• @KuroiKaze@lemmy.world
    653 months ago

    For anyone who’s struggling, I just want you to know that I basically permanently cured my depression, the semi-powerful mushroom trip. During the trip essentially took a side step left in my brain that didn’t fix my problems but fixed the way that I perceived them and how I tackle them. It has since been about 4 years since that trip and the effect s on my attitude and personality have been long lasting. I will say as a word of caution that my attachment to traditional capitalism and some other more normal things in life has definitely waned but I still make my payments and stuff without incident but I just care less. This shit should not be illegal especially compared to alcohol and cigarettes.

    • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Ingesting this substance can lead to deep thinking about the morality of our economic, political, and social systems, as you noted. That is exactly why they are illegal.

      They help massively with my depression too, although I feel I need to take them 2-4 times each year to keep the effect. If anyone is considering taking them for their mental health, the most important things to do are take them in a place you feel safe, with a person or people you trust. I recommend stopping all mental health medication for three days before you take them. If you cannot handle going without medication for three days you probably shouldn’t take mushrooms.

      I also recommend taking an eighth of a dry ounce. You can increase the dose next time. Anything less is essentially microdosing, unless you weigh 100 pounds or something.

      Oh and you develop near immediate immunity to the mental effects of psilocybin. Don’t think you can eat half now then eat half later. The second half won’t work. In fact you’ll be highly resistant to them for a couple of weeks at least. This is a blessing because you can’t get addicted!

      • @Saleh@feddit.org
        143 months ago

        Note that mushrooms or other drugs acting on the serotonin system like LSD, DMT or MDMA must absolutely not be taken while also taking SSRIs or MAOs. It risks inducing a Serotonine Syndrom, which can easily be fatal.

        • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
          113 months ago

          This is important to note although I think it’s extremely rare with LSD, DMT, or Psilocybin. More common with MDMA.

          So yeah just another reason to quit taking your mental health medication three days before. I do not recommend taking them if you are on an SSRI or MAOI, just as this person pointed out.

        • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
          03 months ago

          3 or 3.5 grams dried is what I think the initial dose should be. Just enough to start deep thinking and maybe get out of hey that tree has a face! Mode.

            • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
              03 months ago

              The reason I recommend eating an eighth the first time is so they really understand what mushrooms are all about. Notice I also recommended safe space, trusted people, etc. Hopefully at least one psychonaut. I’m not against trip sitters, I just think they change the vibe and can impede personal growth despite best intentions.

              But back to the dose. A lower dose can just feel like a really fun high with body effects. Maybe mild hallucinations. If that’s all someone is after then great! I hope they have fun.

              But 3 or 3.5g will introduce people to the deeper aspects of psilocybin. If someone is really scared or something maybe start out lower but they would be missing half of the experience.

    • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
      203 months ago

      Yeah. Psychedelics aren’t the work, but they may very well change how the work goes.

      But try reading about your issues and how to resolve them first. Acid pointed a mirror at my face and told me how I was fucking up, but understanding psychological concepts told me how to do better.

    • @nimpnin@sopuli.xyz
      113 months ago

      For me my bad trip basically gave me ptsd ten years ago. I was prone to getting panic attacks though.

      • e$tGyr#J2pqM8v
        43 months ago

        Sorry to hear that, regular shrooms user myself. It’s often been said it all depends on (mind)set and setting. Do you reckon your bad trip could’ve been prevented in any way? Was there an experienced user present that could’ve calmed you down? OR do you reckon you were just prone to panic attacks and the shrooms would’ve magnified that no matter what?

        • @gandalf_der_12te@discuss.tchncs.de
          3 months ago

          i had a semi-bad trip (on ecstasy) and i think i was just not expecting the effect to be so strong. i took half a pill, and the first hour was intense but the second one knocked me off my feet and made me cry uncontrollably.

          still worth it though.

          so, my advice to anyone who tries it for the first time is: LOW-DOSE. you have no idea how it will affect you, but you can stay safe by essentially trying with a very low dose first.

