Former President Donald Trump on Saturday stood by his 2019 statement that writer E. Jean Carroll made a “totally false accusation” against him, despite similar claims resulting in him losing a defamation case in January.
Campaigning at a rally in Rome, Georgia, Trump referenced the $91.6 million bond he posted on March 8, three days before his deadline to pay $83.3 million in damages to Carroll for defaming her in statements he made as president after denying her accusation that he’d raped her in a department store dressing room in the 1990s.
Carroll first came forward in 2019 with sexual assault claims against Trump before another civil trial in May 2023, where a New York jury found that the former president sexually abused Carroll but didn’t rape her.
Looks to me like she’s found herself the ol infinite money glitch.
Suing Trump is a perfectly balanced activity with no exploits. Today, I present to you a gloriously devious infinite money glitch that shall render our wallets fuller than a royal treasury on a binge! Prepare yourselves for a fiscal frenzy the likes of which the political world has never seen!
I am going to pour myself a cup of Yorkshire Gold and join you. Brb
Speedrun any% losing all your money like a fucking moron, haha. He just can’t resist talking about her. She’s gonna be the one to take him down, lol.
Well what with the whole Republican party gearing up to pay all his court stuff might as well take them all down eventually.
100% wishful thinking I know.
That would require literally everyone involved to be impossibility stupid. The only way that could possibly work is if every single GOP politician had the intelligence of a spoilt grape fruit. What I’m saying is that I expect the GOP to be liquidated by this time next year.
Sadly while there are certainly plenty of absolute dumbasses in the GOP, and every one of them is a shitstain that barely qualifies as a human being, there are quite a few of them that are incredibly conniving. If they spent half as much effort trying to actually improve the world as they spent trying to rat fuck everyone for their own profit most problems would have been solved by now. While this will certainly hurt them badly I expect enough of the cockroaches will skitter away that this won’t actually destroy the GOP…
They don’t care what happens to the party as long as they personally profit. If they gave a fuck about their own party they wouldn’t have allowed the Tea Party dumbasses in, let alone Donald.
It would be hilarious if Trump bankrupted the GOP.
Probably won’t get that far, but if nothing else it means they have less money to spend on all the smaller local candidate races, which are arguably mode impactful long-term.
Statues should be built in her honor. Fucking hero.
Doubling down is the only thing he knows how to do. It’s how he avoided impeachments and has delayed his criminal trials. Looks like the civil acts are finally starting to catch up though. He’s already posted one bond. He can’t keep doing this forever.
It’s also how he’s avoided civil trials and paying judgments in the past. Keep denying, keep denying, ever onwards, and eventually the court will give up because they’re tired, the plaintiff is tired, and nobody wants to deal with you screeching “no I didn’t do it” for the 843rd time.
Show me the money
“I just posted a $91 million bond, $91 million on a fake story, totally made-up story,” Trump said, adding that the judgment was, “based on false accusations made about me by a woman that I knew nothing about, didn’t know, never heard of, I know nothing about her.”
What a dumbass.
Yep. Here we go again.
He cannot control himself. He truly can’t help it. Hit him again!
Yet, more than half of the US are prepared to elect him as their representation.
FWIW the New York jury found that she didn’t prove he forced his penis inside of her. They found he did force his fingers inside of her vagina. In New York state law, that is sexual assault but not rape. It is rape according to federal law, and most colloquial uses of the term “rape.” Donald Trump raped E. Jean Carroll, that is what was proven in court.
He wasn’t charged with rape in either state or federal court, because the statute of limitations had expired when she went public with her story.
So it’s important to be clear, the jury did not find him innocent of rape. They found he did commit an act that is widely considered rape. It’s inaccurate to say that they found he didn’t rape her. They found that the act that had been proven did not meet the narrow New York state law standard for rape.
They found he did force his fingers inside of her vagina.
I thought it was that he put something inside her, but she was unable to clarify if it was his penis or finger.
Either way, it would have been tiny and malformed.
“His fingers went into my vagina, which was extremely painful,” Ms. Carroll said. Then, she said, he inserted his penis.
-NYT (see below)
I’d never seen it specified exactly… horrible to read.
And the part where he sicced the goon squad on her while claiming the whole story was made up?
Juries never find you innocent of anything. They find you not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That is a big difference.
Anyone who claims that a court found them innocent is lying.
Fine, but they also did not find him “not guilty” of rape because he wasn’t charged with rape. He was sued for making defamatory statements, and the jury found that he had forcibly penetrated her with his fingers and then claimed he didn’t.
That is rape. In New York, it would not be enough to convict him of rape, but he wasn’t on trial for rape so the New York State legal definition is irrelevant. He was not found “not guilty” of rape.
Maybe, but the judge also clarified that he would be guilty of rape had the statute of limitations not run out.
The judge said exactly what I said. He did not say that Trump would be guilty of rape, he said that Trump raped Carroll. There’s a difference.
The linked article says nothing about this. Do you have a different source? I’m really doubtful that the judge would say something this presumptuous about criminal liability, especially predicting guilt against a real defendant in a trial that has not happened.
This was a civil case, not a criminal case. They were deciding liability not guilt.
And no one is innocent if you count original sin. Boom!
BTW, ‘guilty beyond a reasonable doubt’ is the determinative threshold for criminal litigation. It’s less strict for civil.
