It’s the classic Germany-France joke, but modified:
A German was on a trip to Poland.
He reached passport control and the officer asked:
“Hans Kleiner”
“No no, just visiting”
A young man was carrying a long stick around Warsaw and someone asked him: “Are you a pole vaulter?”
The man replied: “No I’m German but how do you know my name is Walter?”
That took me way longer to get than it should have.
Then I laughed a couple times. Thanks for chuckle homie.
Poles seeing German soldiers enter the country: “Not this shit again!”
“Why are they all saluting like that??”
The sandbags need to be this high. Everyone got it? Now everyone show me how high!
Where is this from ?
Have you seen Kyle?
And here I thought I came up with an original joke.
It’s from Kyle
K ty
Goddamn AfD, we told them to stop “building roofs”
Oh no
“Aw shit, here we go again.”
It’s electric tric tric tric tric
As a German, fair enough.
Honestly, I’m happy we can send them help :3 🇩🇪♥️🇵🇱
"It’s all okay we will just stay there after helping because of lower rents and do some gentrification etc. "
Especially now that the border is being closed/controlled again.
If you see Russians coming from the other side, panic.
Don’t panic; open fire.
But what if it’s cloudy?
The fire is still there.
Ditto the trees making sounds while falling in the forest while nobody is a round or even a flat 😁
Attacking a Nato ally? I’d panic at least a little. You would assume that increases the risk of a nuclear conflict by like a lot.
Doesn’t look like they d be coming in the next couple of years
Man why can’t the rest of the world get on this level. The fact that he appeared on TV without a tie would get him mocked in the US because ties make you important or something?
Justice for Brobama’s tan suit 😔🤟
Funniest thing about that “controversy” is that Obama was wearing a suit almost identical to one worn by President Reagan. So unpresidential!
But he did it while black. Important detail for conservatives.
Seems like Obamas suit had less wrinkles too
To be fair, it seems like the state of Reagans pants is due to a combination of high winds and thin fabric.
To be equally fair, though, Reagan was still one of history’s greatest monsters and if hell existed he’d be a high ranking official there now.
Modern textile.
It’s lightened up in recent years:
I do laugh that it’s been long enough and relations are good enough they can joke about that.
I don’t think it was a joke
Germans think it’s funny.
Das genügt.
I haven’t heard the speech (tone, etc), but it does read like a joke.
Given that the state-run media used to fearmonger with horror stories about Germans before Tusks party won the last election… I’d think it’s only partly a joke. Tusk knows that there are Poles who still think Germans are all criminals (like vice versa in Germany).
Bashing Germany is always a crowd pleaser in Poland.
Meanwhile, Polish politicians will demand WW2 reparations from Germany every time an election’s coming up.
Only the authoritarian politicians that undermined democracy and luckily lost majority (PIS).
Ah yes the piss party.
That actually sounds like a shit party.
Poles are fucked up, this is not a joke
Donald Tusk sounds like a conglomeration of Donald Trump and Elon Musk
A Port-Man-Don’t
Considering we had both politicians on the news at roughly the same time it got confusing lol
Wasn’t he a character in House of Cards? Before we found out about Kevin Spacey’s shady shit?
Raymond Tusk. Shady business guy.
We’re all a little jumpy in general due to recent events.
𝕯𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖊 𝕶𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖐𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖓𝖚𝖓 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖚𝖒 𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖗𝖊𝖕𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖎𝖐 𝕯𝖊𝖚𝖙𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉
I’m sorry, I don’t speak gothic
Es ist tatsächlich Fraktur, nicht Gothic
Fraktur makes my brain hurt, stupid sharp s and f look almost the same.
Es gibt ß garnicht in Unicode als Fraktur, genau wie die Umlaute ä ö ü.
Aber sieh dir mal l k t an, ist auch nicht viel besser: 𝖑𝖐𝖙
Ach Quatsch, My bad I forgot it was s and f not ß. Es tut mir leid.
Aber… aber, ich kann gar nichts Deutsch!
Nicht schlimm, wir auch nicht
Dino Teller
Mit ohne scharf bitte
Kartoffel. Danke schön.
oh no
Oh ja >:)
That dude has a good sense of humor. He seems like a good leader.