          • e$tGyr#J2pqM8v
            3 months ago

            I don’t know if in the case of all psychedelics this is true. I’ve often heard, and I think I agree, that having a good or bad trip is relatively independant of dose, rather it is based on set and setting. I’ve even heard it said that with for instance LSD it can be easier to have a somewhat higher dose, because with that you’ll have no control, and you’ll often be beyond even trying to control what’s happening in your head. While with a low dose you might be very aware, and precisely for this reason more susceptible to paranoia and fear, which could still spiral into massive proportions. You might want to control what’s happening in your head, and you’ll find that you’re unable to, which is conflicting. With ecstasy I certainly agree, I tend to think most people that use ecstasy use too high of a dose for their own good anyway. I go by the (max bodyweight in kg)x1,5mg total for 1 evening, and only do it once every 3 months or so.

            • I’ve even heard it said that with for instance LSD it can be easier to have a somewhat higher dose, because with that you’ll have no control, and you’ll often be beyond even trying to control what’s happening in your head.

              I honestly think that’s precisely what’s scaring people, at least it would scare the heck out of me. It’s like putting yourself in a submissive BDSM position with somebody you barely know. Who in their right mind wouldn’t be scared as shit. Even if it ends up going well, the sensation of helplessness and fear might leave a permanent trauma on you.

        • @nimpnin@sopuli.xyz
          3 months ago

          I elaborate in another comment. But I think psychedelics are not good for a certain percentage of the population, myself included. Of course set and setting affects the odds of a bad trip, they were bad in my case as well.

        • @nimpnin@sopuli.xyz
          93 months ago

          I just got so many panic attacks during my trip. Of course, I didn’t understand what they were but thought I had lost my mind for good instead. Time stopped, I couldn’t think straight, couldn’t calm myself down, at times I couldn’t parse other people’s speech and everything was just damn scary the whole time. And felt like an eternity.

          After the trip, I was afraid of anything I deemed “not normal” for months. I got scared by my vision going black when blinking, the occasinal weird joke someone would make, bird noises in the winter, awkward social situations, anything you could imagine being “not normal”. Now after ten years, I occasionally get that when something peculiar happens, but it’s not a constant thing as it used to be. Maybe once a day I get “half triggered” by something but usually I can calm myself down.

          I think the whole bad trip was caused by me being generally prone to getting panic attacks (which I hadn’t even realized yet), and bad set and setting. Dark outside, with friends that I didn’t fully trust.

          • e$tGyr#J2pqM8v
            3 months ago

            Sounds like what you needed was someone you trust, that’s sober, that would tell you: 'listen, you are currently under the influence of this drug, that effect will pass and you’ll go back to normal, nothing terrible has happened, you are just having a panic attack that’s being magnified by the drugs, but really, nothing bad has happened, none of this will last, the drugs will lose their effect soon, and there is nothing to worry about except for your panic attack right now, that must be very uncomfortable. so let’s try to calm down, let’s focus on breathing together for a bit so we can stop your panic reaction.

            In my experience such words can make a world of difference, a moment of fear can be turned round, back into a pleasant experience. I’ve regretted not having a sitter present when I introduced LSD to some friends. One of them got a message on his phone, that got him very confused, and although we managed to calm him down eventually, he experienced some severe panic, that I feel I could’ve handled a lot better when I was sober, but unfortunately I was also under the influence. I myself having taken psychedelics monthly for over a decade now, I tend to underestimate the psychological risks for new users, that’s what I took from that experience, and I won’t let it happen again. Psychedelics always need proper set and setting, and new users should have an experienced, familair tripsitter present, always. My friend didn’t have lasting negative effects from the experience but your story proves that it’s definitely risky and measures should be taken to always take them with precaution.

            • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
              23 months ago

              I’ve regretted having a sitter present

              Did you mean you regretted not having a sitter present?

              Not meaning to discount your experience at all I just want it clear what you mean to people reading.

              I think trip sitters are a downer even when they’re a pschonaut. They could be a pure soul just there to help or whatever but they can’t vibe.

              I’ve always, except for one time, been able to calm friends or even people I barely know. One man I just met that day, the brother of a friend, asked me to hold his hand while we were blasting through the crazy part. Of course I did. I held his hand for what felt like forever while we all lay in the floor together.

              The only person I’ve been unable to calm is my wife. We have our issues. But if you’re a person’s easiest target when they don’t know what to do with their feelings, it can be tough. When that person literally tells you to go away and not bother them while they make a bad trip for themself, how could I violate that.

