Bookings spiked by 1,200 percent post-election, and IUD signups more than octupled.

      7 days ago

      FYI to anyone coming across this guy for the first time, I have him tagged as “Right-wing Nutjob/Religious Fruitcake”

      For wonderful takes like:

      And ofc the classic religious dogma “Blood family is evErYThINg”:

        7 days ago


        I’m still naively optimistic somehow and think discussion is necessary.
        As long as the other part isn’t just a plain troll, I try to rip down illusional borders, because I think it’s important to understand the “other side”, because after all, we’re still in this shithole together.

        As said, this is a naive approach, which burns me up bit by bit, but I don’t see any other solution.
        Else we just gonna stay in our bubbles and then we wonder how so many people can be this idiotic.
        As long as we don’t understand the reasoning (if existing and not just some bullshit made up thing), we never gonna get back to consensus.

        But maybe you’re right in this case, and I just waste my time.
        In this case, thanks for your input!

      • VeganPizza69 Ⓥ
        36 days ago

        how do you tag users? Lemmy seems to suck terribly even for moderators, let alone user notes for everyone else.

      387 days ago

      I never get these comments. It’s just such a fundamental and basic misunderstanding of why someone might not want kids.

        387 days ago

        Or more kids. I already have two; no way do I want more; and up until this week, abortion has been illegal in Missouri. That includes pretty much any sort of reproductive care that would result from a pregnancy. No way would I want my wife to get pregnant again in this day and age.

      • Ogmios
        -537 days ago

        It’s not even speaking about reasons. Just results.

    • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
      7 days ago

      It must be hard to be so alone, and then go online and be alone there, too. I’m sorry your parents were so awful to you, and that you haven’t had people support you. I hope one day you find the strength to be the best person you can be, and then as your early 20’s ease into your 30’s, you look back on this time with mild embarrassment, but happiness that you grew out of it.

      7 days ago

      May I ask what’s the reasoning?
      People who are afraid their wife could die, because a contraception didn’t work - as nothing is 100% - shouldn’t get childs?
      That doesn’t sound very reasonable, and I’m not sure if I understood you correctly

      • Ogmios
        -647 days ago

        Because a society can only survive through procreation. This incessant push on social media to demonize children is seen by many as, at least in part, a hostile effort by bad actors like Russia and China to undermine and destroy the future of western civilization.

          7 days ago

          Aren’t we in favor of deporting 7% of our population? (25 million illegal immigrants/ 335 million)?

          Is population size really that important to you?

          7 days ago

          Who demonizes children?
          China also pulled back from their 1-child policy and as far as I remember Russia never had something like that in place.

          And I think we’re globally already over the brink of sustainable humans.
          How should we be able to support all the newborn humans, if human population grows even more. Isn’t that bad for said children, if they can’t have enough…anything anymore?

          This obviously needs global solutions, as many societies would feel, that others are just overwhelming them, when they are producing more offspring.

          But what does this even have to do with abortion rights?
          If you have a condom accident and can’t afford to have a child, is it better to have the child live through worse conditions, than when planned?
          What about rape or medical, where the mother could die?

          This perspective seems quite narrow, but maybe I didn’t quite get your point.

          Edit: autocorrect and some beers…

            197 days ago

            Who demonizes children?

            People on the right aren’t very nice about trans kids. But that’s probably not their point.

        • Diplomjodler
          197 days ago

          Yeah right. Totally has nothing to do with the inhumane policies the US oligarchy is pushing.

          157 days ago

          Procreation only makes children - society needs culture and order to continue through the generations. Having people who have no idea about their history or traditions is useless, they might as well be cattle.

          Outside influences like rival countries or self financed teams paid for by billionaires to influence society is the problem. Forcing others to be parents won’t solve the problem. We need people who want to raise children so abuse and broken people aren’t a constant output. To make people want children, they need a future in which they feel they can raise a person. The current anti-worker, anti-business geo-economic plan for the next 4 years doesn’t give the kind of future folks want to have children.

          97 days ago

          Nah, children fucking suck. All of them. I was born and raised in the middle of the US and since I was young I knew I never wanted children. I wouldn’t be a good parent so it would be unfair to bring a human into this shitty world and then have them rely on me to raise them. It’s irresponsible and quite frankly unethical to have kids just because procreation is necessary for the human species to to grow. There are plenty of people that want them that the rest of us aren’t required for sustainability.

          The world could use a couple of billion less people anyway.

      -57 days ago

      This is how Idiocracy happened. When only the dumbest people procreate we speedrun to collapse.

        147 days ago

        I hate to break it to you like this, but dumb people are going to reproduce no matter what. Seeing as how the literal world we all inhabit is getting hotter and hotter, for longer stretches of time, with water wars going on right now that will only get worse as it keeps staying hotter, governments around the world turning their backs on the people they are supposed to help, and the increase in plastic pollution (let alone pollution IN GENERAL), and the growing wage gap across the world, humans being literal slaves to other countries for cheap labor, and so so so many more issues, I believe that bringing in another human is indeed a shitty thing to do.

        Look at humans, look at their history, look how things are going. There is no reason to continue the suffering in my eyes.

          -97 days ago

          Yes but we used to have smart people reproducing to balance things out. Now smart people are taking extra measures to avoid parenthood and ignorance is being celebrated.

            167 days ago

            The time for smart people to lead has long gone, my friend. I understand your concerns, but you do really need to be more realistic about your observations. Smart people don’t want their future children to grow up in a hellscape, to be abused by those who have the power to make everything good in the world but refuse to do so, and to suffer droughts, pollution, discrimination, and all the other problems that are going on.

            Smart people see the world as it is right now, can imagine what it will be like in the future, and decided that keeping the human race going is actually kind of a bad idea.

            Do I want kids? Yeah, I think I’d be a decent parent. Do I want my children to grow up in a bleak as fuck future? Hell no. 90% of my time here so far has been nothing but bad. Terrible even. Why the fuck would I willingly choose to keep that torture going?

            No thanks. I’ll leave it to the dumb people to procreate and further exasperate the issues on hand, so that my conscience isn’t full of regrets of making another human being have to go through this painful existence.