Probably per capita
Nah these people are 1/3 caffeine.
Their cross country skiers might be 🤷
Yes, they are having an amazing time per capita.
Yeah i he’s dropping the 5mil bombshell as if that was mindblowing. 5 million people drink almost as much coffee as 150 million? Craaaazy
they have 20 hour long nights in the winter. they probably need coffee to function
Coffee is remarkable for the digestive system.
Yeah I was going to say - interesting, but presumably per capita?
Even then it’s not true. Sweden and Finland regularly trade first place when it comes to coffee consumption per capita.
So that the US sold be in first is just not true. And if I know for fact that’s not true. I have serious doubts about the rest of his claims
Probably? Lol. Bro
I know the coffee bit is bullshit ( so likely the other stuff is too
Person who made this mixes absolute and per capita measurements. Probably in more than one category
Well it might just be a mistake.
Norway is second on that per capita list and USA is first in tonnage. I could see how USA first, Norway second could be bungled out of that. Perhaps after a glass of wine or two. Or three maybe.
12KG of dried beans per capita is astounding. Those Scandinavians are giants among us.
I drink about 11kg dried beans on average. Daily brew is 60g and I drink half, so 30g. 365*30 = 10950g, just under 11 kg. There are occasional days I’ll have an extra cup out and about.
Vast majority of it is locally roasted.
I order about 1.5kg of beans per month here in the UK, mostly from farrers in Kendal, and it’s easy to drink that much, it’s only 2 or 3 cups a day.
I drink about 20kg of coffee per year. Those Norwegians are lightweights.
No Australia in that list at all??? Not sure how we sit, but boy do we hit coffee hard in this country
I was curious so went digging a little.
This page says 2.2M 60KG bags in 2023 which works out at just over 5KG per capita (2.2 x 60M / 26M). That would put Australia around Croatia level on that graph.
So something smells. Not sure if it’s the dry weight part as roasted coffee is lighter than the unroasted beans that come in those huge bags but those beans are dried. Maybe that graph is just plain wrong.
Anyway… It looks like you guys are fair coffee junkies alright.
Nope - Finland is #1 coffee consumer. By a lot.
It’s not correct about tacos either. I wouldn’t even call what they’re eating in Europe “tacos”.
The US has got to be eating the second largest amount of tacos in the world. Not only are there millions of Mexicans in the country, tacos are part of the national cuisine.
Should I be informing some kind of official census each time I eat tacos at home?
Are you publicly admitting to not filling out your Daily Ration and Nutrient Survey? I’d delete this
It’s too late for me, that would just add an obstruction charge on top of it for destruction of evidence. Which I guess also technically applies to each time I’ve flushed the toilet.
I guess I’m an outlaw now. At least it means I get to have all the cool things that have been banned. Brb, I’m gonna go get all hopped up on leaded gasoline and start stupid fights over people doing things that don’t affect me.
Make sure you fill out your Tracking And Consuming Order Sheet.
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I would bet my life that given the choice between Texmex tacos and European tacos, the vast majority of people raised on authentic tacos would choose Texmex. At least Texmex sometimes accidentally gets authentic flavors by virtue of proximity to the same ingredients.
TexMex tacos are amazing. Authentic Mexican tacos are fantastic. CaliMex tacos are ridiculously tasty. I don’t know what the cuisine is officially called in New Mexico but those are fucking delicious.
Here’s the deal though. There is as much variation inside of Mexico as there is between Tex or Cali. Mexico is a big place. The Yucatan Peninsula is known for taco de cochinita pibil (roasted pork) and campechano as well as fish tacos (yum!). Central Mexico gave us al pastor (spit roasted pork with pineapple), which is probably my favorite authentic Mexican taco. Oaxaca has everything from insect tacos to beef jerky tacos and the best melting cheese outside of Italy. Northern Mexico is a bunch of beef and goat on flour tortillas (I love them too) which is probably why TexMex uses flour tortillas. Baja California has a bunch of fresh fish in theirs (yum again!) or you can get lobster and beans.
People raging about “authentic” tacos never seem to understand how big and diverse Mexico is.
Thank you for the roundup. Also you seem like fun.
All of those are authentic tacos. And I still bet anyone who grew up with those will not choose European tacos if given the choice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I can’t comment on that because I’ve never seen a European taco. I’ve been to Europe a handful of times and can’t remember seeing a single Mexican joint (although I was trying to eat local so I would have missed them anyway).
I tried looking up European tacos and only came up with French tacos (fries, meat, and cheese on a flour tortilla I think?) which sounds like something broke college kids eat.