              • e$tGyr#J2pqM8v
                3 months ago

                Yes, you’re right I regretted NOT having a sitter present. I can understand that sitters can be an uncomfortable presence when all is well and I wouldn’t say you always need them there, but specifically when it’s peoples first time taking psychedlics I think it can be a wise precaution to take. Surely, most of the time everything will be fine, but it’s a safeguard for the occasion that it’s not. I think the sitter should probably bring a book or something and do his own thing, as you’re not on the same level you should probably not intervene in any way when it’s not needed. When you’re mind is doing strange things to you, it’s pleasant to know that the ones around you are in more or less the same situation, I guess it makes it easier to let go and be weird, without the gaze of a normal person. And letting go of control and inhibitions I think is crucial when doing psychedelic. Don’t control your mind but let it flow like a river.

                When that person literally tells you to go away and not bother them while they make a bad trip for themself, how could I violate that.

                I agree, if one does not want help, pushing help onto them is probably not the least bit helpfull. But it must be slightly uncomfortable knowing that if allowed, you could actually make things a bit better.

            • @nimpnin@sopuli.xyz
              3 months ago

              I don’t think it’s helpful to tell people that bad trips are avoidable. The probability can be lowered and consequences can be mitigated to some extent but the risk is always there.

              Edit: Towards the end of the trip, my friends tried telling me it’s gonna be alright and you are just under the influence of a drug.

          • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
            13 months ago

            I’m so sorry that this happened to you.

            If you will please entertain my question?

            When you say “I didn’t understand what they were” what did you think you were taking?

            I’m grateful that you can recognize that your reactions were not necessarily due to what you took but external factors.

            I personally believe this PTSD could be permanently fixed by trying again in a safe place with people you trust. I am happy to answer any questions you may have publicly or privately, or just talk. I’m not a qualified expert, I’ve just taken a fucking shit ton of mushrooms over the years.

            • @nimpnin@sopuli.xyz
              23 months ago

              As I mentioned, I didn’t understand that I was having a panic attack. Mind you, there were periods of time when the words of my friends just felt like gibberish to me. I was not capable of coherent thought.

    • @polle@feddit.org
      103 months ago

      Recommending an unsupervised mushroom trip to cure depression to random people is just reckless.

        • @thejoker954@lemmy.world
          43 months ago

          Thats like the more people killed by cows than sharks thing.

          There are more cows and people near cows than sharks and people near them.

          As a “socially” acceptable and legal drug, more people use alcohol than shrooms so of course the incident rate is higher.

          • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
            13 months ago

            Are we so pacified that an adult can’t just eat some mushrooms? We can’t even let kids out to play all day or some fictional fuck will snatch them up!

            The only things tripping people need to worry about is the same things we’d normally worry about. Stay inside if it’s your first time. If you’re so scared of life that you can’t fathom taking a great life affirming substance, maybe do therapy first.

            • @polle@feddit.org
              03 months ago

              A friend of mine, which sounded exactly like you. Solo trippin to cure himself, multiple times and that it is the best thing ever. At some point he spammed a group chat with weird nonsense until he mentioned that he is going to die and that we should send an ambulance. They found him laying in front of his flat in the snow tripping like hell, lol. That guy is the perfect example, why people shouldn’t do that (alone). I’m not saying people should not do drugs or that psychedelics cannot help to cure depression. It needs a setting, instructions and someone who has experience, can guide you and is sober.

      • @thejoker954@lemmy.world
        13 months ago

        I love that people are dumb enough to downvote common sense.

        Even experienced trippers shouldn’t go it alone if they’re not in a good headspace.

        Even in a good headspace it’s risky (physically and mentally) to go on a trip alone.

        • @andros_rex@lemmy.world
          43 months ago

          I’ve only done solo trips. It depends on how you react. I think movies present psychedelics as more “effective” than they are. In my experience, even at relatively heroic doses, I don’t really lose my connection to reality. I get nice visuals, I get some profound feeling thoughts, and spend most of the time just curled up on the couch watching TV.

          The pink elephants/elaborate real looking hallucinations aren’t really a thing I think. It’s more pattern based - things turn into swirls and moving color. You don’t see things that aren’t “there” necessarily, more that things are more dynamic.

