I not only remember the cornucopia one, but I thought this was the reason I learned the word cornucopia when I was a kid. Most Mandela effect stuff is kind of silly to me, but this one just freaks me out.
You probably learned cornucopia from thanksgiving, that’s how I learned it. Also, google cornucopia and basically every image looks like the fruit of the loom logo but with the horn behind it. It’s pretty obvious that people are so used to seeing the cornucopia imagery that when it’s combined with the fruit of the loom logo their brains go “yeah that looks right” and just assume that it must’ve been that at some point.
Mandela effects are fun and I understand the appeal but anyone who takes them seriously is straight up just not using their critical thinking skills.
Cornucopias were not a commonly seen thing in my region or most regions of the world. We have fruit bowls instead. In the 00s a lot of people had fake fruit in a big bowl just for decoration since it was such a trend. I saw fruit bowls a lot more than I ever saw cornucopias. But nobody talks about the missing bowl. I didn’t even know what cornucopias were called for a long time. Funny thing is I thought they were called looms because when I was learning to read I got fixated on the text in logos and spent a long time staring at that one. I remember looking at my underwear tag while shitting and thinking “wtf is a loom? It must be that cone thing the fruit is coming out of.” That’s what makes it weird, the consistency of it plus the amount of people who have actual memories associated with the cornucopia.
I just checked some old clothes I’ve got from the 90s. No cornucopia. Wonder if it was on the packaging or ads or something
Mandela effect stuff used to be just weird and silly, but in the last 5 years or so the internet has become centralized enough that it is actually possible to scrub all records of something from history, especially if it’s something innocuous. That makes it very difficult to trust the corporations when they say “no, our logo never looked like x” when they might be actively lying about it.
Maybe their machine learning determined that in 3-5 years cornucopias would be deemed a symbol of oppression so they removed it to get out ahead. Or maybe some rich assholes son who was gifted a job as head of marketing just inexplicably hates cornucopias and wanted to scour them from the company. Or maybe through sheer incompetence, no one properly documented the logo change and everyone who was in the company has since moved on, so now everyone is like “hey according to our official records it was never like that” and they stick to that out of sheer corporate stubbornness.
Point is, for whatever reason, companies now have the capability of gaslighting people about this. You can still look up their old patent history, but that’s about it unless you randomly find old pictures that happen to contain it.
I still think most of the time it’s just common misremembered things from childhood.
The wicker conch was there when I was a kid, 100%, but maybe it was regional?
Or maybe they realised getting rid of the conch would save them a million dollars in printing costs over five years (or whatever) and quietly removed it?
Just so you know, that brown thing is called a cornucopia! Literally “horn of abundance” in Latin.
Growing up, I always referred to it, and always heard it referred to as, a horn o’ plenty.
Your mom referred to something else as the horn o’plenty…
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This one is the perfect example because I also remember it having the cornucopia despite it never being there in the official product. I would bet that the memory comes from the brain mashing together similar looking artwork from Thanksgiving.
Note: a memory is still a memory even if it isn’t accurate, because memories aren’t perfect.
That sounds plausible, but then why do I, in the Netherlands, have this too? We have no thanksgiving and no thanksgiving imagery.
So where did the association come from? There has to be something that caused us to all have that false memory. Tv show or movie maybe
Still lifes?
So intense a mystery so immediately solved, thanks.
American Thanksgiving
Knock off products were quite rampant in us throughout the 80s and 90s. That’s my guess.
Or it wasn’t and you’re just mistaken. You can find vintage underwear and t shirts on ebay from fotl back in the 70’s and 80’s right now. It isn’t there. Also, snopes.com deemed it false.
I think a time traveler fucked up and the cornucopia is an echo from another timeline.
I’ve 100% seen the cornucopia version in the past. The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that perhaps people have used the fan-made one without realizing it? It’s a better explanation than parallel universes, at least ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Perhaps the more reasonable explanation is that you’re misremembering.
Are you suggesting that I’m the one at fault? How preposterous! /s
I remember it because that is how I learned what a Cornucopia was. Asking my mother about it, after seeing it on white underwear, at a Zellers.
That’s another Mandela effect.
Fruit of the Loom never produced underwear.
Lol fan made underwear logo, I love it.
Probably just a trick of the mind, but maybe you got some knock off stuff? IDK who would make fake FOTL but they seem to make all sorts of counterfeit products.
More likely that your brain is just remember seeing cornucopias.
