Is there any equivalent to the Star Trek viewing party sub yet? I’m watching through Next Gen right now and reading through each episode’s thread afterwards is pretty enjoyable. There isn’t enough love for TOS on that sub though
I feel like with this instance being this small right now, it would probably not be best use of resources to create a community just for a handful of people that would do it. It might work if you can guarantee like 30 people will engage during the 40-ish minutes of an episode. For now, wouldn’t it be better to test interest by creating your own viewing party posts in the main !startrek community and go from there?
That’s a fair point, although the original sub wasn’t about interacting during the episode. It was more like a book report format, but done chronologically throughout the series. So they would have a set day where the thread for each episode would go up, people could watch it in their own time, then talk with other people who also had it fresh in their minds.
You are right though, might as well start it in the main community. I am a big TOS guy but I wonder if it would be better to start with that or TNG
I don’t think you can go wrong with either one! I love TNG and rewatch it constantly. You’re right that TOS has fewer takers but I’m sure there will be some who will want to re-watch to refresh their memories on the details of the episodes. My partner and I rewatched Balance of Terror, the Cage, Arena, and Space Seed because of SNW. I’m sure others wouldn’t be here if we weren’t down to discuss any Trek in some way.
All absolute banger episodes 🤌 I think TOS gets a bad rap because people see the clip from Arena taken out of context, and imagine that Zapp Brannigan is one-to-one Captain Kirk, but there is some great stuff in there. And when you watch it knowing the context of its era it really shows how ahead of its time it is.
You know, the feeling I’m getting is that !startrek is a lot more general than r****t startrek was. There’s only three boards here, so everything goes in one of the three. And the vast majority goes into this one.
I suppose the other two are more tightly defined than this one. The question would be do we want this one to be a generalised, anything Star Trek community, or to have its own specific niche and create a fourth community for things like community requests and instance discussion.
It’s a matter of having enough posts and comments to have additional subs or communities.
The mod of this one has replied to other similar questions that, as there is volume and interest, other communities (subs) can be added here.
(I previously posed the same question about establishing a Treklit or trekbooks one.)
There’s definitely and interest and an open invitation to mods of other Trek-related subreddits, to set up and find a home here.
For now, the three communities that exist cover the waterfront from more serious to humorous, with the general StarTrek one also being the meta discussion for the community.
Yeah that makes sense, although I would enjoy a Treklit community. I haven’t read any Trek books for probably well over a decade now but I read so many when I was younger.
I think I have a serious case of canon brain, but then again I watched through all of TAS even though it really stops being good at Yesteryear.
Also, how good is Yesteryear? I was so surprised that such a good story could be found in TAS, and with enough respect to the main show to put a reference in to a throwaway line from TOS about a Vulcan “teddy bear”.
I’ll just chime in to add that things can and will evolve over time, as we gauge the communities’ overall health and needs. We’re paying attention!
Oh none of this was a criticism of how this community is being run. I just like talking Trek and this is by far the best place for general Trek talking.
Honestly, we’re glad people are thinking about this stuff - the way we’re going to succeed is by having users who are actually invested in the place.
Id be down. Semi related, there is a podcast called “The Greatest Generation” that’s basically a goofy recap and discussion of each TNG Ep that I’ve been enjoying, might help scratch that itch a bit for you.
I’ve been burning through their DS9 episodes. Love Greatest Generation.
Their discord server sometimes hosts watch parties, too. Definitely a fun community!
I’d definitely be down to participate if this gets going! Was the other sub daily? weekly?
They did two posts a week, but I think an episode a week is pretty good for a smaller community like this one. The other sub started with Next Gen and finished each series in order before moving on to the next. They’ve recently started on Picard and selected Original Series episodes. It’s a pretty fun way to watch through the series, either first time or on repeat. They also have an episode listing with ratings from a few different podcasts and websites for each episode