          • @thejoker954@lemmy.world
            23 months ago

            I usually solo trip as well.

            I’ve never had a bad trip, but I know folks who have.

            I just took some time years ago to come up with a rough plan to deal with bad trips before one became an issue.

            A couple of comedies and my old standbys of Baraka and Samsara for comfort if needed.

            A few different music playlists with different vibes to tweak my headspace in whatever direction I wanna go.

            And a designated safe space that I’ve never needed to use.

            • @PhatInferno@midwest.social
              33 months ago

              Ive had quite a few bad trips; but i dont really do high doses mostly in the 2-3.5 g range, and i feel like mine are more sad/depressed over like scary or freaky

              Lowkey i kinda like them now, i think its nice to emotionally get everything out and “start new” in a sense

              I will say, at least for me it is very hard to hold off a bad trip when it starts, insert stereotypical ‘go with the flow’ mantra.even with preparation you could still have one

            • @andros_rex@lemmy.world
              33 months ago

              I’ve only ever had a bad trip from THC - like 1000 mg+ of good quality indica, which I don’t react well to in general. Experienced what was specifically the Christian hell.

              The worst I’ve gotten from mushrooms was tummy troubles and some hot flashes. LSA and mescaline were about the same. As long as one has good music, movies (Koyaanisqatsi is amazing if you like Samsara), art… the mind wonders so much that if you just let it the bad trip will fade. Bad trips come from resisting the experience.

              • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
                13 months ago

                Bad trips come from resisting the experience.

                This is it right here folks, plain and simple. Even “bad” trips can be good once they’re over, if you take the time to reflect on what made you feel that way then perhaps make a change to your life or your way of thinking. Easier said than done, I know.

        • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
          -13 months ago

          You sound like you don’t know that you’re talking about. Even at my limits of connection to reality I know not to run into the street. If I’m going to get melted by myself I’m staying inside anyway. And if you’re still sure it’s so risky, then accept that risk and move on. When Jason Vorhees slashes you up because you wanted to get a closer look at a flower you won’t have time to regret your “mistake”

      • @KuroiKaze@lemmy.world
        13 months ago

        Except nobody said unsupervised. I was supervised by a sober friend and a couple other trippers but I was pretty much in control the whole time.

    • @Pilferjinx@lemmy.world
      93 months ago

      I usually have a strong trip about once a year. It’s definitely not for everyone though. For me, it ablates habitual mental patterns and understandings. Almost everything turns symbolic that is thrust from the subconscious whether I’m ready for it or not. It’s something that everyone should have access to if you’re willing to open up to yourself.

      • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
        33 months ago

        Well said and that’s the key. Taking mushrooms won’t make you be true to yourself. You have to already be there, at least halfway and meet in the middle.

    • @shneancy@lemmy.world
      73 months ago

      sadly my friend, within your comment is the reason why it’s illegal - if people universally cared less about money, there wouldn’t be enough people to steal labour from :(

      well, it started with the fact they had to arrest the hippies for something, god forbid people care enough about the lives of brown foreigners strongly enough to protest their country killing them. looks bad to arrest those wanting peace so, arrest them for having a drug that makes them more compassionate!

      • @niktemadur@lemmy.world
        33 months ago

        I don’t know, man, it’s always annoying whenever these subjects come up, and the capitalist goblin pulling levers behind a curtain is invoked.

        It is the very people themselves who are scared shitless of anything that actually works this powerfully.
        It’s either complex evil above or cowardly, lazy ignorance horizontally around you. Which is Occam’s Razor?

        “We foresee that this substance might liberate the population’s minds and threaten us robber barons!” sounds too tidy a narrative, and it is attractive, as it puts blame squarely on the shoulders of The Other. It is, however, as flat and simple and false as “both parties are the same”.

        Do you know why capitalism is so powerful? Because it gives us what we want. And we suck. There’s no hidden pure angel inside of us waiting to be freed fully formed if they just leave us alone, there’s a lot of inner work to be done, and we suck at it, we don’t wanna do it. We are also a myopic species.

