I look forward to browsing by “games most often marked private”.
The more control over your privacy the better.
I was once (long ago) sick on Monday and my employer called me and told me that I should be able to come to work when I was able to play World of Warcraft on Sunday, because he looked my character up in the armory and saw me getting a boss kill or something.
I was sick, because I had my wisdom teeth removed on Monday morning…
People can get in all kinds of trouble because of their gaming habits. A game critical of religion or religious, a game about sexuality and/or gender, a political game about dictatorship or capitalism or unionizing. A historical game about something your country doesn’t want you to know or a game that mentions Tian’anmen and Winnie-Puh. A game from a Russian developer that fled Russia when the war against Ukraine started and you are a gamer in Russia who wants to play it.
Good if Steam allows more control over our privacy, it took them long enough.
told me that I should be able to come to work when I was able to play World of Warcraft
From your name I assume you are German. In that case your employer could suck it, even if you played on Monday. You can do whatever the fuck you want if it doesn’t conflict with you getting better. So if the doctor advises to stay in bed and sleep and you run around town for fun you could rightfully get in trouble. But if you have a broken leg you might not be fit for (your particular) work but could of course still play computer games. If you are on sick leave for mental problems you could even go on vacation because that might even benefit your mental health.
go a step further who cares if hes out and about while sick your employer has you for the time youre working no more and usually less. the employer can suck a dick, your situation is probably different but if my boss was like “yo i see u gaming come to work”, id quit on the spot.
always work the quality of your wage and remember that you arent paid enough.
I’m genuinely surprised this wasn’t a thing already. I’ve never looked for such a thing though because i have no friends to hide from.
lmao sadge
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So they can’t see my 1.5 million hours on factorio?
You spent 62,500 days or 171.2 years playing factorio? Sounds like you’re close to ready for your first play through after you finish the tutorial!
Really glad someone did the math
average factorio player behavior
Yeah, because I was about to.
The earliest date I can find on the wiki is for 03 May 2013, so we’ll be optimistic even though that the kickstarter ended on March 2013.
The maximum hours you could play if the game was running 24/7 since then is: 92,184.
This is just a fun math fact.
You assume the game can only run 24/7. The secret is to automate playing factorio.
Introducing the Construction Robot MK.2! A second instance of Factorio and a collection of LUA scripts controlling another player!
ᵀʰᵉ ᶠᵃᶜᵗᵒʳʸ ᵐᵘˢᵗ ᵍʳᵒʷ
Want more MK.2s? 20 instances lagging your computer? Borrow the computer lab overnight for enterprise-scale concurrent factory expanding service while you sleep! Lean into the fleet nature of multiplayer by connecting multiple labs with Clustorio!
The factory must grow
Still not enough? Try running factorio headless in the background of computers that people aren’t really using! Pro tip: you can automate the installation process for maximum reach!
he’s almost got his early factory running in bobangels!
My coworker asked to be Steam friends.
And I don’t want them to know how many hours I have in Vampire Survivor.
So you beat space exploration, right?
Space exploration? Is that a thing I wasn’t aware of or that I purposefully avoided because I sank too much time into factorio
It’s a massive mod that expands the base game to let you explore other planets/galaxies with new resources and a massive tech tree. Launching a rocket from the base game is essentially the beginning of the mod.
So like Dyson Sphere Program?
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thats about how long it took me to get the realistic reactor mod to work with my BP
I made a post on reddit a few years back on the off chance anyone wants to know more about it. I’d repost on lemmy but its looooooong
The real reason here
I on the other hand, make full use of the share widgets on porn sites. Goddammit you’ll know when I bust.
Which hand exactly?
Advertisers know.
Wouldn’t be surprised to learn the smart watch manufacturers are selling your average time to nut to advertisers.
time to nut
“Bro, TTN.”
Lol reminded me of that Silicon Valley scene
I actually wait until most of my friends are online to start playing Orc Massage. Why would I hide that?
I doubt you do that. I bet you don’t even have the orc massage game
I am proud of my achievements in Genital Jousting
Introducing that one to new players on game night is always a pleasure.
And it’s steam deck verified!
I love to gift the “Shower with your dad simulator” to friends, just because.
This will make me more likely to buy certain games, absolutely. And it’s really not that I feel ashamed or whatever about them, but more like, I know some people are judgey, and I’d rather not have them in the know lmao. Also work/professional stuff.
Yeah, I can see that. Your friends should not have to know if you like tsunderes unless you want to tell them.
Why would anyone use Steam accounts for professional stuff?
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Fuck yeah, now I can enjoy Sex with Hitler 2 in peace
(For the love of God please know this is a joke)
Remove the second line no balls
Hitler wouldn’t have sex with someone with more balls than him
That’s what you think, he was fine with me.
Part 2 has been released? Oh boy!
I’ve had my whole profile on private for years, lmao.
Same. I don’t even like taking myself off invis the minute or so it takes for my friends to see me and join me in-game.
The surfeit of waifu and other porn and porn-like games is surprising when you start digging through what’s on sale.
Anybody ever bought one of these and care to share what the attraction is?
Huniepop is just a legitimately decent game.
Also, Deep Space Waifu was a gift and I’m keeping it
Huniepop is awesome. One of the best Match 3 games I’ve ever played with interesting game mechanics you don’t see in most Match 3s. The nudie pictures don’t hurt either, but truthfully, it would still be a great game even without them.
Anybody ever bought one of these and care to share what the attraction is?
It’s interactive porn with a budget.
Ok, so do some game mechanic to get the character’s clothes off in some way, I get that…but what’s the “budget” part?
As in they’re not just shitty flash games but actual video games with (minor) production value and creative talent.
still a waste of money though
Oh, ok. on a budget is what I would expect for cheaply made games like that, vs with…but close enough I guess.
That’s why you can sail the high seas for more affordable approach
I recently got Sex Chess because it’s called Sex Chess.
Haven’t played it yet.
Now I really want to know what the sexual equivalent of en passant would be.
I gifted my friend a few, I remember one of them was Sex With Hitler. Anyway we played them drunk at a LAN party and it was a good laugh. Didn’t find it arousing but no judgement here, people like some weird stuff and that’s fine
Chick Wars was kind of fun as a pvp card game, the sex stuff was whatever
For me the appeal was the meme of playing it and laughing with friends
AVN fan here, it’s CYOA erotica with nice graphics. If reading erotica vs watching porn doesn’t appeal to you at all then I’d imagine most AVNs wouldn’t appeal to you either?
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It’s too late for me. They already know.