Do you have examples of other kinds from Europe? I’m obviously super fascinated with tacos in general and have tried my hand at making pretty much any type I could find except the cricket tacos because I don’t trust myself to cook crickets. I want to read about them and, since I have a bunch of unexpected guests for a while, force them to eat whatever I come up with. Today we had leftover brisket tacos with smoked queso (not Velveeta and Rotel…it’s fine but I had a bunch of nice cheese and fresh veggies on hand) because I like trashy ass tacos as much as I love super good quality tacos.
When people are shit talking European tacos I think a lot of that comes from seeing unseasoned British tacos make the rounds on social media every now and then. Paul Hollywood pronouncing it pico de “gal-o” kind of epitomizes what I’m talking about, just very unfamiliar with what it’s even supposed to be and slapping together something that doesn’t offend the average picky eater.
I wouldn’t even call what they’re eating in Europe “tacos”.
Well we would. Stop gatekeeping!
You don’t have any good peppers and wouldn’t know what to do with them if you did. Peppers are the key to authentic Mexican food.
People who like it hot can buy peppers, and they’re pretty easy to grow too. However, not everyone likes it spicy. A lack of peppers doesn’t make it any less of a taco.
That’s the flavor of the taco. Otherwise it’s just meat in flatbread.
You are telling on yourself by saying “some people don’t like it hot”. There are many peppers that are not hot: ancho chiles, chile del arbol, Anaheim pepper, poblanos, banana peppers, cascabel, chilaca, etc.
If you don’t know about mild peppers, you don’t know about Mexican food. It’s just that simple. Downvote away Europeans.
Nah, you really don’t need peppers for it to be a taco. All you need is:
- wrap - usually corn, but flour works
- seasoned protein
- toppings - lettuce, tomatoes, etc
- optional sauce
Layer it up, fold, then eat. There are a ton of options, and many of the protein options have no peppers, spicy or otherwise. It’s a completely irrelevant part of the dish, like which protein you use.
I’m not European, and I work with a Mexican who corrected me on a lot of my assumptions about Mexican food.
You’re telling on yourself by claiming those peppers to be unavailable in Europe. I wouldn’t be surprised if you thought cilantro to be exclusively American at this point.
Calabria would like a word
When people in Scandinavia says they’re eating Tacos. What they mean is, we’re making and eating burritos.
Yes. It might even be that Sweden is second in Europe at least, but I may remember the last statistic I saw on that wrong.
Indeed, multiple countries come before the US on this chart too if I remember correctly.
And Sweden in second place.
Per capita ofc.
And USA isn’t even in the top 20. Stuff like this makes me wonder if anything in the post is even remotely correct.
Depends on if you count in total or per person, and what you’re defining as coffee.
It doesn’t say #1. For any of the stats.
Yeah. It says 2nd. After the USA. Guess who is first?
Would be funny if it wasn’t complete bs. Except for the amazing time part. They’re fun folk.
Based on their mystery novels and TV shows, everyone there is depressed and living in a stark, bleak landscape.
I’m thinking they want to discourage tourism.
They also whip each other with shrubbery in the sauna. (or so I’ve heard)
I’m from Finland (shares border with Norway) and yes, that’s a thing. I mean who wouldn’t love them some hot sweaty whipping anyhow?
Just remember to use birch and not spruce.
Sounds legit. Same in russian banyas.
I think Norway not too dissimilar to Saint Petesburg. So probably they want to discourage tourism indeed.
And this is why we should be critical to our sources, especially when it’s “some guy on the internet”.
It’s simply not true.
I highly doubt that Norwegians consume the 2nd most tacos. If there was actual data on this subject then I think that we would probably find that the US consumes the most tacos, followed by Mexico.
Mexico’s population is about 40% the size of the US population. There are also a lot of Mexicans living in the US, and there are Taco Bells everywhere.
After the first stat it’s probably normalized to population.
I would think that to be the case, but he final line stating the population of Norway implies that these aren’t rates, but total numbers.
You’re right, of course. But I think it’s equally plausible that the original writer didn’t really grasp the difference and mixed some things up.
Can you eli5 the stat normalization thing? I failed stats in college fyi
There’s two ways to count things. You can measure total consumption, or consumption per capita (per person). If the group of 100 people eats 1000 tacos, you could report it as 1000 tacos eaten, or 10 tacos eaten per capita.
The later is more useful when comparing between groups of different sizes. The US likely consumes more total tacos than Norway, just because the population is so much larger. If we adjust for the size of the population (divide the total by the population size), Norway may be higher —if we assume the OP is correct and this is what they meant.