        • @TheBluePillock@lemmy.world
          33 months ago

          It’s the truth. Former domestic policy chief for the Nixon White House, John Ehrlichman, spoke out about it years after the fact:

          “You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

          Psychedelics were criminalized in the US to target anti-war protesters. This is in the open and on the record, but they’re still classified as a Schedule I drug: no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Neither of those things are true. It’s completely fucked up.

        • @shneancy@lemmy.world
          33 months ago

          i’m genuinely only slightly exaggerating. read up what documents “supported” banned of LSD in the US. amongst many claims there are such marvels as “no medicinal properties”

          i don’t without capitalism we’d suck a little bit less tbf, the whole machine rewards cruelty and preying on those less fortunate

  • @gandalf_der_12te@discuss.tchncs.de
    3 months ago

    certified “have you tried working on your inner self” moment.

    Explanation: sometimes, mental health problems don’t only come from internal misfits, but simply from enormous pressure from the environment. (such as in my case.) it’s important to take care of externalities, not just seek the problem within yourself.

    • @Donkter@lemmy.world
      263 months ago

      This post is making fun of people who think they’re fixing their life by having “epiphanies” after taking magic mushrooms multiple times a week and then not doing anything about those epiphanies when they’re sober.

      Source: I used to do that

      • @andros_rex@lemmy.world
        123 months ago

        You’ll see it in trust fund kids back from festivals. They learn that other humans have feelings, which is really mind blowing, but as far as changing behavior in any way…

      • @ummthatguy@lemmy.world
        183 months ago

        Similar to the gin and tonic notion:

        It is a curious fact, and one to which no-one knows quite how much importance to attach, that something like 85 percent of all known worlds in the Galaxy, be they primitive or highly advanced, have invented a drink called jynnan tonyx, or gee-N’N-T’N-ix, or jinond-o-nicks, or any one of a thousand variations on this phonetic theme. The drinks themselves are not the same, and vary between the Sivolvian ‘chinanto/mnigs’ which is ordinary water served just above room temperature, and the Gagrakackan ‘tzjin-anthony-ks’ which kills cows at a hundred paces; and in fact the only one common factor between all of them, beyond the fact that their names sound the same, is that they were all invented and named before the worlds concerned made contact with any other worlds.

  • Snot Flickerman
    153 months ago

    Worked for Elon Musk! His endless K-hole is working out just gangbusters.

      • @Saleh@feddit.org
        43 months ago

        Ketamine first and foremost is a dissociative anesthetic. Ketamine is also having psychedelic effects. It has been used for “spiritual” purposes long before it became common as a “party drug”. Also every drug is a “party drug”. Finally Ketamine is in research for treating depression, anxiety, addiction and other issues, with some results looking quite promising.

        • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          All fair. But it’s very unlike psilocybin in many ways. For instance it has potential for addiction. I’ve never tried it myself so I’m not any kind of expert on K.

          I hope it succeeds as a therapeutic. I think all drugs should be legal and regulated though

        • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
          33 months ago

          That is correct but it is very dissimilar to psilocybin. It has addictive potential for one. I’ve never tried it so I’m no expert. I hope it succeeds as a therapeutic. I think all drugs should be legal and regulated though

      • @Aolley@lemmy.world
        23 months ago

        the book ’ reality switch technologies’ goes into some detail about how different drugs influence our precepetion of reality and what it might be bound in. I think you would like it

  • @maniii@lemmy.world
    43 months ago

    For the love of yourself please watch recent chubbyemu story on YouTube and pls understand what you are doing before doing it.

    Shrooms are very random and medicine should be treated with utmost caution and respect.

    • @PhatInferno@midwest.social
      13 months ago

      Tbf if you just dive in and heroic dose based on a lemmey meme without doing your own research on it (as you should do with any drug ur planning to take) i feel like it was a lil deserved

      My recommendation: research like an hour or two on effects/what to expect/how long/etc and start small like 1.5g or less depending on how fimilar you are with drugs (like weed or even a bit of alcohol) . If you like it you can always do more the next time

  • Zement
    3 months ago

    Shrooms? I love em! Lemon Tek, let’s go!

    But for Mental health it’s pseudo healing. Maybe it helps for a few weeks, but issues are issues, shrooms help to isolate them but not to solve them. Get therapy.

