Leave it to big tech to introduce the same exact product with less features while they gaslight you into believing it’s a shiny new product that you should be excited about.
Give it a year after people has gotten used to it and forgot how it was. They’ll sell it back to you as a premium feature.
Big tech is about big money, it has less and less to do with tech
The new feature is how much they shove them down your throat.
When I see “New and improved!!” all I get is “We have found a way to make more money, and we sure as fuck ain’t passing the earnings to you”, or potentially “We faced a lawsuit so have since begun to follow the smallest possible set of FDA guidelines the law allows for, making OUR product safer for YOU!”
You described Apple perfectly
Sure our product is made by Filipino children, and sure it pollutes pristine wetlands, and yes, it does unfairly contribute to an insanely skewed distribution of wealth, but think of the INNOVATION!
Pro tip: if you replace “shorts/” with a “watch?v=” in the URL of a YouTube shorts video, you can watch it like a normal video.
Another pro tip: if you replace the entire URL to “https://www.who.int/health-topics/mental-health”, you can learn about mental health, which is an essential piece of knowledge in the case you watch YouTube shorts.
And if you’ve accepted the decline, I believe replacing “shorts” with “v” is enough.
I use an extension that auto opens any stupid short in full video version.
Would you kindly link this extension?
Not at my Computer right now but its called Youtube Shorts Block
I think YouTube Enhancer has that functionality as well.
Sadly it’s been removed from the add-ons repository
Hm? For which platform/s? I use it on Vivaldi since ages, and Firefox too. Vivaldi is Chromebased, so I know it supports that including Edge and Chrome. Are we talking mobile? Because then I’m not sure but at least FF should have it.
It’s been removed. If you already have it, it still works, but you can no longer get it.
Oh I see that because of how much Firefox changed internally it is no longer compatible.
Edit: Huh, just noticed I’m not even running it anymore. TIL
Here’s the link anyway, YMMV: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-shorts-normal-player/
this one has worked for me for a long time: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/439993-youtube-shorts-redirect
no shit right
buncha asshats just telling everybody they’ve got a secret in this thread. useless punks
You can also just replace “shorts” with “watch”.
Install “enhancer for youtube” (chrome web store) and in the settings for it check “convert shorts”
You’re welcome
YouTube is the worst with this, because they’ve even gone so far as to convert older videos under 1 minute to shorts. They weren’t uploaded as shorts, but now congratulations you can’t scrub through the video or share a timestamped link anymore.
I think there’s client sided stuff to do to solve that still, I’m 90% sure on my pc shorts open as normal videos due to an add-on I added a long time ago (the most popular for modding the look and feel of it, someone definitely can add it because I’m out of the house)
EDIT: Someone who deleted their comment (saw the notification that stayed) got it right, it was Enhancer for YouTube. It’s the bees’ knees, very recommended for everything (except adblock, for that get uBlock origin)
I think it’s called YouTube shorts block
Yeah don’t have the name now but at least for Firefox there is an addon that just plays them as normal videos.
Hello, it’s me, the one deleting their comment :))
I thought I’d be able to reply to that other comment of yours but it didn’t seem to work so I’ll just paste it here:
Oh interesting, I pretty much instantly deleted my comment again because I remembered seeing that the shorts thing in the enhancer was only experimental and assumed it didn’t work well yet.
Can’t find this comment of yours in the thread now
but I can reply from the inbox :))deleted by creator
This comment is what happens when I try to reply to the deleted comment from the other guy. I think it’s because you must have commented after they deleted theirs, and maybe took their comment id or something.
Youtube Enhancer is my bet. There are others but that’s the most popular. Also removes ads but I’m not sure that works anymore. uBlock and GreaseMonkey with the git script is the way to go for ads, just as a public service announcement.
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Netflix definitely increased 1080p compression (or said better, nerfed it). 1080p even looks a little pixelated on my mobile phone now when it looked great on a PC monitor a few years ago.
Yet another +1 in piracy’s favor. Never had a video I got through a 🧲 look like shit
Sometimes YouTube will bump you down to like 720p while still showing the quality as 1080p
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They do that to save bandwidth and money. It’s not your bandwidth they are trying to save, it’s theirs because streaming so many videos to so many people costs money. So they are trying to be sneaky and use lower quality settings as often as possible to reduce cost.
I wonder what the total of data transmission is for an average day on YouTube. It’s got to be in the petabytes.
