What are you favorite European weather applications/webpages? At the moment I’m using https://www.yr.no/, but I don’t completely like the design of their application. I mostly don’t like the fact that each day is split into 4 segments instead of showing one line per day. It might sound like a minor thing (and it really is), but if someone knows other good alternatives please share your experiences.
We use the same, as it has DWD (Deutscher Wetter Dienst) data for our region, nice widgets and it can provide weather to wearables via Gadgetbridge.
Was preinstalled on my CustomROM iodéOS. Good so far.
Nice name!
I use WarnWetter it’s the app from the DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst)
I’m using windy.com (it’s from the Chech Republic, see Wikipedia) all the time however it might be a bit overkill if you just want to see the temperature and if it is going to rain. It lets you see different models and a ton of different things. I like the compare function where you can see what the different models predict right next to each other.
I’ve been using this one too, I just wish it had real feel layer.
I use Breezy Weather and Quick Weather (both on F-Droid) with Open-Meteo for source which I always thought is French but can’t confirm atm.
Oh, interesting! And are they actually more open then “OpenWeatherMap” about which I’ve heard people say that they’re only calling themselves that (like OpenAI) but aren’t actually? They seem to use Creative Commons, interesting …
Is there an equivalent to WeatherUnderground where the data is communtiy sourced? Preferably a foss type app?
This one is quite good:
Made by a Croatian national broadcasting company. It’s cross platform too.
I like meteoblue.com, it’s Swiss (or was? -seems to have been bought recently by windy) , loads of functionality especially maps.
In Spain we have a public meteorological agency with its own pretty decent app. Don’t the rest of the countries each have their own? I mean, this is not something I’ve started using now, I have used it for years because it gives good data and predictions
We do have a local meteorological agency, but their webpage and app are not good. It’s pretty unintuitive and it takes a lot of clicking to get the info you want. That’s why I always used something different.
Wow, I’m sorry to hear that, it is a shame that the Spanish does not cover more territory. Perhaps the weather agencies should be coordinated for something like that, it would be fantastic
https://kachelmannwetter.com/ - Swiss based and has a ton of information, way more than other weather services.
Weawow from play store is my favorite. Ad-free and developed in 🗾 Japan
This one WeatherRadar - https://app.wetteronline.de/U13Q/deDETeilen
The company behind the app is kinda shit though. The German weather service, paid by German taxpayers to collect and provide weather data, has a weather app which used to be free, since it’s already paid for by taxes. wetteronline (who by the way happily use the weather data from the German weather service for free for their own app) sued because they thought it’s not fair that they have to compete with a better app that’s both free and ad-free because, again, taxpayers already pay for the weather service. As result now if you want to use the official weather app provided by the weather service you gotta pay for it, despite already having paid for it in taxes.
All that said, the weather service’s app WarnWetter is still the best in my opinion, well worth the 2.50€ that fucking wetteronline forced them to charge for the full version.
Thanks for the insight - I have it a try. So far their UI is not the best but no Ads is a plus.
What I wonder is A they can’t show much outside Europe I guess ? Any Tipps for that?
I don’t mind the UI, but I also mostly use it as widget on the home screen where it blends in quite nicely.
Outside Europe I have no idea, I’d just give it a try and see what shows up. I’ve used it on vacations in other EU countries though and it always worked just fine.
The widgets in the Met Office app are awesome.