    Edit: I mean it. Issues have roots, some multiples. Shrooms help to isolate/understand these connections but it’s not a magic “helping” potion. Shrooms can e.g. help with depression but if you don’t change the circumstances, the issues shift/come back. (E.g. developing psychosomatic pain instead of depression). So, yes shrooms help… but only temporary if you don’t pull the right learnings from it (which could be done on your own… but is srsly much much harder)

    • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Depending on the person’s psyche and the severity of their trauma, one trip can cure a person forever as someone was saying in this thread. That’s not common though.

      I like that people do therapy. I’ve tried it myself but it wasn’t for me. Hard ass Psilocybin trips help me though. I don’t know if the DMT during helps but it sure is fun.

      I disagree with you, lightly. I think many people can work out their issues with mushrooms, or perhaps mushroom therapy, although from what I’ve seen what they call a therapeutic dose is a joke.

      Oh shit forgot to say- lemon-tek is the only way! Lemon tek a quarter, keep a DMT vape in your pocket if you can remember what a pocket is, and just go wild. My favorite.

      • @shneancy@lemmy.world
        73 months ago

        my first (lsd) trip taught me how to establish boundaries and tell people “no” overnight, i didn’t even intend for that to happen. i was on the edge of ego death, saw myself looking at myself inside of my mind, my other self said “love yourself more” and that was it???

        it’d have taken months if not years of therapy to achieve, and a funny little paper i got from my friend for free fixed it with a single sentence, on top of all the fun i had that night

  • @bss03@infosec.pub
    33 months ago

    Yeah, inner work was my intention last time I tripped, but instead I ended up vegging out and getting annoyed at my trip mates. It was a waste of time and materials.

    I don’t know if there will be a next time to try to do better.

  • Queen HawlSera
    23 months ago

    I just wanna see my soul leave my body… I just want proof that I am more than this meat.

      • Queen HawlSera
        23 months ago

        I’ve heard them described as the “cure for atheism”

        That’s yet to happen for me. Last time I pondered on them I saw that everything is recycled, but not in a return to status quo… It’s like… when things are recycled we keep the original thing in some kind of shared memory while the things that originally made it are put to new purpose, a purpose that retains elements of what it was before.

        Like homeopathy’s idea that water “remembers” is correct, but not for medicine or water, but on a smaller level that’s more subatomic. I was trying to find more but my boyfriend wouldn’t shut the fuck up so eventually I had to give up…

        I need to trip alone in a deep meditation.

        • I can see that, personally I was and have been a staunch atheist since well before I touched any psychedelics and it has not changed my mind. To each their own and I think it can absolutely help in finding meaning in life whether or not that comes in the form of a higher power. Tripping alone has been great for me but I admit its always riskier.

    • @MutilationWave@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Mushrooms could help you think you’re more than a bag of neurons piloting a poorly evolved bone and meat mech, or they could help you think that that’s exactly what you are. It doesn’t matter either way. They’re fantastic and I highly recommend them. Take them in a place you feel safe with a person or people you trust. You can go in with intention to learn or change things about yourself, or you can go in just seeing where it takes you. I recommend stopping all mental health medicines for three days before ingesting. If you can’t handle three days without mental health meds then you probably shouldn’t take mushrooms.

      I recommend taking an eighth of a dry ounce for your first try. You can always try more another time if you want.

      Oh and you develop near immediate immunity to the mental effects of psilocybin. Don’t think you can eat half now then eat half later. The second half won’t work. In fact you’ll be highly resistant to them for a couple of weeks at least. This is a blessing because you can’t get addicted!

      • Queen HawlSera
        23 months ago

        I have a bar of shroom chocolate I’m saving for a weekend, maybe I could try listening to the Monroe Institute Tapes on them. I just want a soul.

    • Grail (capitalised)
      -13 months ago

      You are more than this meat. In fact, meat doesn’t exist. It’s just a made up symbol our brains use as a shortcut for processing the far more complicated truth of the world. http://soulism.net/

      • Queen HawlSera
        53 months ago

        I’m gonna click this link but this better not be some Heaven’s Gate/Hyperianism bullshit

        • Grail (capitalised)
          23 months ago

          I’ve never heard of Hyperianism before.