I suspect that they can detect ad blockers in more cases than they try to block them. They could do that to “divert” the ad blocker/ad blocker blocker arms race. Assuming you’re blocking ads. If not, then it’s a moot point.
I’m in IT and I find it annoying to have to update my scripts and such every time they push new anti-adblock measures. A friend of mine who is perfectly tech savvy has not bothered updating his and is getting ads on everything now.
Just imagine the number of people who are completely clueless or are just so
brainwashedused to ads that they don’t even care- I’d be surprised to find functioning ad blocking on over 15% or so on videos served on YouTube. Maybe 20% because that’s kind of the economic cut-off point for when it starts hurting and they do anything about it on Google’s part.Take this with a grain of salt because it’s what some guy on the internet (me) “remembers reading something about, once”, but adblock rates on the general internet, were around 3% or something similar (can’t be bothered, please look it up yourself)
Therefore, I really wouldn’t hope for such an insane number as 15% on YouTube.
We are not the primary users. Your uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces are. The shopkeeper in the corner store. Your teacher. Your 50 year old doctor.
I felt 15% was exaggerated, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised by your estimate at all either.
I’ve noticed that they also sometimes change the speed of a video. Always a slight change but an annoying amount
Yes. Auto is essentially the “720p or less but we’re gonna lie and say it’s 1080p still” option now. I’m constantly having to manually choose my resolution to get the full bitrate.
YouTube Enhancer for the win. Or Revanced if you’re on Android.
It really makes their tests for the higher bit rate “1080p Premium” quality just seem like reducing the current 1080p and locking out the one we already had.
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There was that whole controversy about the Wish trailers because of Youtube compression…
If you pause the video you can scrub by dragging the end of the bar. It’s terrible UX but it’s technically possible
OMG! I didn’t know that! Thank you! I’ve been having to watch videos again from the start when I accidentally navigate away.
Granted it’s a short time frame but still.
You don’t have to pause for this. I can just scroll from the thin red bottom bar
The thin red line.
You can scrub shorts on mobile (might have to pause it first), but not desktop for some reason…
It’s annoying, but you can covert the garbage at the end of like the youtube.com/shorts/afaftxsdds to youtube.com/watch?v=afaftxsdds and it’ll behave and be able to be interacted with like a normal video.
Anyone wanna make a firefox plugin or something for this?
I’d be very surprised if there aren’t a bunch already. Have you looked? This behavior doesn’t apply to any of my usecases so I wouldn’t know.
Considering you just have to change a word I wonder why did they implement the features that people want and lock it behind a word change. What am I saying thinking more about this is just making the mistake of assuming morons don’t exist.
Just /v/ in place of /shorts/ works
Firefox, right click, show video controls
They fucking what!?
Anyway, the “Enhancer for YouTube” addon has an option to force a normal player for the shorts.
Now that you mention it I sometimes forget I have YouTube enhancer until I stop and remember oh wait YouTube isn’t normally monochromatic blue. Man I had too much fun redesigning my YouTube css.
Revanced + disable shorts components
Wait, even videos that aren’t in the vertical aspect ratio? I’ve got an 18 second video posted to Youtube and I’m going to be quite put out if they crop it and shart it out as a “short.”
The timestamp no, but the scrub works. I think on TikTok creators could disable that, not sure if YouTube offer that.
And the timestamp thing yeah… Although for so short videos to me is not that annoying. But yeah sucks.
In any case can you share an example of this converted videos? I have never seen it.
Perfect example of continual enshitification, there’s no reason even a 15s “short” or other quick media couldn’t have video controls, it’s just intentional because some dogshit behavioural phycologist they’ve paid said that’s the best way to coerce more engagement.
Behaviour psychologists should have a morality clause in their oath.
Behavioral psychologists working for TikTok, Instagram and the likes are like physical doctors working for McDonald’s to make their junk food more addictive while blindly accepting that it will become even more unhealthy.
What a miserable waste of workforce.
I don’t know how anyone can do either job and not hate it. It’s the kind of work that has negative value
They don’t see it as doing something wrong but as a challenge that they must overcome. The ethics don’t really come into play in their minds because someone else will just do it anyway and they’re just doing their job. Just like a police officer with their knee on someone’s throat.
Lol oath they are mostly just glorified teachers. Although maybe teachers should have oaths come to think of it.
That is incompatible with a capitalist business model. Morality is nice and all, but please do that on your own time, during company hours we literally own your life.
