That’s the whole joke. Helicopter blade, hydra head, cut off, regrow
That’s the whole joke. Helicopter blade, hydra head, cut off, regrow
Much nicer than C, much simpler than C++, much less cruft than both.
Their username is also hilarious
a reference to Slartibartfast from Hitchhikers Guide :D
I’ve heard this joke so many times it’d actually be funnier if the chicken just said “buck” at the end.
I personally would like to become a conscious cloud of gas.
What makes you think this is a millennial thing?
Also why the fuck does it matter?
That’ll never happen, the tobacco industry is too big and too many jobs will be lost all at once, so it becomes highly politicized and loses popular support. With the proposed law, the tobacco industry at least has time to pivot to something else.
I just visited Canada for 4 days, was around a lot of people and I only smelled smoke twice. Both times were outside the airport (once arriving and once departing).
You are exactly right. This whole thread is full of people complaining about the price, but it’s perfectly justifiable for this one reason. If you have a significant other then it’s actually cheaper to rent than it is to go to the theater. And big screen TVs are commonplace, so the experience is about the same (arguably better since you can pause if you have to go pee, can rewind if you missed something, can be as obnoxious as you want, don’t have to commute there, and don’t have to deal with sticky floors and overpriced popcorn).
I’m not saying the price is reasonable (it’s too high in my opinion) but people need to stop pretending like it makes no sense from a business perspective. It’s a no-brainer to the average non-pirating consumer: they are getting something better, for cheaper.
Jfc what road is that on the left?
To be fair, the Fahrenheit measurement should be pretty intuitive here. Fahrenheit is easy because 0 degrees is “really fucking cold” and 100 degrees is “really fucking hot.” So anything triple-digits should be easily recognizable as “yeah that’s way too fucking hot for a phone.”
This is also why I prefer Fahrenheit to Celsius in general (even though I am an engineer and am not a die-hard patriot or anything like that). It is a more practical scale for everyday usage.
and don’t call me Shirley.
You’re probably joking but just to save people some time, it does not actually recommend HTMX. (I remembered seeing this website a while back but didn’t recall anything about HTMX so had to check.)
Hell yeah, 30% sync users. I’ve always thought Sync was the best reddit client, and now it’s the best Lemmy client.
Yep. Presenting the user with a choice that they don’t fully understand (which instance should I choose? What even is an instance?) is a very big deterrent.
This is really odd, I hit this same issue recently. Booting into an old kernel also fixed it for me. What distro are you using? I’m on Ubuntu.
Is this the one that has a little butthole drawn on the back lol