Just go with what makes your heart sing
Wookie nookie, huh?
Sure does
Do we have a Beetlejuicing community already?
Beautifully said, ChewbaccasClitoris.
Depends on what you’ll be using it for. ie: ‘UrGranny’ could be fun for games but it might not work as intended on OF.
“UrGranny” would definitely work for OF. Literally anything would probably work for OF. People are freaks.
“She is the Ultimate Nan…the Epic Octogenarian…the Ur-Granny.”
Naming things is the hardest part of everything.
That’s why I’m never going to have children.
Just pick the 15th most common name of the previous year. Then your kid will be fine.
This is legit a really good move. Not too common, so you need a nickname because there will always be five children with the same amen on the playground. But also common enough that they will very rarely have to spell it out.
Please tell my wife this.
Just name your kids after your
richestfavorite relatives and wait for that sweet sweet inheritance dosh to come your way
a cool 3-letter username can be neat
Found out when I tried to get a domain name for my initials. Very fucking expensive.
It sure is.
Just don’t add any random numbers to the name, which I see you haven’t done, so I think you’re good.
Yeah, everyone hates random numbers… right?
worked for childish gambino
My nickname got me ‘holly bell toad’. My name got me ‘wacky officer’.
I think I’d take wacky officer honestly lol.
Froggy prophet.
I dig my result and it will be my future username for something one day
I will save mine should I ever become a vigilante or something like that.
Puns, babay
Punsaby! 👍
Lol I love your username
Thanks :)
A good username is what you like.
Well said, fucker
Huh, are you tagged with @@Fucker@lemmy.dbzer0.com then? That probably breaks a lot of clients lol.
Edit: the sync Android client handles it fine.
Just toss some stuff you enjoy together. It’s not like you only ever get one- I’ve had a few over the years.
Mine is just a combo of two mythological figures that also have to do with stars/outer space. I like Sci-Fi, and I like mythologies.
deleted by creator
I originally tried to just use Orion, and it was almost always taken.
So SolOrion was originally a fallback choice that just kind of took over.
One more vote for mythological inspiration!
Usernames aren’t good or bad. It can be “you” or it can be anything. Just follow your heart or your gut.
Or let your password manager do it for you.
It’s Hunter2
All I see is *******?
Thanks I’ll follow this advice
Provoked Gamer is pretty baller. Are you asking for a friend?
In that case it could be Provoked Gamer’s Friend.
Or possibly Provoking Gamer
I wanna have two usernames, one for personal and one for online so I don’t want people to be able to google search my username and see everything. I do like this username though lol.
What’s wrong with the one you made this post under?
Nothing, I just want another username that I use to separate my personal accounts (like discord, Snapchat, etc.) from my online accounts (lemmy, Reddit, etc.)
Use bitwarden’s username generator.
I ask chatGPT. Just give it a theme and it’ll start stitchin random words together
That’s a great idea! I’ll try I out.
i find that whenever i’ve done that it just comes up with some philosophical shit that doesn’t work as a username
Use something that puts a silly picture in the head of whoever reads it.
Or a weird concept.