For it it has been Hollow Knight, Left 4 Dead 2, and Transport Fever 2.
I really enjoyed Dredge, Dave the diver runs also great on the Deck, but personally Dredge is more beautiful and controls are feeling more intuitive.
I also enjoyed The Forgotten City, the Long Dark, and The Outer Wilds.
Heck even God of war runs surprisingly well on the Deck.
The only problem I have is with shooters, because of the finicky aiming mechanism, even with the trackpad.
have you tried the gyro aiming features?
check out apature desk job if you haven’t yet as there is a neat gyro aiming section and it’s free.
Not OP, but I didn’t know this was a thing, so thank you!
I always activate it for shooters, then remember I play mostly in the subway.
Can second dredge, really solid on the deck!
Vampire Survivors and Death Must Die are fun on the Deck.
Brotato as a mindless standby.
Hogwarts Legacy is running pretty damn well, as did Cyberpunk 2077.
Use Mods in Brotato then You will have no time for other games :)
Any particular ones you recommend?
Baldur’s gate 3
On a side note, I’ve been playing Dirt Rally 2.0 which is listed as straight up not supported, but it’s been going great for me!
Baldur’s Gate 3 is addicting. I think I am getting near the end of the main story, but I am not 100% sure. Pausing the game on the SteamDeck is the only reason I am able to sink so many hours into this game.
I’ll say it again, SteamDeck is the only platform that I will game on from here on out. It is exactly what I have always wanted. A PC that acts like a console. I love the handheld aspect as I can be on the sofa or in bed with my wife while gaming.
I’m in the same boat as you are. I have moved all my gaming and emulation fully to the steam deck. It’s just too damn easy to just pick it up whenever.
and yeah BG3 I have to put on hold every now and then cause it just will rip time away so fast. I just get lost in it.
bloodstained, P5R, halls of torment, yakuza 3, risk of rain returns, project zomboid, and streets of rogue.
I highly recommend pony island, the longing, and yuppie psycho as well.
These are pretty much always installed on my Deck:
Dead Cells
Dragons Dogma
Binding of Isaac
Children of Morta
These I finished recently on SD in one form or other:
The Stick of truth
…but there are plenty
How well does Dishonored run the Steam Deck? I have been thinking of getting one and Dishonored is one of the games I want to play on it.
Awesome. Smooth 60 fps on mid-high settings and battery life was around 3 hours.
Also loading times were like 2-3 sec so it’s one of the best titles for the Deck I experienced so far.
I played D2 on the deck and it worked fine after tuning the graphics settings. Though I fully admit when things got tricky I docked and used kb&m.
So it should be completely fine with D1, awesome!
I discovered this game like two years ago and it got me super addicted. I can’t believe how sucked in I got. I’ve had trouble getting into a second play through, I am not sure why. Maybe it is because the mystery is gone.
been hitting Dragon Age Inquisition hard since the controller fix proton-ge workaround got released.
it looks beautiful in handheld and when I play in docked I’m noticing that textures look nicer than they did on my Xbox.
such a fun game. 🤘
*happy little edit to link the file here. thank you cammoore1 for the workaround!
You know of any way to get dragon age origins or dragon age 2 to work on steam deck with a controller? Everything I tried felt clunky and weird
I have not, sadly. I dearly wish I could help.
This is what I needed to hear. I have a save from 2016 that I’ve been wanting to finish, but bounced off of it on deck because I had to map all KB+M controls to make it happen.
After I finish The Witcher 3 (which has an amazing experience in the deck), this is where I’m headed.
I’m with you. I couldn’t get the keyboard and mouse rebind to feel anywhere close to comfortable.
I have only ever played DAI with a controller. So I was very happy that I found the proton-ge version.
Limbo & Inside.
Portal reloaded and portal revolution are pretty great on deck.
I’ve been enjoying FactorIO a lot lately. Just a great game and playable on the steam deck, unlike Satisfactory.
Please don’t call it Factor-IO.
I don’t, just didn’t know how it is spelled and thought they did it this way. I pronounce it in one word “factorio”. I think the small “i” in their logo confused me 😅
Rocket League, which before I had my Deck I didn’t even really get into all that much so it kinda took me by surprise. Seems to even have no problem playing at the high quality graphics levels at a steady 90 FPS too.
Additionally, since EA is having a massive sale right now I picked up Burnout Paradise and the mass effect legendary edition, along with all of the NFS games.
Yakuza Kiwami right now (although I haven’t picked it up in a while).
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I wish I could play Yakuza 0 for the first time again… such a high quality experience, nothing came even remotely close.
5 and 6 aren’t playable on the deck, so I play Like a Dragon… it’s decent.
Anyone played Judgement?
@msage @steamdeck Judgement is good, I wish these games didn’t have endless cutscenes though. It makes it hard for me to complete them in a reasonable timeframe.
But then you wouldn’t know about specific details like how much do they drink
Halls of Torment. Easily my favourite deck game.
Came to say the same. Just one more run…
Literally found myself saying that 2 hours later.
I don’t know if officially great on deck or not but
- Venetica
- Mudrunner
- revolt
- baldurs gate dark alliance 2 (ps2)
- dead or alive 2 (Dreamcast)
- Quake 2 remastered
- the Talos principle 1
- F355 challenge (Dreamcast)
- immortal redneck
- Deep rock galactic
- viper racing
- drag
- exanima
- reactive drop
- kandria
- overload
- pulsar lost colony
- all system shock games
- Sven co-op
Quite the menu, are you doing those on emulators or are they ported?
Some of them played through emudeck or heroic game launcher but all accessible from deck game mode