I generally drink zero or one cups in the morning. Sometimes one in the afternoon, but not later than 14:00
At least 3 a day, and I do it morning, noon, or night
When do you sleep? 😵💫
It’s 2025 and you’re still sleeping? C’mon bruh.
#grindset #alpha #hallucinations #shadowpeople
I’m guessing when your loading icon stops…
Zero. I could never get into the flavor, no matter the type or what was added to it. Which is a shame, brewing coffee smells absolutely delicious, my mouth just disagrees.
I’ve never been a real coffee drinker either. Almost all of my friends and family are coffee enjoyers.
Once in a while I’ll get one of those iced coffee drinks that’s more like a milkshake. Those are pretty good. But it’s not really coffee, IMHO.
One in the morning. Anything after noon and it affects my sleep.
Zero. Apparently I am an adhd anomaly.
One mug in the morning, which is technically equal to 2 cups I guess. I drink decaf though. When I visit the office from time to time, I drink up to 2 cups of caffeinated coffe because there’s a nice coffee machine in the pantry. lol
One double shot latte each morning. Rarely a second cup of coffee later. Sometimes it’s a half half decaf cup, typically no later than 4
Well, I developed a caffeine hyper sensitivity back in the naughties, so I only drink decaf now, and only one when I do, which isn’t every day.
However, back when I was drinking leaded, I would usually have one cup once I was up for whatever day-equivalent period I was in (I tended to work evenings and/or nights), and supplement caffeine hits as needed via coffee, so most days it was two or three cups, and I’d stop about four hours before bedtime.
Sometimes, when shit was crazy, or when I was doing a DM session, I’d drink a pot or two a day. My ttrpg groups tended to coffee as blood, so it wasn’t unusual for three or four of us to end up making a pot, finishing it off in one run, then start the next one. By the time the cups got cold, we’d be ready for the next anyway.
I can remember one weekend where I was working two jobs, and managing one of my side gigs as a writer of custom fiction. I literally had a cup in my hand for most of twenty hours a day, and it never got cold. Left my main job at 10 on a Friday, drove across town to the club I bounced at the most, drinking an iced coffee the entire way. Did my shift there, with an insulated mug that one of the bartenders kept refilling for me (and I normally hate black coffee unless it’s fancy shit). I got off at 3, drove home and crack open the laptop and mainline lifer’s juice until I couldn’t go any more.
About 7 or 8, I twitched my way into bed, my skin crawling and my ears buzzing. Slept until around noon, got up and did my workout while alternating between coffee and water.
Finished that, and took a shower, got ready for my first shift on the door at a smaller bar and fucked around editing until 5, slowly drinking creamy hot goodness. Then off to the bar, with a different barkeep maintaining my supply until 10 and time to go to the club. Repeated that Sunday too.
I have no clue how much I actually drank. The insulated mug I had was a 16oz one, and it never got empty, but it would get low every fifteen to thirty minutes.
But that Monday morning, when I got home and settled in to try and unwind, about the only thing I did was poop a lot and vibrate. Took me until maybe two hours before going on to my first patient to get to sleep.
I can see why you developed a caffeine hypersensitivity 😮 Did you quit cold turkey?
Yup. It was not fun lol.
Started having weird chest pains, those turned into sporadic arrhythmia, and I noped the fuck out of caffeine use.
Nowadays, I can deal with tiny amounts, but even two cups of tea that isn’t decaf will start off a panic attack.
Usually two cups in the morning on workdays, but decaf. I’ve never felt like the caffeine does anything positive for me, I just get jittery. I just like having something to drink at work and coffee tastes good plus the hot temperature makes me pace myself.
One cup usually in the afternoon, latest around 6:30 but i sleep late and wakeup late.
One after breakfast, a second in the morning, around 10AM, and a third after lunch, that’s the usual.
Then it depends, I can add a bit of tea, another coffee in the morning or early afternoon, or a decaf.
I dont know if non-coffee data will mean anything; I don’t drink any coffee but do drink tea, about a liter a day on average. Mostly green.
I usually drink about 2 mugs (so probably about 32oz) a day, but only in the morning. If I still have coffee left past noon I’ll finish it, but 12 is the hard cut off for getting more
For me it’s a little less than this fine individual but I lean towards high-caffeine varieties (850-900mg/mug) most of the time.
When I’m working from home I drink about 4 cups a day, usually no later than 3:00 PM but occasionally I’ll have a 5th cup as late as 5:00 or 6:00 if I end up working late. Some days I switch to tea after 3 cups, sometimes caffeinated tea, sometimes herbal. When I’m on travel I don’t have a much desk work, so, it’s usually 2-3 cups a day, and every once in a while a cappucino or a latte after dinner.
One place I worked at had a cafeteria with a self-service espresso machine that would grind the beans and give you latte, cappucino, mocha, straight up espresso, or Americano. And it was free. I had to set some limits on myself there.
3 a day, all before 2-3PM Ive been experimenting with drinking it later as I tend to always feel drowsy when I wake up, feels like i am less snappy and sleepy during the day when I don’t do this.
I drink about a pot of coffee a day, all before noon. I’ll sometimes have some more at around 3 if I’m tired and have stuff I need to do in the evening after work.
I used to down a whole pot daily. I was making it stronger and stronger, up to about 4-5 tbsp of ground coffee in the basket.
I started having stomach problems that haven’t gone away. I now make about 3 tbsp of ground coffee per pot and drink about half of it. My teen kids help with the rest.
I’ll typically drink a normal sized mug or two first thing in the morning while I have breakfast around 7am, and then I fill up a 30oz mug to take with me that I usually finish around lunchtime. Rarely (like once a month if that) I’ll have a cup in the afternoon if I’m falling asleep.