Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky cut off former President and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during a gaggle with reporters on Friday, musing that he hoped Trump had a better relationship with himself than Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.
The awkward moment came after Trump was asked about his expectations for his private meeting with Zelensky.
I find it mental how some Americans hold trump in such regard and use commie as a slur for anything that would support the average persons basic needs. You’ve been played like a cheap fiddle
We know. It sucks.
Unfortunately not everyone
There is still hope. Maybe in a few years everyone will suck.
Same ‘Americans’ who wave the flag of a country that fought and killed ‘Americans’ for daring to believe in the concept of freedom.
Every country has its trash, we just give ours a megaphone.
Maybe give them an education instead.
Education is only as valuable as what motivates it. In America, we’re taught to only care about future employment opportunities(and the big game). You will get pushed down if you try to get out of the lane you were assigned. Trump supporters work backwards and have retroactively decided that Trump is smart because he’s rich(who knows how rich really) even thought he talks like a child.
He has the concept of being rich.
He’s a fucking parody of being rich. If you wrote Trump from scratch for fiction, it’s be discarded as ridiculous. Hell, I know people who don’t like Captain Planet for unrealistic villains, but here we are.
Biff tannen from back to the future was based on him.
He’s completely unbelievable, so completely stupid but he won anyway.
You can’t, they’ll kill you.
Because everything they ever needed to know was in the Bible, the only truth that matters to them, and anyone who tries to tell them different is evil and on the side of the devil.
I’m not exaggerating much at all, I lived there, they believed that.
Because everything they ever needed to know was in the Bible
Most of them have no idea what’s in the Bible, other than what some preacher told them is in there.
I went to catholic school, I had actually read the Bible.
They didn’t believe me, they thought it was like someone saying they’d read the phone book, or all of Wikipedia.
They heard brief clips from their preacher like you said, that was how they experienced Christianity.
Is that a euphemism for beating them up. Cuz I agree.
That would not give more power to those who take and take and take
Trump is such a clown. Zelensky did a great job being polite. He did wince and react a few times, but man he did good. Respect.
Jesus fuck. He just spent the whole time talking up Putin then told Zelensky “it takes two to tango”. Yeah Zelensky, have you thought about how you’re responsible for this invasion in your homeland?
That sounds like Trump accepts Putin’s line that this war was the fault of Ukraine and NATO.
He already said he did.
So, that went
It sure did
I don’t think he cared for Trump’s mob talk.
they should never have met in the first place. orange fuckwad is a waste of anyones time, especially the enemy of his daddy
Zelensky has to hedge his bets and play nice with Republicans.
Even if the Orange fuckwad looses you don’t want to appear to snub his base or give other Republicans a reason to oppose further aid legislation.
I mean they will oppose it because a third of the Republican Party are Putin’s shills, but don’t give them reasons to oppose it.
Yeah, the dude is fighting for his nation’s survival and he’s been pretty successful at it. It sucks he has to do it, but I understand exactly why he did.
I hope zelenski gets to write a tell all auto-biography at some point looking back on this period.
This would be unbelievably frustrating to read. I mean, he really does his job well. But the things he has to put up with and the way the whole war has been handled? Hard to not bite the book out of frustration.
Zel is a true leader. tRump is a traitor, pathetic, liar and a narcissist
Zelensky’s body language was immaculate. True country leader. Were lies stated by Trump? Truths? Possibilities? Impossibilities? 😶️ Zelensky plans for the future and desires no necessary enemies.
I cant even watch it.
The pouting of the quivering lips on Trump is unbearable.
Reading his quotes is so baffling to me, he speaks like a teenager.
His reading and speaking level is that of a fourth grader. That’s not hyperbole.
If you listen to him talk about any subject, not just politics, it’s very clear his idea of the world hasn’t changed a single nanometer since he was prepubescent.
I’m not from the states so I’m not sure how old fourth graders typically are, but I’m assuming then that’s not even a teenager level 😅
Fourth graders are generally around 9-10 years old.
“So I said, ‘Let me ask you a question, and [the guy who makes boats in South Carolina] said, ‘Nobody ever asked this question,’ and it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT —very smart. He goes, I say, ‘What would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there?’”
At this point, Trump apparently decided to pursue this tangent in earnest. “By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that, a lot of sharks?" he asked. "I watched some guys justifying it today. ‘Well, they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were, they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what who she was.’ These people are crazy. He said there’s no problem with sharks. ‘They just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming now.’ It really got decimated and other people do a lot of shark attacks.”
Sir, this is a Wendy’s
How’s this guy a presidential candidate lol. That’s Biden levels of fried brain right here.
Biden may have his bouts of old man, but he’s never dropped to this level of senility. He just goes quiet because he knows he should shut up now.
I have this theory that people who become obscenely rich stop growing up the moment they get that money. Donnie never stood a chance
What a gigantic orange piece of crap…
but maybe not on the phone this time.
Would he have had diplomatic immunity?
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