Or when it looks like it’s going to be a 15 second video, but actually it’s been going 2 minutes and still hasn’t got to the bit you’d have skipped to had it had controls, so you just close it in disgust.
It’s removing affordances to limit your possible interactions to the ones which benefit advertisers. They’d get rid of the back button if they could.
Facebook is experimenting with back button removal right now, test group rollout.
No way
The best days of the internet are behind us.
Yep when everybody got smartphones it let all the dumb people on the internet who couldn’t use computers.
Then the portrait video orientation became the dumbass default video mode, even when the majority of videos would look 9000% better in proper landscape orientation. It all comes back to narcissism - people filming their own face and body in portrait mode because they think people need to see their face talking about every asinine opinion they think needs to be shared for attention-getting purposes.
Tiktok is the perfect example of everything wrong with it all now.
- Old person yelling at clouds
Any sane 25+ y/o would be enraged by today’s internet culture.
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Early ebaumsworld was peak
Somethingawful forums!
As a big contributor to YTMND back in the day, I’m honor-bound to hate you just a little bit for that.
Seriously, Youtube Shorts, Tiktok, Facebook stories can go to hell.
Let’s build the Internet again, starting from Lemmy, Mastodon, etc. One step at a time.
That’s why we all are here, aren’t we
I also hate players where the overlay doesn’t go away. My girlfriend still watches videos on Facebook sometimes, and when she sends them to me, it always drives me crazy. You can’t see like 30% of the video, often the part of the screen where the captions are
Instagram reels and TikTok are the worst for this. Half the screen is useless shit.
Tbf a lot of the actual content is useless shit too
Right? The less I see of that shit the better. Make the whole video view one big playback interface, I’d rather fuck around with that.
You can hide it all on tik tok iirc
Especially with no volume knob on desktop. What in the actual fuck?
If you have access to a Desktop. Why would you ever be on TikTok?
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Referring more to YouTube shorts before I disabled them.
If you have access to a Desktop.Whywouldyoueverbe on TikTok?If you have access to a Desktop.Whywould you eve be on TikTok?
As someone with a physical volume nob on all my speakers … what
It’s designed to keep you rewatching until you get the info you want or give up and keep scrolling. Eroding your attention span in the process.
TikTok is an evil platform that I will never use till the day I die. Don’t @ me
@ me
TikTok has video controls you can move to any part of the video. It also has 2x play speed.
The meme lied?!?!
How can someone do this? Lie on the Internet!!!
All jokes aside, I am wrong in this specific regard then, but in my opinion the way the tiktok is designed as a whole is extremely harmful.
And you can hold down on the left-hand side of the screen to go to 2x temporarily, like YouTube does (but doesn’t do for shorts). I find that very convenient.
I always wondered why people say “Don’t at me”. Finally figured out its because it meant to be “@” as in a ping.
VLC Media player is still the best way to watch a video.
Is there a way to make it pause/run by clicking on the video instead of having to mouseover the play icon? It is annoying to have to click on the little play icon every time.
Space bar?
space bar or right click and select play
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Pretty sure there is a setting for it.
I think that might be a browser issue I use Firefox and I can click anywhere to pause/play by default
learn the keyboard commands
mpv for me
VLC does it all. You can even use it to save streaming videos from the web to a file for storage or use on your personal media server. I also use it to view my security camera feeds sometimes.
MPC-BE gang 💪
If the site that hosts the video you want me to watch doesn’t have an audio slider, I won’t fucking watch it.
I firmly believe videos without controls are just gifs with sound.
TikTok has controls now actually.
There’s a scrollbar, playback speed, PIP mode, zoom, captions, and you can remove the Like, Comment, Share buttons as well (they call it Clear Display mode). Videos with different aspect ratios can also be put in landscape mode for better viewing.
Hopefully that means all the trend chasers trying to copy tiktok will copy that too.
Now? They’ve had controls for nearly 2 years at least.
if they had their way they’d glue you to your seat, staple your eyes open, pin your arms down and play endless ads at you, purchasing on your behalf (with your credit card, of course) every time you watched one. Your ability to choose interferes with their business, which is sodomizing you and your family’s wallets.
Can we standardized the PornHub video player already?
PornHub is going to rebrand and take over the video streaming market, watch.
If I recall correctly there are already people uploading tutorials on porn hub. Granted there tutorials like how to sterilize a flesh light or how to draw a wolf dick. Stuff like that.
It’s designed to be controlled with only one hand.
Really, people are most familiar with this rhan any other.