Edit: 1 billion lions VS every pokemon is also up there
I’m quite sure the artist is winning that one. He’s riling up so many people by just repeating a single phrase.
Like, anyone who thinks he’s serious is really not yet fit for the Internet.
It’s my favorite argumentative tactic. I’ve been in a months long debate with youtube losers about whether one of every Pokemon would beat 1,000,000,000 (one billion) lions
I feel like you aren’t the winner in this scenario regardless
I am, because for all the effort people put into copying and pasting pokedex entries, I can simply reply with “but a billion lions is a lot of lions, it’s too many lions” and get another dozen replies
Whatever floats your boat man, I guess I just don’t get how being an internet troll brings joy
It’s just funny seeing people work themselves up over someone thinking a wrong thing about a video game. It’s not like I’m harassing people or anything
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Which ones are you thinking? I had 6.
I thought of Arceus, a fully powered up Necrozma, Yveltal, Dialga and Palkia. All of them could obliterate (or just reap life out of) the lions using nothing but their known innate abilities.
Sixth one is either form of Hoopa, who can just make interdimentional holes of any size even at a range and without being present, and thus can both move themselves and the lions anywhere they want at will (so, lions into the sun, themselves into a real life resort in Miami with self-serve mojitos)
But those are just the “quick” ones. Literally any pokemon who is conceivably immune to the lions wins by default. Just takes a long time. Like, Registeel and Regice are both known to endure absurd pressures and temperatures, so it’s only a question of how long it takes for them to punch through the pile.
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Yveltal is more a direct win than Xerneas because Yveltal, canonically, can cause a self-feeding Anihilation Event on all life when it itself dies. It’s even brought up on the latest dex entry as game-canon confirmation.
So imagine it is fighting and somehow loses, gets crushed by a billion lions - the lions will all then immediately start fading away into a sphere of doom that expands to consume all of then, and then retracts back down to generate an egg. It’s a tie. At least, it’s one until a short while later when Yveltal births again.
Yes, the ultimate weapon in Gen 6 is basically just a way of using both Xerneas’ and Yveltal’s powers as one. But for the purposes of beating a billion lions, really, Yveltal is the important component. That was why I only put it up.
Ghost types
Hadn’t even considered that. Good call. Ghosts on the whole could also easily be stall wins.
There’s also can the rock/steel Pokémon drown in lion blood or not?
RIP the one guy that believed him when “corrected”.
I may be missing your joke but I think he was joking as well.
It’s really hard to tell on the internet. I saw no indication it wasn’t just a guy that wasn’t sure and did no further research after being firmly told they are smooth, actually.
Ken M vibes
The forum post you were referring to.
Even after seeing the enactments, I do feel myself stupider browsing that forum post.
I go out of my way to not reread it because I genuinely feel like I lose an IQ point that I’ll never get back.
You are too optimistic about losing just one IQ point.
Lol, this Josh dude really thinks a week is Sunday-Sunday. So does that mean every Sunday is part of two different weeks?
Oh shit, more people join in. Does the dumb bodybuilder meme have a grain of truth?
No I’m sure they all have PhDs in like Swology or something
Maybe every other week has no Sundays at all.
Yeah, but then we’d be back to the 3.5 workouts a week.
It’s like math.
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Thank you, I should have linked the original as well.
Wow. That’s Linus Torvalds levels of screaming, “ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!”
People got really worked up back in 2008.
For some reaon my IP is banned om that forum.
Are you Josh?
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Years ago, on IMDb, a poster called rabbitmoon kept a thread going for years on the Rambo board that is still the best I’ve ever seen.
The whole thing started with him posting that he was shocked when, about a third of the way through the movie, there was a scene in which a character was shot with a bullet from a gun. Then he countered, completely earnestly and deadpan, every response he got.
The original thread is long gone, and the only thing I could find of it is an excerpt that was posted on Reddit - LINK
The IMDB forums should have been protected by UNESCO. I will not elaborate.
It gets better every time
During this film, there is a scene where for a few frames, a person is depicted as having been shot, by a bullet from a gun to the chest.
And he definitely dies as a result of being shot.
You’re right, I apologize for misquoting the bible
The sheer amount of people replying to the guy, completely oblivious to sarcasm.
It’s a shame it’s gone because it went on for much longer than what’s in the reddit post.Yeah - I used to check in on it from time to time, and there were always new responses, and new people trying to argue with him, and he’d just run them in circles with hilariously overly literal (mis)interpretations of whatever they said. It went on for years.
I’m pretty sure I remember the admin deleting part of it while it was still active, and eventually deleting it entirely. It’s a shame - it should’ve been saved for posterity.
That was hilarious! I don’t have an argument but reading through that reminded me of 2 older forum posts. A little off topic but here:
Haha, bloodninja was a legendary troll.
Invertebrates give me the ick, so I hope you don’t mind me not clicking that one lol.
If you enjoyed that video, many of the creators videos are hilarious.
I highly recommend the one about the highest scoring American football game of all time (it’s over 200).
