it on to the classic rock station. But it hurt hearing stuff from my 20s on there now.
There’s this station I’ve grown up listening to that I associate with where the “old stuff” is played (WSFM 101.7fm in Australia), and the other day I heard Welcome to The Black Parade on it, I almost fell out of my chair.
I do not like this, not one bit!!
deleted by creator
Yeah, it’s old music, but introduce kids to it and they love it as much as we did.
I remember this type of discussions and the exact same arguments on Reddit, or was it Digg, way back when. Classic rock then was Phish or Grateful Dead.
Well, as a result, I’ve never gotten into these two particular bands, but I did start listening to music that’s like 10 or 20 years older than the stuff I grew up with. In fact, only recently, I’ve gotten a record player and some vinyl records. Works great for lo-fi rock which is imperfect by design.
Good thing about having a 80s/90s station in the region is that they have to dramatically rebrand before they can branch out to more recent decades.
You mean there are themes besides “the 80s, 90s, and today?”
Because I’ve been hearing that phrase for twenty-odd years.
To be fair that was also the same exact effect Linkin Park had when it was first on the radio.
Classic Rock is an ever expanding black hole of music