I have many regrets. Objection was not one of them.
with how passionate you are with this opinion i thought you were trolling and farming for internet points
honestly you could’ve left a single comment in opposition against tiktok and left it there but had the audacity to voice against it multiple times.
sure tiktok is pure evil spyware, you aren’t wrong, but mate just calm down and speak your concerns in a single comment and call it a day.
more karma too lmao
hi! it’s been about three hours since you posted this. you doing better?
motherfucker just ruined my favorite pastry
i only ever see these when i look up at the sky
it was never true in the first place, just a ginormous misunderstanding
trust me, the people who work at valve right now know better than to make those stupid ass decisions
just $44.80?
boy it’s gonna be a tough few years
i find that whenever i’ve done that it just comes up with some philosophical shit that doesn’t work as a username
it’s a really awesome website
sigh, i gotta deal with this every day with my parents lmao
i’m exhausted
THIS JUST IN: Motherfuckers Allergic to Color
we are fuckin fuckity fucked holy
this is honestly scary
what bots we have here are usually super helpful, like our good friend autotldr :)
it is really quite pretty here but i’d love if it were just less stupid sometimes