          Hyperianism is a fringe belief system created by “Morgue”, who has claimed to have come into contact with “secret societies” that revealed the means to bring “timeless knowledge to the public” so that the world can reach “the next step of evolution” and “become whole.”[1] Morgue argues that material reality is a myth and that we all exist in a shared dream in which one can manipulate and control.[2] This belief system is based on the notion of “Ontological Mathematics” which is described as its “rational core”.[3]

          Hyperianism claims to be an ideology based around logic and reason (though how hyperians often apply these tools doesn’t speak favorably to their competence), and see their movement as anti-scientism, anti-new age, and anti-religious. Ironically Hyperianism itself may be just as problematic as the ideologies and belief systems it rejects, even if that is not immediately obvious to Morgue himself. Hyperianism has been critiqued by TJ Kirk.

          Oh, okay. Well, the foundation for soulist knowledge definitely isn’t any kind of secret. Sociologists and psychologists have been saying consensus reality is socially constructed for a long time. Soulism is just the application of this common scientific knowledge to the political sphere.

          We do believe material reality is a myth and that the truth of the world can be controlled. For example, money only works because everyone chooses to believe it has value. The fundamental systems of our social world are powered by buy-in from the public. If people stopped believing, they would dissolve in an instant. What we need to do is understand that power and build better social constructs that are actually useful, like medicines and resilient social structures.

          Soulists don’t value reason over empiricism. We believe various epistemological methods are best used together, playing to the strengths of each. Even mysticism has its uses, it can help us interpret our desires. We’re also not anti-religious in the slightest. Religion is just formalised belief, and controlling our own beliefs is the key to controlling our world.

          Does that sound like what you were worried about?

          • Queen HawlSera
            23 months ago

            I will admit, it does line up with things I see on many drugs and in deep meditations…

            But if reality is thought and idealism is closer to truth than materialism, then why can’t I make the world suck less by changing how I think about it?

            • Grail (capitalised)
              23 months ago

              You can make the world suck less by changing how you think about it. But psychology has rules, and you need to operate within the bounds of those rules. Your brain isn’t designed to change how it thinks about everything overnight, it’s designed for consistency.

              In order to change our thinking more efficiently, we need to develop and implement psychological technologies. Like drugs, meditation, magic spells, and social constructs.

              You can’t cure depression in a day by just choosing to think positively. But you can cure depression by taking SSRIs and engaging in CBT with a professional over months or years. Likewise, changing the world is going to take a lot of knowledge, a lot of wisdom, and a lot of work.

              • Queen HawlSera
                33 months ago

                Well, I would rather change the situation than how I feel about it. If that’s possible.

                • Grail (capitalised)
                  43 months ago

                  Soulists also support an anarcho-communist revolution in which the working class rise up and secure the means of production by use of violence, immediately dismantling the state and allocating the means of production to various communes, unions, and guilds. Society will then be structured by the principle of “from each according to ability, to each according to need”, with money and class abolished in favour of community and compassion.

                  What makes soulism distinct from regular anarcho-communism is the recognition of reality as a means of control used by the state and Capital. We won’t just take back the physical means of production, we intend to take back the means of defining reality and controlling belief. The revolution must be both practical and spiritual. Fixed notions of gender, species, and religion must be abolished, to make way for a subjective multiverse where otherkin, enbies, pagans, plural systems, and people who are better described by no term other than simply “mad” can live as their authentic selves in an accepting society.

                  The colonial mindset of destroying indigenous realities by “re-educating” indigenous children to destroy their connection to language, land, family, and tradition is a genocide. And liberalism and materialism offer no antidote. “We respect your right to have a wrong religion” is bullshit, and that’s how our current society seems to address issues of religious freedom and indigenous culture. True justice is believing in the myths of all cultures at once, internalising them all as genuinely true, save for the exclusionary parts.

                  We must recognise the worldviews of other religions as worlds in themselves that we can visit, and experience on the terms of their own experts, and only then can we understand them politically and offer solutions that present true justice. There is no justice in forcing everyone to live in the same reality. The diversity of human and otherkin experience is too much for one reality and it will always be too much. We must take away the limits of expecting everyone to live in an objective universe, and free people up to choose the nature of the universe they want to live in.