Rare EA W
🇬🇧🇺🇸I seize incel people’s cocks
🟩⭐ Mi konfiskas incelula kacojn
“Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum” — Titus Lucretius Carus
Rare EA W
Gonna look into GLIM, thanks
We should spread femcelmemes to other platforms to reclaim the word “femcel”
I remeber the people on R*ddit whining about how nothing ever works in Italy after the ChatGPT ban. I’ve written a rant against this and someone had the gall to comment stating that the privacy reasons were a sham and the ban was due to ChatGPT risking to “offend the average Italian” or something.
The local version could be theoretically be uncensored through abliteration tho
Cxu bone parolas vi la Esperanton?
Italy: Italian, English(mostly slang), some Spanish, some Esperanto, and some of my local language(Sardinian)
As long as at least a TOR pluggable transport is working, there’s still hope
Oh sorry. That was meant to be neutral. I would never do Al dirty like that
Weird Al-ass haircut
They even bothered to include the two variants of Sardinian :)
Giorgia has a ladyboner for people like him
Lmao i played this on PS4
Had me in the first half, ngl