Let’s assume Norway has 5 million people and the US has 300 million people, and they’re going to have a taco eating contest.
If every American eats 1 taco, that’s ~300 million tacos eaten. If every Norwegian eats 30 tacos, that’s “only” 150 million tacos eaten (30 x 5mil = 150mil).
If we’re talking about total tacos eaten, Norway “loses” the eating competition. But that’s not really fair because the US has 60x more people participating.
If we’re talking about tacos per person (aka normalizing for the population), Norway wins the competition because each person ate 30x more tacos than the average American.
So, which country eats more tacos? The answer depends if you’re counting total number of tacos eaten, or average number of tacos eaten per person (aka per capita).
I would take on the whole of Norway in a taco eating competition as long as I can choose the tacos.
I wouldn’t win, but I’d get as many tacos as I wanted.
Thank you :)
This is per capita for sure
I was thinking, no way they have France or Italy beaten in absolute coffee consumption. We are quite addicted to coffee and there’s 10x more of us
There’s simply no way Norway has the US beat for total taco consumption; even per capita consumption would be impressive.
Seriously. Southern CA alone is 4-5x the population of all of Norway, and that region often has 3-4 taco shops per block when it’s allowed by zoning.
Edit: the USA has 75,000 Mexican restaurants. That means that there are only 73 people in Norway for every Mexican restaurant in the United States.
The average restaurant in the USA serves 100 people per day. That means that, on average, US Mexican restaurants serve more people daily than the entire population of Norway.
Taco trucks just park wherever they want and deliver delicious tacos to the world. Zoning laws be damned
Even serving 7.5 million people per day that leaves 330-some million people every day who don’t eat tacos. Assuming every customer ate a taco with their meal, ~2,200 out of every 100,000 people eats at least one taco each day, so ~2.2%. This doesn’t account for people eating multiple tacos, however.
Taco related products have their own aisle in almost every Nordic supermarket no matter how small and is often eaten once a week in every family. Not surprising considering any flatbread based food will inevitably be a hit in the Nordics.
The way we eat tacos would seem foreign in the U.S or Mexico. Way more fresh vegetables for example.
Another odd thing is that their oil fund owns about 1.5% of all globally listed stock shares. That’s a lot by capita, since their population is less than 0.07% of the global population.
Per capita
That cannot be right. The usa isn’t even in top ten of coffee consumption
Best Norway fact I have is that their wine (and spirits) is nationalised. Anything over 4.75%.
You can only buy it from the government in places called Vinmonopolet (English: The Wine Monopoly), and it is directly taxed.
And it’s awesome. The staff have to actually study and pass a test so they can advise on wine selection. The selection is huge and far beyond what’s visible in the stores - and there’s a great app for ordering stuff. They even have massively subsidised wine courses and a free wine magazine that’s surprisingly good.
Same in Finland actually.
And Sweden
Another fun place, I guess
Another reason for Torvalds to become sad after leaving Finland.
He moved to Sweden, which also does the same
Linus Torvalds has lived In the US for almost thirty years.
- He did not.
- Is seems Sweeden is anuther fun place.
It isn’t terribly different in practice from state and local regulations in the US, except the rules in Norway are the same nationwide.
For example, where I live in Ohio, I can buy beer at the grocery store with some restrictions on Sundays. I can also buy harder liquor in the state store, which is located in a physically separated section of the grocery store and where you have to be 21 (legal drinking age) to shop. Alcohol is subject to special taxes here, as well.
In Norway I would buy beer at the grocery store then go across the street to Vinmonopolet and buy some wine. I could do that at age 18, though some harder liquor is/was restricted to 21.
So it’s not all that different, except in the US the limits are a little different, it’s more likely to be regulated at a local level, and typically run by some private for-profit entity.
Certain parts of the US (typically further southeast) anything over like 5% is exclusively in ABC Stores, a completely separate building and company from grocery stores.
Also, can you buy something like 96% ethanol?
It’s probably poisoned like in many countries
In Russia I can buy probably only 96% methanol.
Bull-fucking-shit that USA consumes more coffee per capita than Sweden, Finland and Norway.
Fuck, gotta go get moar coffee
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Somebody’s conflating per capita and volume.
Also Norway is the country with the second most of Norway in their country. Just right after Hawaii.
And they are the second most planet in the galaxy. Just after the time lords.
Well, the US is the country with the most people of Norwegian descent, ahead of Norway. Of course it helps up the number when you can include people with less than 100% ancestry in a much larger country.
Ah to have natural resource riches and a liberal society!
Per capita it’s Finland that drinks the most coffee apparently in total numbers it’s USA, Brazil, Japan, Indonesia…