Who’s downvoting this? Our brains are crap. You were primed to remember the cornucopia so you did. That’s it. Y’all really think there’s a vast conspiracy to convince you that Bernstein was spelled differently and some random logo was different? Consider that our stupid heads are literally full of stupid meat. We’re barely smarter than a shit throwing baboon.
I think someone is going through my history and downloading all my comments by 1, for one thing.
Edit: see
Maybe it’s a fake. I once saw a Diesel t-shirt where the punk wore a thin headband.
I would swear my undergarments had the cornucopia logo when I was growing up. I actually remember the point in my life where I saw the logo without it and assumed they decided to modernize.
Ditto, but I had a spooky event preceding that. A black robed guy wearing a wide brimmed hat (think Vatican Elite or something) walked into my uncle’s bedroom when I was a kid and held up two white T-shirts from Fruit of the Loom on brightly colored plastic clothes hangers, and said:
“We’re thinking about changing the logo, do you prefer this traditional one, or this modern one?”
And, me, being small child babu and scared out of my mind by having a tall, pale, black garment dressed figure in the room with round sunglasses went:
“Modern. It’s the Year 2000 coming up, the new millennium. Everything has to change.”
He laughed and thanked me for my time and then walked THROUGH THE WALL to leave, not through a door.
The next year, 9/11 happened, and everything changed. Still boils my brains.
That kind of thing used to happen a lot.
It really took a long time for doors to catch on.
Thanks Obama!
Did I do that right?
Same. I saw the new logo in a sign in a Kmart
Aren’t clothes pretty commonly counterfeited?
Yes but fruit of the loom is already your bargain barrel brand.
Fruit of the Loom is already like the cheapest shit you could buy. Who would counterfeit the shitty brand?
I’m pretty sure the local department store wasn’t selling counterfeit kids underwear. This isn’t like a Nike shirt or something.
I’ll apologise now for the tiktok link, i know how much this place hates tiktok but here is a woman who did a deep dive and found evidence that the company actually changed their logo and tried to scrub the existence of the Cornucopia from the internet to distance themselves from Bad PR.
Not so sure I believe this one. I can’t find any evidence that this is real, but I am finding a lot that shows it was never part of the logo. For example, this needle package from 1967 doesn’t have one and there isn’t a single trademark owned by them, past or present, that has the cornucopia in it.
I always thought it must’ve been common counterfeits that added it.
I feel like if that were the case, there would need to be a TON of them out there for so many people to think the real logo had a cornucopia.
You would be surprised at the amount of counterfeits in clothing.
☝️ this is what a good post looks like. Actually do some due diligence.
So here i am, minding my business on a Friday afternoon and this guy, this guy comes in with a tiktok link! And I’m all like hrrrnnnggggggggggg ehhhhhhhhhhhh but you know what I’ll let it slide today. It’s nice out, gonna bbq later if it doesn’t rain. What the hell, right? You go ahead and do your tiktoks and if anyone gives you hell about it just remember this guy said he’s giving you a pass
So, did you bbq or did it rain?
Bbq baby 😆🤌
That woman has already been caught spreading fake/photoshopped shit multiple times. The TikTok conspiracy is that it’s a coverup for a chemical spill at a factory that Fruit of the Loom didn’t even own at the time.
I like this idea but it’s hard to believe that nobody can produce a pair of underwear or t-shirt from the 70s that they found in their basement/attic
I think for conspiracy minded people, that just proves how deep the conspiracy goes!
I’ve got one and ill show it soon but in the meantime buy my merch and donate!
That’s how conspiracies work, right?
Why are cornucopias bad?
Cause they poisoned a whole town and did a corporate restructuring to be able to deny that they did it. Part of that included deleting the cornucopia
That’s not true. That comes from a TikTok which was complete horseshit. They didn’t own that factory at the time.
People make up the wildest conspiracies
They’re not, but the old company logo was associated with a scandal/disaster so they changed it to distance themselves.
Idk if I really buy it considering how similar the new logo is, nobody is gonna think it’s two different companies. But I haven’t fully immersed myself in the conspiracy yet, so I might be missing some context
But none of this is true
Yeah, like I said, idk if I buy it. The explanation doesn’t really make sense.
But some really strange PR decisions have been made in the past.
Um deleting all evidence from the world except two supposed photos (which btw have different cornucopia designs) and a tiktok video… sounds like far more than anything a PR team could manage. All the three-letter agencies combined couldn’t pull that off, as the action itself would leave evidence.
Starting your reply with “um” makes it sound like you’re condescending and disagreeing with what I wrote, but nothing you said disagrees with what I said… So I think you just misread my comment.
But why do they deny the old logo existed?
They don’t, because it’s made up.