For real. Boris Johnson was always up for a laugh, and a bit of harmless fun, which is why we elected him. He was the absolute best thing to happen to England, and the wake of destruction he left behind still leaves many of us breathless.
Is Tusk similar to Boris? I mean, obviously Boris presided over Brexit which was a real fuck-up. Then again, was Brexit really Boris’s fault? What with the referendum, democracy and all that good stuff. It seems to me that the people of the UK made their own bed in that regard.
His crimes:
- (various scandals)
- (literally giving public money to his friends during a crisis)
Who he is:
- (“shark” vs “sheep” story)
He pretends to be a lovable harmless buffoon, but he is actually a severely corrupt well-connected man who knows how to win public opinion. Such men are dangerous.
Brexit was voluntary the entire way. The referendum wasn’t even binding. Cameron could easily have said it was too close for a mandate to be clear. Imagine what they would say with an independence vote like that in Scotland.
The British conservative movement wanted Brexit. The real story is they almost didn’t even make it over the line to 50%; they pushed ahead with something that didn’t require a referendum; was obviously becoming a worse idea as the years went on; and was completely reversible right up to the moment they actually left.
No, not at all. I think it was just one association they had that funny-likable doesn’t automatically mean being a good politician (or person).
Yes, good point.
I was leaning more on funny-likable/charming is suggestive of deep-seated populism and corruption
They are not comparable though, BoJo is a clown.
I hope not. My hands tremor when they say they find a politician “funny”.
Politics-wise Tusk is more like Starmer, just with a sense of humour.
The one thing I like about Starmer is that he doesn’t try to be funny. He tries to be a politician. A bad one. One that inherited a broken system. One who is also now under fire from criticism of corruption. But he doesn’t shy away from it. He attends interviews where he gets regularly roasted for his bad performance, and he trucks on.
I don’t like him, but I respect what he tries to be.
I was referring more to his views. Starmer is centre (some even say Tory light) which is not far away from Tusk, who is also centre. But anyway, to conclude, Tusk is very far away BoJo. He was just joking this time which is not something he does often.
Its the russians you need to watch
Since 5:45 we’re
shflooding back!So is he a cool dude or another light fascist?
Well, It’s complicated. He’s from old-school neoliberal party and is by a lot od people viewed as a absolutne liar. We elected him, because other dominating party was sliding straight into authoritarian régime, so he was a lesser evil.
He’s definitely the better Donald T.
Fun fact: He literally is Donald T ;)
I was going to ask if he is one of the right wing idiots, thanks.
In PL there is the right wing and righter wing
That seems to be the case around the world right now. Democratic governments everywhere are facing surging right wing extremist parties with populist demagogues doing frighteningly well in elections. I just don’t see the appeal.
Yes but I guess a market liberal is technically right wing but not some authoritarian dipshit like the ones taking over seemingly everywhere.
At least there is the danger of these people taking over.
He’s not perfect, but especially considering the alternatives, he’s damn good.
The previous government was slowly undermining the democracy (e.g. they literally removed Supreme Court judges and illegally put their own ones there that voted always in their favor, they rebuild the public tv to propaganda for their party and they fired a lot of judges that didn’t behave as they wanted).
Then, around a year ago, there were new elections and despite the insane propaganda, due to a massive campaign, that former government lost majority and he got power again. They’re transformed the public TV back and work on reversing much of the harm done. If they also get the presidency in another year, the former party can’t veto much stuff so then they can do even better.
But it’s still awesome that this happened as it’s one rare example of a democracy that was sliding into an authoritarian regime getting back and undoing the harm.
He’s not perfect as is party is fiscally conservative and rather neoliberal, but they are in a coalition with left parties so he’s not like Macron, and that definitely balances it (because they have other priorities). And considering the major other alternative, it’s really amazing that he got elected. :D
When he’ll be done with his second mandate can you lend him to us ?
Nah, he’s not that great… We already see him giving a silent nod to investors while ignoring how bad housing situation is in the country. Also, coalition with the left is mostly on paper - he claimed he’d clean up the mess with Catholic church reducing its funding. Now the church is getting comparable money from the new government. I don’t trust them.
…this time
What are you doing in my
roomcountry stepbroGermany?