Do it! Sue him again! Surely this proves no appeal is merited.
I knew he couldn’t shut the fuck up.
Drag his ass Carroll! Hit him again!
She’s my hero. I fucking love her. Stormy Daniels too, equally and separately. They’re both just amazing and great.
The idiot that fronted him that money is, well, an idiot.
He probably got some decent collateral for the effort. That may not have been that dumb of a move. For everything Trump has done, I think it will be wonderful if the thing that destroys him isn’t the fraud or the insurrection, but his inability to shut the fuck up over what was originally a minor financial inconvenience to him. I just hope he keeps spending RNC money faster than it can be donated.
Court records filed Friday show that the bond was guaranteed by the Chubb Corporation, an insurance group. In 2018, Trump appointed Chubb’s CEO Evan Greenberg to a White House advisory committee for trade policy and negotiations.
They are all betting he gets elected again in which case none of these cases matter
The year is 2065. E. Jean Carroll is the richest human alive. She rules a business empire that stretches across the globe and even to Mars. This empire does not charge for services, sell products or even take investor funding.
Its only source of revenue is suing the immortal cyborg that is Donald Trump, who even after 40 years of taking Ls is still pathologically unable to keep his fucking mouth shut.
Black Mirror has been too on the nose lately.
Dumbass is such a dumbass that he doesn’t know that he can just not talk about this.
He knows, but he just can’t hold it back… His urge to say something is unhinged, even if he knows that’ll maybe cost him more money.
Extra dumbass
He’s already broke at this point and just using other people’s money.
He’s becoming judgment-proof.
Double dumbass on Trump!
“Swearing has died out by the 23rd century” is one of the stupidest ideas in all of Star Trek and I am so glad it’s been retconned.
Dumbass is such a dumbass that he doesn’t know that he can just not talk about this
I think the one thing that has become clear here is, trump does not know what the word ‘defamation’ means.
Unfortunately, I think he knows what he’s doing. He’s counting on being able to make all his troubles go away if he’s elected and he knows that maintaining the premise that these are unfounded, politically-motivated attacks by the deep state is exactly what his devotees want to hear. He just has to keep them living in his version of reality long enough to take the throne.
He’s still a dumbass if he thinks that because state-level civil suits are not something presidents can make go away.
And people want this dumbass to lead the USA?
They love a bully
The lack of empathy with Trump supporters should be studied. Because I would love to know what drives them to this man so much. He has the strongest collective of meat riders in human history.
My hypothesis is lead poisoning.
I remember reading at the start of Covid in the US, when the government was saying “masks are dumb”, but local churches were going “masks save lives”, the churches were surprised at how much pushback they were getting.
Turns out raising someone from a young age to believe without questioning, and look up to one person as their only source of truth, and ignore compelling scientific evidence, is pretty hard conditioning to break.
Shockedpikachuface.jpg, #leopardsatemyface, etc.
My hypothesis is lead poisoning.
Im sorry but how did you rule out Asbestos??
Doesn’t asbestos just give you mega asthma and giga cancer and not turn you into a soulless piece of shit?
It also stops fire.
deleted by creator
Doesn’t asbestos just give you mega asthma
I believe its also a carcinogen
That’s what causes the aforementioned giga cancer.
Eighties and nineties peeps will remember:
Do you or someone you know have mesothelioma?!
Hey dont rule us youngers out of knowing about those commercials, I remember them as late as 2009 or so.
Asbestos, while it has negative health implications, does not have a mind-altering component like lead poisoning.
Asbestos is more cancer-causing while lead does more of the developmental delay thing.
It’s called fanaticism, which is when people stop liking someone because of their actions/oratory and start liking the actions/oratory because they came from the person.
Americans have been conditioned such that they’re fallible to this bullshit.
Did we forget the Arabs, Swedes, Japanese, Russians, Canadians, Mexicans, need I go on?
Human nature is a human nature thing, not an American thing.
Someone not a fan of useful idiots pushing needless division.
Well, firstly, I didn’t say other people haven’t been brainwashed, just that americans had. Secondly, the american brand is very strong. Not a ton of countries would’ve allowed a specimin like trump to get anywhere near high office, let alone elected them president, all while crowing to all and sundry about what a utopia the usa is and how much better they are than everyone else!
America is full of assholes. Trump is their King. King of the assholes and hero to the stupid.
I agree, but I think it’s more than that. Even if you think Trump is telling the truth and all of this is a made up lie (even though there are other signs like cheating on his wife to sleep with porn stars and being caught on a mic saying he just grabs women by the pussy), IT’S EXTREMELY DUMB for him to keep talking about it!
Trump should be renamed to Xenu.
It’s like they’re drawn to the warmth of a book burning.
They all wish they could be him. These are people who would act JUST LIKE TRUMP if they could get away with it. They aren’t into him because of the policy, they are into him because they are jealous.
I want to thank Putin for funding E. Jean Carroll’s charities for helping abused women, and I am looking forward to more, even larger donations. Ukraine could use some aid, also, since Putin is feeling so charitable.
The irony of the GOP going bankrupt because they have to donate all their money to women’s charities after selling the party out to this buffoon is so think I could choke on it.
He did the judge too, because he’s just that stupid.
Her infinite money hack just potentially got even more infinite.