Tiktokkers will say anything that feeds them views. FotL is probably paying influencers to make this content for publicity
This is the type of conspiracy I can get behind.
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I’m not clicking TikTok but if that evidence is the logo trademark paperwork mentioning “cornucopia” you can search that same database for cornucopia and find other logos tagged with the label that don’t contain one. Seems to be a tagging system, not a 1:1 description of image content.
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I think a reluctance to take conspiracy theory information from TikTok is more indicative of being an adult…
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TikTok, really? It’s literally a Chinese disinformation tool. Don’t be a tool yourself.
This is the longest and most confusing Snopes article I have ever read. I feel like the Mandela Effect is clawing at the boundaries of its containment, trying to escape and start to change day-to-day things about my home and the people around me.
I’m usually one to trust snopes but they’re full of shit
Snopes is not immune to corporate collusion.
FotL has launched a successful propaganda campaign to cover up that they poisoned an entire town.
Sorry for the Tik Tok link.
Yeah, no. The evidence presented there is less than paper thin. Only two blurry shitty pictures of unknown origin exist that claim to show the cornucopia in the logo. Out of all the millions of clothes this company has sold. It’s just not plausible. The more likely explanation is good Photoshop, or counterfeit clothing with an incorrect logo.
This video is actually covered in the snopes article too.
No. That is a conspiracy theory being spread on TikTok. They did not own the factory that poisoned the town. They bought it afterwards. Even the woman who made that TikTok later issued a correction.
That TikTok doesn’t mention anything about poison?
This is super made up.
It’s just called corporate gaslighting at that point
I HATE Tik Tok, but no. Snopes is 100% falling for corporate propaganda to cover up that FotL poisoned an entire town.
If a TikTok video is the only evidence you have, then you have no evidence. Please stop spamming this bullshit.
Did you not watch her later TikTok where she admitted that FoL did not even own that factory at the time she was claiming? TikTok can be a very useful resource, but like everything we need to use critical thinking.
SAME. I know without a doubt the brown cornucopia was part of the fruit logo.
SAME. I know without a doubt the brown cornucopia was part of the fruit logo.
There is zero doubt in my mind. It’s literally how I learned what a cornucopia is.
I was in 6th grade and our school was going to have a Christmas play, which involved some kids dressing as reindeer. The teacher showed us an example of the kind of sweatpants we’d need to wear, and they were Fruit of the Loom, still in the package. I asked the teacher what the brown fruit was, and she told me to look it up and that it was a cornucopia, except she said it like “Cornycopia,” which I couldn’t find in the dictionary until she told me it was spelled with a ‘u’ and not a ‘y’.
I didn’t misremember that, I didn’t confuse it with Thanksgiving, etc. The only reason I know what a cornucopia is is because of that and how she mispronounced it.
YUP. You stand firm by that and I stand by you. We know what we saw!
I had a powerful memory as a child too and I’ll never forget it was 1979/1980 I closely studied that logo on our clothing tags for some reason, because that’s what little bright intelligent children do, we soak up the world around us like an information-hungry sponge. It’s a powerful memory burned into my head.
I don’t have this one, but I will cut you if you call them The Bearenstain Bears.
I am not crazy! I know they swapped those letters! I learned to read with Bearenstein. I knew it was Bearenstein. One after See Spot Run. As if I could make such a mistake. Never. Never!
Be at peace
But doesn’t the front on both says Berenstain in cursive or am I reading it wrong?
Yes, the one in font is likely a typo. It’s so easy to get the name confused that even the transcriber got confused.
Looks like it
It’s neither of those. You’re putting “bear” into it. Lmao. It’s Berenstain.
You’re wrong too. It’s the Bearenstain Bares, because it was a book about nudists.
Wait… Was I raised in a cult?
Oh God this is even worse. We’ve split again!
Can’t wait for the multiverse to finally unravel
I think a lot of us just mispronounced it. As an American “stain” seems like a lot less common of a name ending than “stein”. Easy to gloss over a spelling in a long word.
The off-spelling was from overseas published books, so they couldn’t be sold in America.
I’m not in America and my books growing up were a mix of hand me downs, library books, and stuff from the church. Maybe I got the mispelled versions.
This one is freaky, but it just comes from the strong cultural association between imagery of big ol’ piles of produce and cornucopias. We expect one to be there so our brain tries to helpfully fill in the “gap” in our memory for us.
Photoshop would make it real easy to fake a pic like this. No one knows where this image comes from, where or when it was taken, nothing. It’s unverifiable.
Sounds like something a shill for big cornicopia would say.
