I’ve been wanting to diversify my set of apps for a while now, and the recent purchase of SMT by ZipoApps finally gave me the push to do so.
Right now I’ve replaced my gallery with Aves, my file manager with Material Files, and my voice recorder with Record You.
And that’s about it. I still need a replacement for Simple Dialer and Simple SMS Messenger (Contact You doesn’t support MMS and it would be really nice to have MMS support), Simple Calculator, and Simple Notes (looking specifically for an app with a dedicated widget like the one SN has).
Can anyone recommend something for the apps I’m still missing?
In case you haven’t followed the recent developments with Simple Mobile Tools: the entire set of apps was forked by Naveen Singh and is now called FossifyX - at least for now, there is a debate going on for which final name to adopt.
In other words, stick to the F-Droid version of Simple Mobile Tools until F-Droid picks up the FossifyX branch, and continue from there. With any luck, you won’t have to change any of the tools you’re currently using.
They are forked, it was mentioned in the discussion
For the moment uninstall PlayStore version and replace them with the F-Droidversion
QKSMS for SMS, Koler for Dialer, Calculator and I use Obsidian for notes but you may prefer Joplin.
It’s been almost a year since the last update (2023-01-19) and then almost two more since the one before that (2021-03-01).
deleted by creator
I can’t answer in detail as I haven’t used it in years. I’m sure “it just works” in the sense does it send SMS. However, if a bug crops up or a substantial change in Android happens, either breaking or limiting it…or worse, a security vulnerability is discovered, how long till it’s fixed/patched?
As a rule of thumb, I don’t use applications/software that sees such infrequent updates due to mostly security concerns.
In my experience with using qksms, sometimes the senders reply text gets randomly hidden at the very bottom out of sight and you have to swipe up to reveal it, sometimes this causes you to respond to an old text message without seeing the latest context of the conversation. Very frustrating.
Calculator++ may not have a widget but a floating mode. Which is equally if not more usable.
I’m trying notally for notes right now, seems to be good enough for what I need (mainly checklists for shopping and very occasional notes) and has a widget. No idea how the widget compares to SN though
I went with Unitto for calculator
These replaced many for me.
For dialer > Koler Message > Partisan SMS Qksms with encryption
Markor for notes and task (Do not have that kind of widget