• 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • the overflow property in HTML controls what happens in a given element when its contents extend past the element’s boundaries, in other words when the contents overflow.

    Overflow has 4 possible values (AFAIK): visible, scroll, auto, and hidden, where:

    visible does not clip the content and lets it extend past the parent element,

    scroll clips the content and adds a scrollbar so that the user can see the rest of the content,

    auto adds a scrollbar only when necessary,

    and hidden clips the content that extends past the parent and doesn’t add a scrollbar.

    Some paywalled/loginwalled sites load all of the article content regardless of whether the wall is up or not, so when a paywall pops up you can just go into the Inspect tool (usually CTRL+SHIFT+I) and delete the element containing the paywall, and/or, as some_random_nick said, change the article container’s overflow property from hidden to scroll, letting you see all of the content

  • Given that even 3 T is already considered a large amount of flux, would it be even possible for an object with 10 billion Tesla to even exist? And if so, what would it take to achieve that amount of flux? Does a neutron star or a pulsar* get even remotely close?

    * - pulling these examples kinda out of my ass – while i’m sure neutron stars have extreme magnetic fields i’m not so sure about pulsars