Exactly. And I’m pretty sure as a kid I just imagined that’s what a loom was.
I think also there’s some conflating happening with Thanksgiving images. Very often the fall veggies are arranged very similarly, and Thanksgiving images often do have a cornucopia. I even had a Thanksgiving sticker from a random event that basically looked exactly like I remembered Fruit of the Loom except it was corn and pumpkins and stuff.
Wait your telling me it didn’t have the basket like thing? Could it be more likely they changed the logo?
Someone who read 1984 is it not still possible that the logo we all thought we saw was real and they changed yesterday to make us all feel that are memories are wrong? I don’t know why they do that unless it was to see that they could.
Because I swear I saw the another way on packaging when I was a boy.
Fruit of the loom, It’s possible, but with the amount of clothing produced with the logo it should be easy to find in thrift stores and the back of peoples closets. At least a few years ago when the idea caught on.
Thinking logically, are there agents going around stealing the items from homes and thrift shops to cover this up? It would have to be an ongoing process.
Stove Top stuffing is a bit trickier to debunk since the product was thrown away after consumption, its a lot less likely there is a mountain of old product that could resurface.
Wait what’s the stovetop one about?
Some people claim it used to be “Stouffer’s Stove Top” brand stuffing, but the company reports they’ve never made any stuffing or product called Stove Top.
Kraft currently makes Kraft Stove Top stuffing, and people reportedly are misremembering.
Wtf now that you mention it I do remember that. Maybe we all have shifted into a different reality? So that was never a thing?
There’s photos of shirts with the cornucopia logo.
Can you link some? I’ve seen some bad photo shops but nothing halfway convincing.
I’m gonna go with Occam’s razor here.
That’s the weird thing.
In my country cornucopias have no cultural significance or association with piles of produce. Still, every time I have talked Mandela effects with friends and acquaintances and asked them to describe the logo for me (stores in my country would sometimes have imported t-shirts from Fruit of the Loom) they describe it as “a big pile of different fruit with that basket-thing behind”, not even knowing a word for the object. When I tell them there is nothing behind the fruit pile, they are in total disbelief. Like many other commenters in this post, I remember asking my dad, after buying a pack of t-shirts, what that thing behind the fruit was, as I had never seen anything like that before in my life. I must check up with him someday if he still has any surviving t-shirts left, though I doubt it, since they were cheaply made and broke often. It’s also the weirdest feeling, that the logo with the cornucopia in this post is identical to my memory of the logo, down to the smallest detail, and is exactly how all I have talked to have remembered it as well.
It’s the same thing about the Monopoly mascot and his monocle. People try to explain it by saying that people conflate it with some Peanuts brand mascot, but in my country we have never had that brand in our stores nor any other brands with a mascot like that. Still, I am not as astounded that people in my country and myself remember him with a monocle, as there have been plenty of characters in movies, series and cartoons, foreign as well as domestic, that, when sporting a tailcoat and tophat, would always wear a monocle to match. The whole set is so broadly associated with aristocratism, that you would fill in the gap, so to say. Nobody in my country would say the same for a pile of fruit, unless it was a bowl we were talking about.
Why do people always do the weird thing of trying to be mysterious and not just say what country they’re talking about? Like no one is going to track you down by knowing you’re Latvian but they might say ‘I’m also from there and can explain where you’re mistaken…’
But who drew the cornucopia???
I can’t believe someone sketched that in to explain a Mandela event
that, plus it just looks better with a cornucopia. Like if apple never had the bite on the apple and someone started a rumor that it actually did, that would be easy to believe because the bite just obviously looks more like a logo.
Just having a bunch of fruit doesn’t give any connotations to textile, but the cornucopia adds something that bridges the gap so the logo isn’t so out of place.
With the prevalence of cornucopias used in Thanksgiving artwork and how we (people in the US) were force-fed all of it growing up, I imagine allowed the juxtaposition
I’m not aware of what fruit of the loom is but tbh i think they should add it, the logo just doesn’t look right without it (it’s color palette improves the logo and makes it more square-ish)
its* color palette improves
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It’s not wrong though.
Underwear brand and that would be hilarious.
Clothing brand. Not just underwear.
Chances are, if it’s corporate, you’re not crazy.
Regardless of reality, the one with the cornucopia looks better
I guess I kind of remember it not having a cornucopia behind it, because I remember the shape of the label and it wouldn’t have fit. I also feel like I remember thinking it would look better with a cornucopia behind it because it looked exactly like all those pictures of a cornucopia with fruit pouring out of it. And then I thought, what the fuck is a horn of plenty? I’ve got one right here, pal.