If there’s any invertebrate that should make people uncomfortable, it’s fucking bobbit worms. They are nightmares given form
Just a worm that eats fish. I think they’re probably the most interesting creature in many saltwater aquariums.
If I was ever going to get into aquariums, I’d focus on the invertebrates. Maybe a bobbit worm and some brittle stars, and something paleagic but I’m not sure what yet.
Maybe shrimp of the group mysidacea? They swim a lot, don’t know if they’re easily available though. I think you can buy them as feeders.
Yeah, I was looking for a good candidate. A crustacean makes sense because I have worms and echinoderms already. Most of the exclusively swimming crustaceans are pretty little, though.
I wonder if there’s some kind of small cephelopod that would be good. Otherwise, nudibranches, jellyfish or comb jellies. The bobbit worm might honestly need it’s own tank if it has too much opportunity to catch things.
It’s just a forum with text and a couple (ugly but SFW) pictures but I gotcha. The struggle the original poster went through was fascinating to me!
And yeah I spent like 30 minutes looking for the full set of bloodninjas texts but that was all I found that wasn’t heavily edited…
The bobbit worm chronicles is an excellent read
Aw, did Bash.org go down?
There a lot more of that bloodninja…somewhere.
This made me think of bash.org for the first time in a decade, lol. Tried to go there but timed out. Did find a link that had most of the bloodninja stuff I remember.
damn I gotta write down your names or something
The Bobbit Worm Chronicals in article form, complete with an interview.
I have to say, I totally would buy a 5 ft long bobbit worm in a pet store, even without an epic backstory.
Any argument from /r/BanVideoGames is fun lol. People don’t realize it’s satire and it becomes the funniest part of that subreddit 😂
That sounds promising. What are the odds it’s been taken over by “true believers”? That seems to be the fate of any long-running satire on Reddit. TheDonald, most infamously.
I refuse to believe TD was ever insincere. I think sane people are just unfamiliar with how willfully stupid fascists sound as a form of cover.
The leader of the KKK refers to themselves as wizards and dragons.
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They make themselves look like clowns by design. It’s a long-standing tradition among fascists and people still fall for it to this day.
I think some people could think it’s not satire but that’s because there is a rule saying “we are not satire”. Guess what? That rule is satire too
How do you know it is satire in that case?
They pretend words like Karen or Boomer are slurs
They censor the words g#me, g#mer and videog#me
They say Hitler invented videogames in 1939
Most of their proof is photoshopped images (example)
Most of the users active in that sub are actually also active in gaming subreddits
They call their subreddit a “facebook group”
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What website are you on lmao? Reddit is constantly mentioned, nearly every instance is majority Reddit refugees, there are Reddit repost bots on multiple instances.
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I really don’t think you understood me there.
I am mocking your claim that “nobody mentions reddit”, those repost bots are definitely not one of the main complaints maybe one of the top 5 or 10 tops, and nobody cares about mentioning reddit stop being a baby.
More clear?
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Oh my god I was going to post the same thread, but I instead highly recommend the mega64 reenactment of the bodybuilding forum fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqylqmDl0Mw
That ruled.
Well, Hydrogen vs Boost obviously.
(I didn’t ‘read’ it but it’s funny)
The one and only Sadam vs Hitler thread
EDIT: wait, oh god, they deleted the actual thread. Tragedy I tell you!
There’s a reason it’s called “bodybuilding” and not “brainbuilding”.
This interaction is so unhindged wtf. Nistropher Colon holy shit.
Perfect score, 5/7
That’s such a good one
This isn’t exactly what you are looking for but it is really fun so I had to share: https://www.tor.com/2011/08/31/wikihistory/
Oh god, John Titor nonsense…I dig it.
I know it stretches the definition of Internet Argument, but this video never fails to make me laugh:
Hilarious! Is he talking about the Frozen sisters?
They were playing a game of Hedbanz / Headbands / Celebrity , and one of them had The Good Witch Glinda from Wizard of Oz as their character, and they are arguing about them not guessing it based on the clues.
Oh, that makes it even more hilarious!
They’re arguing about the Wizard of Oz. I’m pretty sure this video is older than Frozen.
Yeah, but I thought he was drawing a parallel between Wizard of Oz and something else, i.e. Elsa is the wicked witch of the East. If it’s older than Frozen, then it’s probably not that!
I started reading your post 14 minutes ago and read 30 seconds every other minute then watched the video (but I didn’t count those minutes) and now I’ve grown chest hair. That was some good reppin
I hope you take a rest day,so you can two more in before the week ends 🙃
I hope you are not a woman, chest hair is … difficult for a woman.
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Years ago (early 2000s), Dilbert.com used to have a “Lazy Inventor” section of the website. “All Talk, No Funding.” This was fine for a while, then someone suggested “child free days [at restaurants and stores]”.
You would have thought he’d suggested clubbing baby seals. The shitstorm it generated was legendary. I’m pretty sure that was a direct contribution to them disabling that feature a few months later.
I found it in the Wayback machine! Unfortunately, it only grabbed the first few pages of comments, and the spice was only starting at that point.
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I used to be, but I am aware of Adams more recent idiocy.
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