Multi-shot upgrade. Get slingshot. Shoot $100 bill with my slingshot. Fires double the amount of money. 💰 profit? 📈💸
You could also put on one man bukkake shows
Considering the serial and things would be the same, this is basically just a high-quality counterfeit, ya?
Could switch to coins.
Or just gold shot.
i’d have to go find some and I’ve got this printer ink right here
Cocaine. Or CPUs.
Oh wow! That shit is more valuable than unicorn blood.
That’s a good one!
yellow :3
Well by that username we all know what you picked :3
Big onion
My vision’s never been great, so I’ll gamble on looking like Obama being more literal than sharing his physical appearance.
That’s a great bet to make! I’d personally pick big onion. It intrigues me.
Probably turns you into Shrek
Backflips. Never been the least bit athletic aside from my lifting strength and endurance. Just to surprise the everliving hell out of my friends and then never do so again without ever offering an explanation.
What if losing the ability means breaking your neck on the last try?
A few is more than two. You could safely do two flips and leave it at that, which would still be pretty cool.
Well obviously not gunna break my neck… But one solid backflip would be enough to gaslight my friends.
Would only serve to further shock his friends!
As long as you tuck properly it’s really hard to land in a damaging way*
Back flips are surprisingly possible with some exercise. I can do them on flat ground. If you have a gym nearby with those big blue mats you can try them with much risk.
*Terms and conditions apply when you’re fat.
Finally a chance to snap a bad guy’s neck and save the day.
Old Ones Awaken Awaken Awaken Awaken, take the life that must be taken!
Look, there was no way we could know it would summon a Lake Troll
We don’t serve people who summon lake trolls here!
Green green green green I fucking love the great old ones I want my sanity to abandon me and to laugh and scream and learn new ways to hurt eachother
No you misunderstand, that pill just makes a loud noise go off in a retirement home.
Definitely old ones.
Here here!
Brown pill so that I can force any set to be compact and make math like 69% easier.
I imagine that means my body won’t hurt and I’ll have the athleticism to do a few backflips until I’ve done them. If I don’t do them, then my body is just suddenly healthy and pain free.
At 40, I’ll take that shit.
No, that’s literally the only exercise you can do. Your body is absolutely optimizer to do 3 backflips and nothing else.
Why would I exercise?
To be able to pick up a cup of coffee.
What is multi-shot upgrade do?
It’s pronounced “MUL-MUL-MUL-MULTISHOT!”
Obama as now, or at the same age as me?
30 YO Obama looked amazing.
Ooooh, nice, I’m always game for more multishot. I’ve got too much base damage bonus, I need more multipliers on my build.
Nobody picked the pink pill?
🩷Pizza time is already broken and I can do so much damage in a minute!🩷
Tell me more about this big onion. Do I get a big onion or become a big onion?
I don’t know. I picked it but it hasn’t yet arrived.
Do I get to be as tall as Obama?