get real that would never happen
god is known for doing genocide
get real that would never happen
god is known for doing genocide
i hate Linux (users) as much as the next guy but my windows pc wouldnt stay asleep if i gave it an od of ambien
it wakes up randomly throughout the night fairly often
“linux is more capable but its just not capable of running anything”
yeah im more than capable to run a marathon. i have two legs. i am not able to run a marathon. having the means to run one doesnt put me in the same party as people that have ran a marathon.
aka linux users coping like usual
u fool if the plugs functioned consistently and were made intelligently that might cost extra money and would DEMOLISH the rich peoples pockets we cant have that. who’s gonna profit off my taxes?
id like to piggy back, youre really stupid and i hate you. i have no extra argument as everyone has shown you everything you need to see its obvious you treat reality like religion where your opinion intrinsically holds truth.
the best part of reality is despite what you want to believe, trump still incited violence and insurrection. your opinion on the matter doesnt change the reality. this isnt christianity this is real life.
if you dont want that risk then you shouldn’t own the gun. simple as
if shootings keep happening everywhere everyday and they’re all from illegal or stolen guns there’s clearly an issue with legal gun owners too. get rid of all of them.
some school in not US had a shooting of like 10 people and that was national travesty due to there never being anything like it before. in the US? that shooting is a goddamn wednesday afternoon.
youre an embarrassment if you support guns.
honestly if your gun is stolen you should be charged with anything that happens with it too. thats actually genius no sarcasm. and an extra charge that it was able to be stolen in the first place.
i feel like hes almost too articulate even in his typos for this to be non parody. this sounds like a non stupid guy making a joke for religious idiots to fall for.
“some of you may die, but thats a sacrifice im willing to make”
ugh welcome to earth where the only way to have a healthy “economy” is for people to suffer. but we cant seem to just live in peace and help eachother out without monetary benefits. so people are forced to suffer because of greedy bastards.
more like people in America sometimes eat it. just like how people everywhere sometimes do everything and stupid nationalism only divides everybody more.
was it Ks resp effects or the combination with another downer that was serious
and therefore not Ks fault and solely youre fault for not researching the chem
u seem to care a lot more about it than anyone else
most folks just downvote and probably half read. i wouldnt worry about downvotes theyre not even tracked.
i hardly use lemmy compared to rif but i was under the belief reddit content is just better but the app sucks. i was wrong turns out it all sucks. rif just gave the shit a tuxedo.
nowadays i look at reddit and the content is asisine its all the same shitty headlines and weird ask questions “how much sex does the average woodchuck have during football season?”
it feels like Facebook. lifeless and like everyone is pretending
because if it’s a normal drink but you feel good and energized then there must be some magic in that drink that would make me want to buy more of it. lacking awareness one would likely just keep drinking the infinite refills.
idiots don’t consider magic not being real and drugs being the only thing that makes you feel good. in this case shittons of atp clones aka caffeine.
theyre to die for ive heard
religion is a choice for everyone no exceptions. treating someone eating bacon as a psychopath slaughtering animals isnt the same as bacon and animals are real, and the connection between the two can be studied. religious folk choose to believe something fake that cannot be studied or proved and people die for it. wars are fought over this fake garbage. meat doesnt cause wars (because the vegans are lacking the essential nutrients to fight back lol)
also i eat meat and you can call me a psychopath if you want. youre not entirely wrong officially the meat industry is terrible i just dont see me boycotting it causing a tangible change, and i like meat.
edit its important to add, anyone practicing religion gives the people that use religion to kill a platform and sets a precedent that its ok by not ostracizing them. christians like when people they don’t like are murdered. put any religion in place of christian it still works.
religion is a choice and that choice is killing people its ok to be disrespectful to public practicers of religion.
we should be laughing in their faces and mocking them because its embarassing
gimp sucks dick compared to photoshop and photoshop sucks dick compared to affinity photo.
source am graphic designer
its probably more rough to boot lick someone that doesn’t like you
I’m assuming you still think your father is coming back too?