I can taste metal in an acidic dish when it isn’t treated, but seasoning mainly makes the pan easy to clean.
I can taste metal in an acidic dish when it isn’t treated, but seasoning mainly makes the pan easy to clean.
Vance is bombing big time.
Apparently, it is news to Fox, too.
Gov Newsom destroyed when he was on Fox. I don’t think that Fox will repeat their mistake.
A 2cm graze wound is different from a 2 cm penetrating wound. Even that fact can be misleading.
I want the debate to happen AFTER Trump is sentenced in DC. Depending on what happens there, the debates topics are vastly different. Making a president into a king with literal life or death powers is a power that Trump will misuse.
Only if the venue rules are fairly done.
That is not what Fox’s history shows Fox doing as a news an entertainment channel. They will put any BS up to garner attention. For example, DEI hire.
If Fox applied the same benchmarks on Trump’s past ‘accomplishments’ and Trump isn’t fit for employment, period.
My body is already being donated. If everyone did that, the profit would disappear, and the internal body parts would not.
70-80% fail on their first try, and on every test, 50% pass and 50% fail. ???
As a Thai food lover, I’m trying this fusion.
Our little burg has one person pick up the trash. Trash bins are passed out by the city. The bins are specially built for mechanical pick-up. The driver stops, the arms come out, grab and dump the bin. Then the bin is set down, and the truck continues its route.
One set of trucks are for recycle, one set are for organics to grind and compost, and a third is for trash. Our family’s weekly trash usually fits in one grocery bag.
He cleans his own messes! Self responsibility! OMG… NOOOOOOOO.
Best politicians that money can buy rent.
When non-sponsored scientists do work like this, corporations have usually spread fear to stop a competitor from gaining a toehold. Unless the scientists have very deep pockets, they can be banned from the marketplace, for lack of money to “prove” their product is safe. This looks like more of the same. With the Citizens United ruling, we do not know who is pushing which agenda.
Romney believes that if he folds like Chamberlain, that Republicans can control Trump. Chamberlain was wrong, and so is Romney.
Arthur Dent?
Our legal system has 4 tiers of justice. If you are poor, a person of color or of another lowly respected group, you are too many times presumed guilty.
If you are working class to middle class, and can afford a decent lawyer, you get a middling level of justice. The better that you are able to differentiate yourself from the poor, and appear to look innocent, the better your outcome.
When you enter actual wealth, you can afford to put off trials, get counsel that can enact intensive clogging of the justice system. Prosecutors will be using inordinate resources to try a case and will plea bargain to ridiculous levels to be able to function for the rest of their duties. There is some justice in that what is spent on lawyers will meet or exceed the fines that they may have received otherwise.
The highest tier can always take their money elsewhere. They can purchase citizenship to other countries, including those without extradition, and are nations to themselves. The last two levels are either somewhat above the law, or completely exempt from the rule of law.
What is new is that members of a political party are seen as exempt from law, and that a ruler is exempt from law for life.
What are the costs to grow another cohort of fish? What is the time value of setting the program back for the number of years that it will take to get back to normal, and that is assuming that we can?
Navalny was in Russian custody, and his health was Russia’s responsibility. Putin still has blood on his hands for all the deaths in Ukraine.
Trump’s hate messaging is sending people away from Trump and Republicans. However lame, this is attempting to show that he can get hired for other jobs after president, implying competence and that he is unimpaired by dementia.
Looky at the jingly keys, don’t look at the hippo eating democracy.